The IMER Bergen newsletter will be published around the 15 th every month. If you want to publish something in the newsletter, send an email with a title and a short text to before the 10 th each m onth. To subscribe or unsubscribe from our newsletter see
Closing conference PROVIR “Exceptional welfare: Dilemmas in/of irregular migration”
How do states respond to the physical presence and needs of people it officially has excluded? To what extent do international human rights provide protection? How does migration control and welfare policy affect irregular migrants’ experiences and subjectivities?
Physically present, but legally excluded, irregular migrants’ present societies with particular dilemmas relating to both sovereignty and human suffering. European countries increasingly involve welfare services in migration control, either by restricting access, or by using welfare services to detect/expose irregular migrants. This raises important questions concerning not only how migrants’ legal status influences their capacity to access services, but also the practical and ethical implications for service providers. Furthermore, it challenges the extent to which human rights actually limit the exclusionary powers of states and as such whether human rights are viable outside the confines of citizenship.
Provision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants (PROVIR) will be organizing its closing conference at the University of Bergen, 19th – 21th of November 2014. As an interdisciplinary project, the PROVIR research group and its international partners have combined a legal and social science approach to the provision of welfare to ‘irregular migrants’ in Norway, and comparatively in Europe, looking particularly at health care and education. The aim of the project has been to investigate the complex relationship between law, institutional practice, and migrants’ lived experience.
The closing conference aims to bring together researchers from various disciplines who are interested in the interplay between migration control and welfare policy. At the conference, findings from the PROVIR-project will be presented by the research team. We are also awaiting response from a number of prominent keynote speakers, some of which have already confirmed. There will be more information about the program soon on our website. In addition, the PROVIR research team also welcomes papers to be presented at workshops. We especially invite contributions addressing:
1) Irregular migrants’ legal situation regarding access to welfare provisions, either in national or international law.
2) Institutional practices and responses by service providers.
3) Migrants’ experiences, agency and embodiment.
We welcome both theoretical and empirical ventures into these questions, and papers may combine the aforementioned issues with interdisciplinary approaches. We particularly encourage papers exploring issues related to health, education and children. Paper proposals (maximum 300 words) can be submitted until the 25th of April 2014. Please include a short bio with the abstract.
Conference registration deadline is 1st of October.
For submitting abstract or other enquiries, please send an e-mail to More information about the PROVIR-project is available at and about IMER Bergen at
Communicating migration seminar series this month:
The Communicating migration seminar series will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities. Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in what ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in within other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? This month there will be two seminars at IMER Bergen.
24th of February Lise W. Isaksen will speak about mobility, moral and migration: “familism” in Norwegian and Italian contexts. Se will look into how “familism” is constructed and experienced in two different contexts, by Norwegians in Italy, and Italians in Norway. Read more at IMER Bergens Webpagens:
Christine Jacobsen – New leader at SKOK and Professor
Former leader of IMER Bergen, Christine Jacobsen, has been given the position as leader and professor at SKOK (Centre for women´s and gender research) in Bergen. Although she has received the new position she will still be connected to the IMER research unit, Congratulations to Christine Jacobsen, Congratulations to SKOK. Read more at and
Voluntary assisted return from Norway and re-integration in the homeland.
The researchersJan-Paul Brekke, Hilde Lidén, Mari Teigen, Jørgen Carling, Erlend Paasche, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad Bendixen (IMER) will conduct this new research between 2013 and 2015 for the Directorate of Migration (UDI) in Norway. Why do persons that are denied permission to stay in Norway choose to return to their homecountries, and what happen to thowse who return? Read more at:
Eduacation and the introductory course to Norway
On behalf of IMDi, Fafo is going to look into the regulations for use of education (secondary and high scool) as a part of the introductory program for adult refugees. Researchers are Anne Britt Djuve, Hedda Haakenstad and Erika Braanen Sterri. Read more:
The living conditions of Rom people in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
During the summer 2014 Fafo will do a researchproject on rom people in Oslo, Sweden and Copenhagen. The project is finianced by the Danish Rockwoll-association. The researchers are Anne Britt Djuve, Jon Horgen Friberg and Guri Tyldum. Read more at:
CMI Lecutre 2014: Didier Fassin: Humane, All Too Humane: Ethics and Politics of Humanitarianism
Didier Fassin will hold the CMI lecture this year on Humanitarianism. Humanitarianism has become a cosmopolitan language serving to qualify a broad diversity of actions, from aid to war, and of agents, either private or public. Although it has a deep genealogy, inscribed in a Christian theodicy, and a long history, emerging with the Enlightenment, it can be argued that humanitarianism as a form of government is a recent phenomenon, which profoundly defines contemporary society. Based on various empirical research, the lecture will propose an analysis of its ethical tensions and political predicaments.
Seminar will be held at 14th of Martch at 18:00 – 20:00 at Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31. Read more at:
Seminar on how to write applications with Dr. Sean McCarthy
University of Bergen invites to a seminar on how to write applications for researchers who plan to apply for EU-funding from Horisont 2020. Register witin 25.04.2014. Contact Emmanuel Babatunde emmanuel.babatunde@adm.uib.noRead more about the seminar:
Call for papers – AAR concerence in San Diego
The Religion and Migration Group at the American Academy of Religion is seeking paper proposals for the AAR Conference in San Diego, November 22-25, 2014. Please see for more information, or contact Susanna Snyder at seek proposals from varied religious traditions, geographical locations, and disciplinary backgrounds, including the humanities, social sciences, and theology:Web:
Call for Papers Workshop – Middle Eastern Bodies in Motion 7 June 2014 – Cambridge
The body – at rest and in movement, marked by the disciplines of society and scored with the traces of culture, performing or performed upon – is now a well-worn scholarly theme. In particular, scholars of migration have focused upon the transformations wrought by movement. They have examined the ways migration redraws the notions of gender that men and women act out in new settings, and revises ideas of bodily comportment, but also the attempts of states and other governing authorities to keep the bodies of moving people in check, to enumerate, encamp, channel and turn back migrants, refugees and other figures of movement.
The organizers of this one-day workshop, to be held at the University of Cambridge on June 7, 2014. Please send abstracts in MS Word or PDF format to the organisers at the following address: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, and should include a title, correspondence address, and details of institutional affiliation. Accommodation will be provided. We envisage publishing the papers. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 7 March 2014
Call for Papers: 27thConference of the Nordic Sociological Association Exploring Blind Spots
Lund University, August 14-16, 2014.The registration and abstract submission is now open, and with this letter we invite you to participate in an exciting session on: Beyond Borders: Exploring the Social, Political and Cultural Dynamics in Transit Communities. Beyond borderlands, human rights abuses committed against migrants pervade clandestine migration routes across transit and destination states, especially in the Global South. In the interior of nation-states, not only at borders, the criminalization of migration has occurred in tandem with increased risks to and violence against migrants. The increased vulnerability of migrants also has profound consequences for the people living in communities through which migrants pass on their journey. In response, these transit communities develop complex relationships with the undocumented migrants that pass among them.The abstract submission is open until April 15. Notifications on acceptance will be circulated no later than April 30. Please visit the conference website here:
13TH- 15TH AUGUST, 2014 at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Under the heading ‘Flows, places and boundaries – migratory challenges and new agendas’, the 17th Nordic Migration Conference will address the status of both migration tendencies and migration research and examine what lies ahead.We have a list of interesting workshops, and we now welcome paper proposals.For more information on the 40 workshops see here: Paper proposals (maximum 300 words) can be submitted until the 15th of March 2014. Send submissions to
The Church and Immigration conference
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.” —Ephesians 2:19 People have been migrating since the dawn of human history, but the scope and scale of migration today is unprecedented. Nowhere is this reality more present than in the United States. Although scholars have examined this reality from a number of perspectives, there is a critical need for more sustained reflection on the Church’s contribution to immigration reform. Pope Francis has highlighted the importance of this issue and encouraged individuals and institutions from around the world to respond to this defining moral issue of our times. This conference will bring together scholars, pastoral workers, public policy leaders, and advocates committed to responding to this issue in the United States today. In the process we hope to not only reflect more critically on immigration today but also to assist our understanding of what the Church has done, what it is doing, and what it might do better in its outreach to migrants and refugees. March 2-5, 2014 at the University of Notre Dame Program:
Call for Papers: Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference, London, 27-29 August
Religion in the migration-development nexus? Co-production and negotiation across transnational social space. This session invites papers that address the different ways in which religion can play a role in the migration – development nexus; as motivation for action, in transnational networks, or in formal structures. Information about the conference:
Call for papers: UNCOVERING THE HUMANITARIAN DISCOURSE: Media, Migration, and International Organizations.
International Conference May 21st -22nd, 2014Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Migration as a complex and multi-layered phenomenon is clearly linked with global issues as well as particular local and regional ones. Increasing in volume and diversifying in content of the flows since mid-20th century, it affects the societies, no matter sending, receiving or transit. Besides, it presents challenges such as integration, discrimination, exploitation and human rights issues.
It is through the media that we learn most of what we know or believe we know about world affairs and politics, not through personal experience or contact. Immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees are often represented as victims or as a threat to the security of longer established populations: They are systematically portrayed as victims to be helped in their countries of origins or perpetrators of crime when they cross EU border. Very seldom they appear as actors of positive social change and development. Read more:
Call for papaers IMISCOE 11th Annual Conference Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation
27-29 August 2014, Madrid, Spain. The 11th IMISCOE Annual Conference will address the links between migration, social cohesion and social innovation. Immigrants in Europe have been seriously affected by the economic downturn. Rising unemployment has caused labour and income insecurity and led to long-term vulnerability. At the same time, public policies aimed at immigrant integration have undergone adjustment and faced budget constraints, and public debates revolving around their redefinition have questioned their effectiveness, management and scope. Together with the economic crisis, the resulting gap in service provision could threaten social cohesion. Within this context, social innovation can emerge as a potential solution to the pressing issues immigrants are confronted with. For more information, visit
Call for papers: UCL Migration Research Unit Student Conference 2014 – CHILD & YOUTH MIGRANTS: GLOBAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES
University College London, 14 June 2014. According to a 2013 UN report, there are 232 million individuals living outside their country of origin today—approximately 35 million of these are children and young people under the age of 20. In exploring the challenges that these young people face, the tensions and frictions that exist between internationally-recognized human rights, national politics, and lived experience become readily apparent. Much work has been done on the educational opportunities and attainment of migrant children, and recent initiatives including the 2013 UN International Youth Day ‘Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward’ have highlighted the effect of young migrants on societal development. The increased visibility of grassroots efforts like the DREAMer movement in the United States has also proven that there are many perspectives to be heard on issues of youth and child migration. The third annual UCL Migration Research Unit Student Conference wants to build upon this discussion and provide a chance for the new voices of migration studies to share their research. For more information, please visit
Summer school in Mirgation, Human Rights and Democracy
The eighth edition of the International Summer School in Migration, Human Rights and Democracy, organized by the University of Palermo, focuses on the issues of ‘human mobility’ and ‘hidden geographies. Advanced Master and PhD students, early career researchers as well as civil society activists are welcome. The letter of participation (available at should be sent to Elisabetta Di Giovanni by April 30th, 2014. Selected participants will be notified until May 5th, 2014. The school fee (100 euros) should be paid before May 16th, 2014. Emails should have ‘Summer School 2014 – Palermo University’ as subject mail.
Jonas Lillebø: “Branchements” and “translation”
Branchements and translation: as approaches to culture – An epistemological reflection on some aspects in thinking of Jean-Loup Amselle and Paul Ricouer. Read more at:
Transnational responsibilities and multi-sited strategies: Voluntary associations of Somali diaspora in Finland – Päivi Pirkkalainen
This PhD research examines the participation and organizing processes of the Somali diaspora in Finland from a transnational perspective contributing to the intersection of the research areas of immigrant associations and diaspora mobilization.You can access the book via this link:
P. M. Røwdes stiftelse deler ut ett eller flere forskningsstipend
Opp til kr. 100.000,-. Søknadsfrist er 1. april 2014. Stipendiene gis til seniorforsker, dvs. forsker II og høyere kvalifikasjoner. Søknaden skal inneholde en prosjektbeskrivelse på opp til 5 sider, samt budsjett, tidsplan, redegjørelse for andre finansieringskilder, og forskerens CV. Frist for å søke er 1. april 2014. Søknad sendes på e-post til: Mer informasjon om stiftelsen og stipendet finner du på Tildeling av stipend vil bli offentliggjort innen begynnelsen av juni 2014. See more at:
The United Nations University (UNU) announces the launch of the UNU Migration Network
Responding to the need of policymakers and scholars to better understand and cope with migration-related issues, the new network — coordinated by the UNU Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) —integrates research on migration from within the UNU.
The UNU Network on Migration seeks to contribute to evidence-based policymaking by presenting information on research publications, current events and activities of the global UNU system relating to migration. At launch, the portal encompasses information on 37 research projects and provides access to more than 200 publications (reports, policy briefs, books, articles and working papers). The UNU Migration Network currently covers the work of five UNU institutes. More than 50 UNU experts are working in the five focus areas of the network: (i) forced migration, (ii) migration and health, (iii) migration and culture, (iv) migration governance and policy, and (v) migration and development. We kindly invite you both to visit the UNU Migration Network< and to circulate this information among your colleagues. Read more at:
New Scientific Group entitled: “Demography of Asian Migrants and Diasporas” at the Asian Population Association.
Read more at: php/conferences-meetings/ meeting-workshop/2014- scientific-groups
Call for papers: Transnational Social Review (TSR)
We are very pleased to inform you that TSR will be published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group starting in 2014. Due to its high demand it will be published three times a year from now on. We are very excited about this new cooperation and the new possibilities and development for TSR. More information will be soon available on the website:
We also would like to refer to the Call for Papers for the focused topic on “Linking Migration and Social Policy” of TSR. We are looking for contributions that shed light on the myriad ways in which migration and social policy are interrelated based on concrete examples that are relevant to social work and related fields of study. The guest editors Dr. Eberhard Raithelhuber and Professor Dr. Wolfgang Schröer welcome the submission of contributions. The deadline for submission of full articles is April 1, 2014. Please find the complete Call for Papers attached.
Melanie Ulz / Christoph Rass (eds.): The Visual Production of Migration. Images, Icons, Codes
The media coverage and debate of migration and integration is generating a continuous and swiftly growing stream of visual representations. How does migration research respond to this markedly increasing importance and contemplation of the role of images, icons and codes – the visual turn? In 2014, the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrueck devotes a volume of its Journal (IMIS-Beiträge) to the visual aspects of migration debates. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it aims to identify the significance of visual phenomena for societal negotiations over migration. Read
Interculturalism and Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences Edited by Martyn Barrett
This book examines the relationship between two policy approaches for managing the cultural diversity of contemporary societies: interculturalism and multiculturalism.The relationship between these two approaches has been a matter of intense debate in recent years. Some commentators argue that they represent two very different approaches, while others argue that interculturalism merely re-emphasises some of the core elements of present-day multiculturalism. Published December 2013, Council of Europe Publishing, F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France. Read more at:
Greece: the case of migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Authored by Dr Angeliki Dimitriadi: Read more at:
Fafo-rapport: Helt bakerst i køen.
I denne rapporten ser Anne Skevik Grødem og Miriam Latif Sandbæk på årsaker til at noen ikke får etablert seg på boligmarkedet. Mange har innvandringsbakgrunn, mange er enslige mødre, de har lav inntekt og gjerne en svak tilknytning til arbeidsmarkedet. Siden de har små valgmuligheter, takker familiene ofte ja til boliger med dårlig standard. Foreldrene som er med i denne studien er bekymret for hva dårlige boforhold og hyppige flyttinger gjør med barnas livssjanse i Norge. Les mer om, og last ned, Fafo-rapporten Helt bakerst i køen<>
Nova Report: Bolig og levekår i Norge 2012.
Rapporten Bolig og levekår i Norge 2012 inneholder blant annet artikler om boligstandard og tilgjengelighet, boutgifter, eldres og vanskeligstiltes situasjon på boligmarkedet, samt flyttemønstre blant arbeidsinnvandrere. Artiklene er skrevet av Fafo-forskerne Anne Hege Strand, Anne Skevik Grødem og Roy A. Nielsen, og NOVA-forsker Hans Christian Sandlie. Rapporten er utgitt hos NOVA<>
New website ELIAMEP
We also remind you that ELIAMEP’s Crisis Observatory has launched a new website: Find page:
Sickness Absence Among Immigrants in Norway: Does Occupational Disparity Matter?
Article by Hans-Tore Hansen, Tor Helge Holmås, M. Kamrul Islam and Ghazala Naz in European Sociological Review Non-Western immigrants in Norway have more sickness absence than other immigrants and native Norwegians. Measured in wages, income, and positions of authority, non-Western immigrants have less favourable jobs. European Sociological Review, 30(1):1-1 Link to the article:
Flere barn må bli hørt
En evaluering av Utlendingsnemndas kartlegging av barn i asylsaker viser at ikke alle barn blir hørt i saken. Forskerne foreslår flere tiltak som kan sikre at barnas situasjon blir bedre belyst. Prosjektet er finansiert av Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. Barn i asylsaker. Evaluering og kartlegging av hvordan barns situasjon blir belyst i Utlendingsnemndas saksbehandling, herunder høring av barn. NOVA/Rapport 1/14 Elisabeth Gording Stang & Hilde Lidén. Read more:
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IMER NEWSLETTER NR.1/201415th of January 2014 CONTENT IMER Bergen News Seminars and workshops Courses and conferences PhD programs PhD Defences Positions Publications and reports The IMER Bergen newsletter will be published the 15th every month. If you want to publish something in the newsletter, send an email with a title and a short text to before […] |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 5/2013* IMER BERGEN SEMINARS “Thinking gender and belonging through transnational, diaspora and mobility studies” Breda Gray (University of Limerick): Friday 29 November, 12.15-14.00. Uni Rokkan Centre, Nygårdsgaten 5, 6th floor. |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 4/2013Content The situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon Transglobal sounds: Music, identity and migrant descendants Congolese migration to Belgium and post-colonial perspectives Conferences and seminars Masters, PhDs and post docs New publications |
IMER Newsletter May – June 2013IMER Bergen wishes you a refreshing summer! Migration -New Developments (Spring 2013) Incorporating Faith: Religion and Immigration in the West Visiting Researchers Programme (UNU-GCM) Religion and Migration in the Black Sea Region Transnational Social Review Conferences and Seminars Masters, PhDs and Post Docs New Publications |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 3/2013march-april 2013 Content: IMER Ph.D fellowship at the University of Bergen Upcoming IMER Bergen Seminars New issue of Nordic Journal of Migration Research Comparative migration studies (CMS) The journal Identities has been relaunched Mobility and politics Conferences and seminars Masters, PhDs and Post Docs New Publications |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 2/2013FEBRUARY 2013 Content: The publics of Europe and the European public sphere: Do the EU policies for creating a common public sphere have democratic and inclusive consequences for different diversity groups? IMER-related Phd fellowship in comparative politics, University of Bergen Open rank position in anthropology (migration and culture) New series: Religion and global migrations Conferences […] |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 1/2013JANUARY 2013 Content: IMER Bergen seminars spring 2013: Trans-European powers and the re-structuring of majority-minority relations Multicultural citizenship in policy and practice: Historical and contemporary perspectives International migration 2011-2012 Migraciones, movilidad humana y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe Conferences and Seminars New Publications |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 10/2012december 2012 IMER Bergen wishes you a creative holiday and an exciting new year! Content: Deltidsstudier i “Norge som innvnadringsland” Conferences and Seminars Masters, PhDs and Post Docs New publications |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 9/2012NOVEMBER 2012 Content: Race, gender, and reproduction in the migrant metropolis: From “illegal” migrants to “criminal” citizens Call for applications to the EMMIR study programme Etikk i Praksis 2/2012: Irregulær migrasjon – Nordiske perspektiver Campaign to stop racism in academia Multicultural citizenship in plicy and practice: Historical and contemporary perspectives Transnational Social Networks Conferences and […] |
IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 8/2012october 2012 Content: Boklansering: Kritiske hendelser – nye stemmer New issue of Nordic Journal of Migration Studies Online conference: Migration in a changing world: were do we go? The first Romanian research and documentation center on immigrants’ integration in Romania The Turkish Migration Studies group Conferences and Seminars Masters, PhDs and Post Docs New Publications |
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