Monthly Archives: November 2016

IMER lunch seminar 29.11.16: Polish labor migrants and undeclared work in Norway

How does labour migration from the EU-countries affect the labor market – for example participation in undeclared work? This has become a contentious issue in public debates on intra-EU migration. Cornelius Cappelen and Ragnhild Muriaas from the Department of Comparative Politics are coming to the IMER lunch seminar to present findings from a recent study where they delve into this issue. For their study, they performed 74 qualitative interviews with Polish labor migrants in Norway. Their findings imply that the experience of living transnational lives can be a motivator for participating in undeclared work.

The seminar takes place at “Styrerommet” at Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap, Christies gate 17, from 12.30 to 14.00. A light lunch will be served.
