Monday, January 26, 2009
- CULCOM konferanse: Hellighet
- The 14th International Metropolis conference
- The Friday Seminar on Democracy and Rule of Law: “What courts do (and don’t do) about social rights”
- Norsk antropologisk forenings årskonferanse 2009: Maktens metamorfoser
- International Seminar on Migration History: Finnish-American Immigrants in Transition 2009
- Call for applications: Professor in IMER at Malmö University
- Call for applications: The Bucerius Ph.D. scholarship program in migration studies “Settling Into Motion”
- Call for papers -the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research: special issue on “Effects of migration on demographic change and population composition in Europe”
- Call for papers -Journal of Muslim Mental Health: special issue on refugees and forced migrants
- Publications Continue reading