Tuesday, March 24, 2009
- CULCOM seminar: Danishness, Europeanness, and the critique of Islam
- Gyldendal Akademisk, -fagdag og boklansering: Trenger kulturelle forskjeller å være problematiske i møte med barn og unge med minoritetsbakgrunn?
- CESEM conference: The Politics of Social Cohesion
- 14th International Metropolis Conference: New deadline for workshop proposal is March 27.
- 6th ETMU days: call for workshop proposals
- Nordic Summer University: call for papers
- ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media: call for papers
- University of Basel: International Conference on Youth Transitions
- Commission on Legal Pluralism: call for papers
- Nordic Migration Research (NMR)
- University of Vienna: Guest Professorship in Migration and Integration Policy Research
- PRIO: Doctoral Research Fellowship on African Migration
- University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Assistant professor in migration studies with a strong interest in legal issues
- The Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research: Postdocs in Ethnic and Migration Studies
- University of Copenhagen: PhD Fellowship on Migration and Global Inequality
- Utlysning av forskningmidler fra stiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering via Norsk Folkehjelp
- Publications Continue reading