Wednesday, June 15, 2009
- Compas Conference 2009: New Times? Economic Crisis, Geo-Political Transformation and the Emergent Migration Order
- Vikenkonferansen 2009: Enslige mindreårige og unge flyktninger – integrering, mestring og samhandling
- Gothenburg Research on Asylum-seeking Children in Europe (GRACE) konferens: Asylsökande barns välfärd, hälsa och välbefinnande
- Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements: Refugee Futures Conference 2009
- NCCR Iconic Criticism Conference: Images of Illegalized Immigration
- NCoE NordWel and Centre for Welfare State Research Conference: An American Dilemma? Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States in the U.S., Europe and the Nordic Countries
- Call for papers: ICT and Migration: Mobility and Cohesion in the Digital Age
- Call for papers: The Politics of Misrecognition: An Interdisciplinary Conference
- The 6th ETMU Days: Finland and Innovative Cultural Diversity
- ICMPD: Launch of the PROMINSTAT online database
- Call for applications: Four TRICUD Doctoral Fellowships at the University of Liege
- Call for applications: Visiting Research Fellowships at ZMO (Zentrum Moderner Orient) in Berlin
- Ethnopolitics: Call for articles on “Migration and Divided Societies”
- Publications Continue reading