Tuesday, 21 February 2006
Newsletter Nr. 3 / 2006
- Conferences
- Norsk Tidsskrift for Migrasjonsforskning søker skribenter
- PRIO: Vacancy, Senior Researcher on Migration Issues
- Positions in Migration Studies in Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- Seminar: Feminism and multiculturalism
- Call for papers: Comparative Social Research
- Summer training program on immigration in Europe
- DIIS Brief: “The Danish Ugly Duckling and the Muhammed Cartoons”
- Publications
ASEN 16th Annual Conference
Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN):
“Nations and Their Pasts: Representing the Past, Building the Future”
Time: | 28-30 March 2006 |
Place: | London School of Economics (LSE), London |
Key Speakers (28th March):
- Prof. Stefan Berger
- Prof. Terence Ranger
- Prof. Yael Zerubavel
- Prof. Robert Gildea
- Prof. Sebastian Conrad
- Prof. David Brading
For more information on the full programme and registration, please refer to:
Migrants and Learning –Challenges to Equality in Education
International conference and contact seminar.
Time: | 25-29 April 2006 |
Place: | University of Stavanger , Norway |
Increasing migration in all European countries has created a number of new challenges for schools. Not least of these is a pressure on the ideal of equal opportunities in education. The LearningMigration Comenius 3 Network discusses these challenges as they manifest themselves in kindergartens, in primary and secondary schools, as well as in teacher training programmes. In this respect, it is increasingly important to look at national policies and regulations. What are these policies, and to what extent have they been implemented? What does research tell us about progress being made and problems not yet solved?
Read more about the conference and register here:
Tylösandsveckan 2006
Time: | 29 Mai – 2 Juni 2006 |
Place: | Hotel Tylösand, Sverige |
Konferansen arrangeres med tema som:
- Samband mellan migration och global utveckling
- Att arbeta med flyktingbarn
- Integration eller desperation
- Integration och mångfald
Påmelding innen 31. mars 2006 på egen påmeldingsblankett som du finner på nettsiden, eller ved å kontakte følgende e-post adresse
Norsk Tidsskrift for Migrasjonsforskning søker skribenter
IMER ( International migration and ethnic relations , Universitetet i Bergen) og NAKMI (Nasjonal kompetanseenhet for minoritetshelse) tok i vinter over redaktøransvaret for Norsk Tidskrift for Migrasjonsforskning. De satser på et enda mer tverrfaglig tidsskrift som skal bygge nettverk mellom akademiske miljøer, løfte fram nye perspektiver og sette moderne folkevandring og mangfold på dagsordenen. Tidsskriftet gis fortsatt ut på Tapir akademiske forlag.
Tidsskriftet skal gi ut to nummer i 2006 og leter nå etter skribenter som kan bidra til økt forståelse omkring minoritets – og migrasjonsrelaterte forhold i Norge gjennom artikler, kommentarer og bokanmeldelser. Redaksjonen ber skriveinteresserte skissere forslag til tema de kan skrive om på noen linjer og sende dem per e-post eller brev:
Nora Ahlberg:
Hakan G. Sicakkan:
Les mer om tidsskriftet og registrer abonnement her:
PRIO: Vacancy, Senior Researcher on Migration Issues
The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) is currently looking to hire a Senior Researcher in Migration Issues.
The deadline is 10 March 2006, and details on how to apply can be found on PRIOS’s website:
If you have questions about the position, please contact
Positions in Migration Studies in Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Two positions in Migration Studies are announced at the University of Neuchâtel ( Switzerland). One is for an anthropologist at assistant professor level. The second is for an associate or full professor, and the disciplinary background is open. The announcements are in French, as the positions require fluent master of French.
Professeur-e assistant-e en ethnologie/anthropologie
Description du poste: La durée de nomination est prévue pour une période de 4 ans, avec prolongation possible de 2 ans. La personne titulaire sera appelée à assurer ses activités auprès de l’Institut d’Ethnologie de l’Université de Neuchâtel.
Exigences: titre de doctorat, expérience de la recherche et de l’enseignement dans le domaine concerné.
Entrée en fonction: 1er février 2007 ou date à convenir
Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 30 avril 2006. Ce délai peut être prolongé. L’Université de Neuchâtel encourage les candidatures féminines.
Les candidats sont invités à adresser leur dossier par courrier postal et fournir une version électronique à la présidente du comité de recrutement, Mme Ellen Hertz, professeure, Institut d’ethnologie, 2-4 Saint Nicolas, CH-2000 Neuchâtel (tél. + 41 32 718 17 17). . Même adresse pour les demandes de renseignements.
Pour plus de détails, visitez notre site, puis onglet «emploi»
Professeur- e ordinaire en analyse des processus sociaux
Description du poste: Analyse des processus de migration et de mobilité des populations (mouvements, mobilités et circulations des personnes et des populations).
Exigences: titre de doctorat, expérience de la recherche et de l’enseignement dans le domaine concerné.
Entrée en fonction: 1er février 2007 ou date à convenir.
Délai pour le dépôt des candidatures: 15 avril 2006. Ce délai peut être prolongé. L’Université de Neuchâtel encourage les candidatures féminines.
Les candidats sont invités à adresser leur dossier par courrier postal et fournir une version électronique à la présidente du comité de recrutement, Mme Ellen Hertz, professeure, Institut d’ethnologie, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de l’Université de Neuchâtel, 2-4 Saint-Nicolas, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, (tél.+41 32 718 17 17) e-mail:
Même adresse pour obtenir des renseignements.
Pour plus de détails, visitez notre site puis onglet «emploi»
Seminar: Feminism and multiculturalism
“Gender Norms and Political Islam in Norway”
Time: | Monday, 6 March, 13.15-15.00 |
Place: | SKK, Sognsvn. 70. Seminar room, 5 th floor |
Presenter: Farhat Taj Andersen, PhD student at SKK. Farhat Taj Andersen will introduce his PhD project.
Commentator: Anne Hellum, professor ved Kvinneretten, UiO.
Scientific coordinator: Beatrice Halsaa, SKK.
The seminar will be in English.
“Ethnic minority women in Denmark: Citizenship, Participation and Representation”
Time: | Monday, 15 May, 12.15-15.00 (Note: The seminar starts an hour earlier than usual) |
Place: | SKK, Sognsvn. 70. Seminar room, 5 th floor |
Presenter: Birte Siim, Professor, Institut for Historie, Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Ålborg universitet.
Scientific coordinator: Beatrice Halsaa and Anja Bredal, SKK.
“Ny norsk forskning – vi presenterer nye hovedfagsoppgaver”
Time: | Mandag, 29 Mai, 13.15-15.00 |
Place: | SKK, Sognsvn. 70. Seminarrom, 5. etg |
Følgende nye hovedoppgaver blir presentert :
Trude Langvasbråten (statsvitenskap, UiO): “Likestilling i det flerkulturelle Skandinavia – flerkultur i skandinavisk likestillingspolitikk”
Ida Hjelde (sosiologi, UiO): “Eurosentrisme i norsk sosiologi. Sosiologifaget ved UiO sett i lys av Postkolonial teori og Dorothy E. Smiths ” method of inquiry “.
Elise Skarsaune (religionshistorie), UiO): “Mann og muslim i likestillingslandet”. En undersøkelse av religiøs kjønnsidentitet blant mannlige muslimer i Oslo.
Faglig ansvarlig: Beatrice Halsaa, SKK.
For updated information about the Culcom seminars, see:
Call for papers: Comparative Social Research
Comparative studies of Political Integration in a Multicultural Europe
Comparative Social Research, vol. 25, 2007
For the volume to appear in 2007, Comparative Social Research invites empirical or theoretical articles on conditions required for political integration. Scholars are invited to make a notice of interest no later than March 17th 2006 and manuscripts before August 1st 2006. All manuscripts are reviewed by two anonymous referees.
For further information, contact
Grete Brochmann, series editor, e-mail
Jon Rogstad, guest editor, e-mail:
Ragnhild Steen Jensen, assistant editor,
Summer training program on immigration in Europe
The Sociology and Politics of Immigration in Europe.
European University Institute in Florence, Italy , 2-9 July 2006.
The Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies and the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the European University Institute organize the summer training programme “The sociology and politics of immigration in Europe.” Participants are expected to arrive on 1 July 2006.
Tel. for logistic matters: +39 055 4685 790
Tel. for matters relating to the content of the programme: + 39 055 4685 408 Web site:
Applications must be postmarked no later than 15 April 2006. Applicants will be contacted by e-mail no later than 30 April 2006.
DIIS Brief: “The Danish Ugly Duckling and the Muhammed Cartoons”
DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies) Brief, February 2006
Ulla Holm: “The Danish Ugly Duckling and the Muhammed Cartoons”
The brief can be downloaded here:
Carlson, Benny (2006): Somalier i Minneapolis – En dynamisk affär. Malmö: ZUFI.
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