Monday, 6 February 2006
Newsletter Nr. 2 / 2006
- Conferences
- EU funding for the IMER UiB project EUROSPHERE
- Call for papers, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
- The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
- NFR-midler til seminarer på IMER-feltet
- 2006 Call for applications to the NORFACE Seminar Scheme
- European Commission: Call for Proposals – Scientific Support to Policies
- M. Phil. degree programme in Migration Studies, University of Oxford
- Publications
Migrations and Social Policies in Europe
Time: | 8-10 June 2006 |
Place: | Pamplona , Spain |
The meeting is intended to provide an international forum for the discussion of the deep changes in European society due to migration movements and the new social policies in Europe.
Intensifying migration flows pose a challenge to European social policies, and at the same time open a very interesting opportunity for their development. On the one hand, migrants’ arrival requires social program transformations and specific measures especially oriented towards the social inclusion of migrant population. On the other hand, immigration also brings about a very interesting rejuvenation of European population, with the resulting consequences in revitalizing of labour markets, economic growth and increase of social contributions.
Nevertheless, the intensity of migration flows, the way of organizing its regulation and control systems, the politics and management of a rising multicultural societies, and social policies oriented towards migrants’ social integration, meaningfully vary between European countries, according to the different conditions in each case, shaped by the various welfare state models and also by the structure and dynamics of the labour markets.
The aim of this seminar is to achieve an in-depth analysis of these factors from a comparative point of view, an understanding the way in which all these circumstances are interrelated, and trying to offer practical proposals for building a European model of migration policy and social policy oriented towards social integration of migrants.
Read more about the conference here:
EU funding for the IMER UiB project EUROSPHERE
The European Commission’s independent experts have decided that IMER-Bergen’s integrated project, EUROSPHERE, is eligible for funding in Priority 7.1.1. The Commission have informed IMER-Bergen that UiB will be invited to negotiations about the practical and economic matters in the end of January 2006. The project’s budget frame is 4 million euros to be spread over 5 years. 17 European partner universities will participate in EUROSPHERE’s research activities, and IMER-UiB will act as the international coordinator of the project.
EUROSPERE focuses on how the formation of a European Public Sphere, the development of European citizenship, and citizens’ involvement and political participation at the European level in 16 member and associated countries can be made possible without jeopardizing the already existing national and sub-national democratic norms, institutions and practices. The theoretical and methodological frame of EUROSPHERE is based on a novel diversity perspective
Call for papers, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
Deadline: 31st March 2006
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, a biannual, fully-refereed journal published in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics, invites the submission of:
High-quality articles of no more than 8,000 words – including bibliography and references – on issues pertaining to ethnicity, nationalism, conflict, identity and related topics.
The editors welcome submissions of both theoretical and empirical work, work in progress as well as contributions from professionals and postgraduate students.
Article submissions, abstracts, author biographies and further queries should be addressed to For more information and to consult our style guide, please refer to the attached file and to the following site:
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) advances majority-minority relations in the wider Europe through action, research and documentation. It supports the stabilization of areas of ethnopolitical tension and conflict, contributes to the strengthening of relevant legislation and best practices in governance and enhances the capacity of civil society actors and governments to engage with one another in a constructive and sustainable way.
The ECMI website can be found at:
ECMI Projects
ECMI Ombudsman Project
ECMI Publications
ECMI Newsletter Archive
NFR-midler til seminarer på IMER-feltet
Norges Forskningsråd lyser ut midler til seminarer på IMER feltet. Et overordnet mål for programmet er å bidra til bedre underbygd kunnskap og bedre forståelse av hvilken betydning internasjonal migrasjon og etnisk mangfold har i det norske samfunnet. Programmet ønsker derfor å fremme tverrfaglig og annen forskning av høy kvalitet som anvender og kombinerer ulike faglige og metodiske innfallsvinkler og som oppfattes som relevant, nyttig og brukbar – av beslutningsfattere, andre brukere og dem som forskningen angår. IMER-forskningen skal se på relasjonene mellom ulike deler av befolkningen og ikke ensidig sette søkelyset på innvandring og innvandrere, men i like stor utstrekning ta opp det norske storsamfunnets, norske samfunnsinstitusjoners og etniske nordmenns evne til å håndtere de utfordringene som internasjonal migrasjon innebærer. Programmet har videre uttalte mål om en bred allmenn- og brukerrettet formidling og en økt vitenskapelig publisering.
Søknadsfrist: 15.03.06
Les mer her
2006 Call for applications to the NORFACE Seminar Scheme
The 2006 Call for applications to the NORFACE Seminar Scheme has been opened. The Call closes on 1 April 2006. The seminar activities are expected to begin in September 2006.
Proposals are invited under two strategically selected themes. These have been identified by the NORFACE Network Board and are believed to display strength across five or more countries, and to be ambitious and multidisciplinary.
- “Immigration and Demographic Challenges in Europe”
- “Social Aspects of Language Diversity”
See the NORFACE webpage for further information and application form:
European Commission: Call for Proposals – Scientific Support to Policies
Read more here:
Scientific Support to Policies [Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area Policy-orientated research]: FP6-2005-SSP-5-A
Closing date: 22 March
Scientific Support to Policies [Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area, Policy-orientated research]: SSP-5B INFLUENZA
Closing date: 22 March 2006
M. Phil. degree programme in Migration Studies, University of Oxford
This two year taught M. Phil. degree offers students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds advanced training in migration theory, policy and practice, particularly by way of an anthropological approach. The M. Phil. will enable students to go on to further academic research at the doctoral level, or research within private, NGO or government sectors.
For further information see:
Or contact COMPAS by e-mail:
How to apply:
Applications must be made through the University’s graduate Admissions Office on the form available from that Office:
The course coordinator is Dr. Katharine Charsley:
Danielsen, Kirsten (red.) (2005): Neste stopp Nordpolen. Nye nordmenn – egne stemmer. Stamsund: Orkana forlag. Les mer om boken og det tilhørende prosjektet her.
Djuve, Anne Britt, Hanne Cecilie Kavli og Monica Lund (red.) (2006): Integreringskart 2006. På vei mot en kunnskapsstatus ved etableringen av Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet. Rapport fra IMDi. Rapporten kan lastes ned her.
Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas Graae (2006): Outsourcing migration management. EU, power, and the external dimension of asylum and immigration policy. DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies) Working Paper 2006: 1. Read more and download here.
Hébert, Yvonne, Glen Eyford and France Jutras (2005): Values, Human Rights and Citizenship Education in Transnational Perspectives. Special issue of the journal Canadian and International Education/Éducation Canadienne et Internationale,Vol. 34, No. 1 June/Juin 2005. For table of contentssee here.
Johansson, Christina (2005): Välkomna till Sverige? Svenska migrationspolitiska diskurser under 1900-tallets andra hälft. Malmö: Bokbox Förlag.
Kuvoame, Moses (2005): “ Eikaguttene”: Marginalisert etnisk minoritetsungdom i et marginalt miljø i Oslo. Rapport, Rusmiddeletatens kompetansesenter.
Rapporten tar for seg marginaliseringsprosesser som kan ligge bak etnisk minoritetsungdoms deltagelse i det rus/kriminalitet belastede Eika-miljøet i Oslo sentrum.
Les mer eller last ned rapporten på Rusmiddeletatens webside.
Du kan også lese mer om rapporten i denne kronikken fra Aftenposten,
Olli, Eero and Birgitte Kofod Olsen (eds.) (2005): Towards Common Measures for Discrimination: Exploring possibilities for combining existing data for measuring ethnic discrimination. Report, Centre for Combating Ethnic Discrimination and Danish Institute of Human Rights.
Read more about the project and download the report here.
Pinheiro, Romulo (2005): The Impacts of the Higher Education Experience on the Quality of Life: A Norwegian based study focused on individuals with an ethnic minority background. Master of Philosophy thesis, Institute for Educational Research, UIO. Soon available here.