Friday, 24 March 2006
Newsletter Nr. 4 / 2006
- Conferences
- Seminars
- Projects
- Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration
- CAPI International Internship Program 2006
- European Master in International Education
- The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) seeks Director
- Culcom: Utlysing av midler til forskning og studier
- Concert Saturday 25 March: the soul band Lodin Lepp
- DIIS Briefs
- Publications
Immigration Futures
Time: | 18-19 May 2006 |
Place: | Monash Centre, Prato , Italy |
Immigration Futures will bring together some of the top academics, policy-makers and internationally-renowned migration thinkers to discuss future migration flows, competition for skilled labour, and the policies that countries might adopt to meet labour demands and demographic realities.
Key themes include:
* The pattern of skilled migration flows
* Comparative approaches to the selection of skilled migrants
* The strategic advantages of permanent migration versus temporary programs
* The ethics of ‘cherry-picking’: out-migration and its impact on source countries
* Circular migration
Speakers will include Ron Skeldon ( University of Sussex), Michael Teitelbaum (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation), Demetrios Papademetriou (Migration Policy Institute), Steve Vertovec (Oxford University), Patricia Sto Tomas (Government of the Philippines), Graeme Hugo (Adelaide University), John Martin (OECD), Kumi Naidoo (CIVICUS), Bob Rowthorn (Cambridge University), Dilip Ratha (World Bank), Christina Boswell (Hamburg Institute for International Economics), Richard Bedford (Waikato University), Sandra Pratt (European Commission), Keiko Osaki (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), Sin Yi Teo (University of British Columbia) and Gerald Burke (Monash University).
To view the conference program or to register, please visit: here.
Immigration Futures is a Metropolis Inter-Conference event that has been organized in collaboration with the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements and the Australian Multicultural Foundation.
11 th International Metropolis Conference, Call for workshop proposals
“Paths & Crossroads: Moving People, Changing Places”
Time: | 2-6 October 2006 |
Place: | Lisbon , Portugal |
People on the move grow increasingly diverse, and so do the routes, processes and places involved. For this reason, the 11th International Metropolis Conference intends to provide a forum to foster the exchange of knowledge and encourage dialogue among specialists and decision-makers from places that send and receive migrants.
The 2006 Conference will be of interest to policymakers, administrators, non-governmental organisations, academic researchers, students and stakeholders from the private sector involved and interested in international migration and urban management issues. It is geared towards more effective policy making, more socially meaningful research practices and the excitement of international collaboration towards common goals related to immigration and integration issues, always with the goal of strengthening policy and thereby allowing societies to better manage the challenges and opportunities that immigration presents, especially to their cities.
Deadline for workshop proposals: 31 March 2006
Read more here:
Culcom presents:
Dr. Joachim Renn, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg:
“Desperate Identity: Diasporic, Imagined and Reified Communities in the Globalized World”
Time: | Friday 24 March 2006, 10.00 – 12.00 |
Place: | Georg Sverdrups hus, seminar room 3, 3 rd floor |
See the entire seminar programme for spring 2006 here:
Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo presents:
Radhika Chopra, University of Delhi:
“Migration and Militancy”
Time: | Wednesday 29 March 2006, 14.15 – 16.00 |
Place: | Seminar room 648, 6 th floor Eliert Sundts Hus (Sv-bygget), Blindern |
The seminar will be held in English.
New ECMI project on the aspect of culture in social inclusion
“The aspects of culture in the social exclusion of ethnic minorities: Assessing the cultural policies of six member states of the European Union”
This project proposes to evaluate the cultural policies introduced in National Action Plans (NAPs) on Social Inclusion under the European Union’s Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) by six member states (Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Sweden) in terms of their impact on promoting social inclusion of ethnic minorities, including Roma/Sinti groups. The specific added value of this evaluation will be the piloting of a set of Common Inter-Cultural Indicators (CICIs) feasible for cost-effectiveness analyses and benchmarking within the EU.
Read more about the project here:
New research project: Informal Child Migration in Europe
A new research project, ‘Informal Child Migration in Europe’ has received funding from the Research Council of Norway. The project was initiated 1 March 2006 and will go on till 30 September 2007. It will be based at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, in collaboration with different other research institutions.
The following researchers from the Department of Social Anthropology will participate: Professor Elisabeth L’orange Fürst (project leader), Esben Leifsen (project coordinator) and Cecilie Øien. In addition there will be one PhD scholarship connected to the project. Other participants are Jørgen Carling (PRIO), Lise Bjerkan (FAFO), Guri Tyldum (FAFO) and Hilde Lidén (ISF).
The focus of the project is on how networks of caretaking constitute a resource for children and adult caretakers who are involved in informal and illegal migration to and within Europe. In addition to a focus on the migrants’ relationship to state control, the project will concentrate on the social relationships of the involved, with a special emphasis on care practices based on kinship.
A Phd. Scholarship is vacant at the project “Informal Child Migration in Europe”. Read more here:
For further information, please contact project manager Elisabeth L’orange Fürst, phone: +47 22 85 83 16, e-mail: or Birgitte Bøgh-Olsen, phone: +47 22 85 65 27, e-mail:
NOVA prosjekt: Integrering på arbeidsplassen
Hva skjer med arbeidsplassene når etnisk mangfold blir en del av hverdagen? Dette er bakgrunnen for et forskningsprosjekt gjennomført ved NOVA. Resultatene viser at når arbeidsplassen hadde som prinsipp at alle skal behandles likt, ledet dette i praksis til diskriminering, mens der en la vekt på at forskjeller er viktige, samt hadde en bevisst holdning til diskriminering, endte en opp med et åpent og inkluderende miljø.
Prosjektet “Arbeidsplasser i helse- og omsorgssektoren: kjønn, klasse, etnisitet” er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd og omfatter flere temaer enn de som er nevnt her. Resultatene er publisert i NOVA-rapport 24/05: “Det er kunnskapene mine dere trenger, ikke språket mitt.” Etnisitet, kjønn og klasse ved to arbeidsplasser i helse- og omsorgssektoren, skrevet av Marie Louise Seeberg og Rannveig Dahle.
Les mer her:
Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration
The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) begins to publish an electronic, refereed journal in the year 2006. The name of the journal is Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, and the purpose of the journal is to promote and advance the circulation of the multidisciplinary study of ethnic relations and international migration that is conducted in Finland and the Nordic countries. (This does not, of course, exclude writers outside this area to send in manuscripts). In addition the journal aims at bringing new topics under discussion that are of social and political significance. The languages for publication are English, Finnish and Swedish.
Here research on ethnic relations is to be understood in a broad sense so that it also covers research on international migration, refugees, multiculturalism, racism, nationalism, integration, minority rights, immigrants, national minorities, citizenship and other comparable areas of interest.
The journal will be published twice a year. ETMU edits the journal in collaboration with CEREN ( University of Helsinki), the Institute of Migration ( Turku), the Family Federation ( Helsinki) and the Karelian Institute ( University of Joensuu). The publisher of the journal is ETMU.
The first volume will be published in June and the second in November in 2006. We encourage authors to send papers that have been delivered at the ETMU Days, but certainly welcome and accept other articles as well. All manuscripts that are within the areas of interest to the society are welcome. Furthermore, we also accept book reviews and commentaries on current research and societal affairs.
The editor-in-chief is Matti Similä (CEREN) and assistant editor-in-chief is Krister Björklund ( Institute of Migration). Other members of the editorial board are Elli Heikkilä, Tuomas Martikainen, Sari Pietikäinen, Vesa Puuronen, Teppo Sintonen and Marja Tiilikainen.
The deadline for the first volume is 4th April and for the second 30 th September, 2006.
The article manuscripts will be sent electronically to the editor in chief, , who then sends it to two anonymous referees for review.
The manuscript is recommended to contain between 5000 and 8000 words. An Abstract of 150 – 200 words should be attached. Commentaries around 1 500 words.
Font Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing 1,5.
No hyphenation.
No footnotes.
Read more about The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) here:
CAPI International Internship Program 2006
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives is pleased to announce that we have ten exciting internship opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region.
(Poster can be found at )
The dateline for the application is March 31, 2006.
Read more here
European Master in International Education
Since 1999 the Freie Universität Berlin has been offering the postgraduate programme European Master in Intercultural Education. The course is designed for graduates of courses from the areas of social and educational sciences, teachers, and colleagues working in intercultural contexts.
For the academic year 2006/2007 there are still places available.
Read more here:
Should you have further questions or if you need more information, please contact
Dipl.-Päd. Jana Lowsky via e-mail
The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) seeks Director
The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) is seeking a Director to take up appointment effective from 1st October 2006, and invites applications from suitably qualified persons. Please see job add here:
The closing date for applications is 1 April 2006.
Culcom: Utlysing av midler til forskning og studier
UiO sitt strategiske forskingsprogram “Kulturell kompleksitet i det nye Norge” lyser ut arbeidsstipend, doktorgradsstipend, kvalifiseringsstipend og masterstipend innenfor satsingsområdene “transnasjonale prosesser” og “verdikonflikt, verdifellesskap og integrering”.
SØKNADSFRIST: 5. april 2006.
For nærmere informasjon se:
Se også:
Concert Saturday 25 March: the soul band Lodin Lepp
The soul band Lodin Lepp, named after Norway’s first commercial traveller in multicultural understanding, plays at Gamla (Stortorvet Gjæstgiveri) Saturday 25 March. The repertoire includes both classic and modern soul – James Brown, Sam and Dave, Aretha Franklin, Van Morrison etc. The band was started several years ago, but on Saturday we can see the debut of a tenor saxophonist who spends his spare time as a research leader at Culcom.
The doors open at 20.00, c.c. Kr. 100,-. Welcome!
DIIS Briefs
These new DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies ) publications are now available online at
Mellem kontrol og afmagt: EU’s asyl- og indvandrerpolitik
Hans Kornø Rasmussen, DIIS bog:
EU’s dilemmaer: syv papirer fra DIIS
DIIS har netop udgivet syv papirer som bidrag til EU’s tænkepause og ”Borgernes dagsorden”:
Qvo vadis? EU efter forfatningstraktaten
Anne Mette Vestergaard (red.), Den Ny Verden:
African Diaspora and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Africa
Abdullah A. Mohamoud, DIIS Brief:
Flyktningregnskapet 2005
Les mer og last ned her:
(Flyktningregnskapet 2006 publiseres i juni 2006)
Hellum, Anne (2006): ”Menneskerettigheter, pluralisme, kompleksitet og integrasjon”.
Les artikkelen her: