Tuesday, 3 January 2006

Newsletter Nr. 1 / 2006


  • New publications
  • Norsk Tidskrift for Migrasjonsforskning 2005/2: special issue
  • Culcom seminars spring 2006
  • The “LEARNING MIGRATION” network
  • Masters Degree: Journalism and Media in Globalisation

New publications:

Andersen, Kathrine Vitus (2005): Identity and Ambivalence in the Meeting between Ethnic Minority Children and the Social System . Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.

This sociological Ph.D.-dissertation constitutes an investigation into the encounter between children with an ethnic minority background and the social system, on the basis of an analysis of the social educational and crime preventing institution ‘The Hinterland’. The dissertation analyses how identities are constructed and negotiated between children and adults in ‘The Hinterland’, and how some identities are made feasible while others are made unfeasible. An understanding of the constitution of these identities is sought in the dynamics of different institutional logics and social educational practices framing social life in ‘The Hinterland’. Furthermore the role of general constitutive processes of legitimation of the welfare state in these processes is analysed. Finally the relevance of global and national dynamics of inclusion and exclusion to the field are considered. The dissertation is based on 7 months of fieldwork in ‘The Hinterland’. The empirical material consists of interviews with children and social educational workers, field notes and approx. 200 photographs taken with disposable cameras by the children.

The dissertation is published and can be ordered from Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Sociologisk Institut, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Postboks 2099, 1014 København K. Telephone: +45 3532 3280 or at Institute of Local Government Studies, Nyropsgade 37, 1602 København V. Telephone: +45 3311 0300, Kathrine Vitus Andersen can be contacted on and .

Norsk Tidskrift for Migrasjonsforskning 2005/2: special issue

”Minorities, Minority Politics, and the European Union”

Contents TMF 2005/2

Article abstracts

Notes on contributors

N. Ahlberg og H. Sicakkan – Leder

Hakan Sicakkan “Introduction to the Special Issue. Minorities, Minority Politics, and the European Union”

Anja Mihr “Minority Rights and Political Movements in Europe”

Umut Korkut “Housing Rights and Refugee Returns in Croatia on its Way to the European Union Membership”

Peter Vermeersch “National Minorities in Poland: Domestic Ethnic Relations in a Changing European Context”

A.Öncü & G.Kocan “High-life, Low-life and Common-life: The Role of Affections and Love in Citizenship”

Randi Gressgård og Sissel Lilletvedt Anmeldelse av Joron Phils bok “Etnisk mangfold i skolen. Det sakkyndige blikket” Universitetsforlaget 2005.

Culcom seminars spring 2006

Preliminary programme for the Culcom seminars of spring 2006:

(Complete and updated information can be found here: )

9. og 10. januar: “Trygghet i en transnasjonal tid” på Norlandia Karl Johan Hotell, Oslo.
Påmeldingsfristen var 10. desember.

13. og 14. februar: “Normalitet og det unormale” på hotel Bristol, Oslo. Påmeldingsfrist 10. januar! Deltakeravgift kr. 300. Se nettsider:

13 March: Monday seminar by Marie Gillespie, ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change, Manchester.
Open to all.
Venue : Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2, 3rd floor .
Time: 14.15-16.00

24 April: Monday seminar by Albert F. Reiterer, Europastudien, Wien
Open to all.
Venue: Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2, 3rd floor.
Time: 14.15-16.00

8 May: Monday seminar by Frank Furedi, University of Kent.
Open to all.
Venue: Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2, 3rd floor.
Time: 14.15-16.00

22 May: Double Monday seminar
11.00-13.00: Olivier Remaud, EHESS, Paris
Venue (note!): Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 1, 3rd floor .

14.15-16.00: Pnina Werbner, Keele University
Venue: Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2, 3rd floor.
Open to all.


Quoted from Press Release November 4, 2005, European Commission: “Comenius: Improving the quality of European schools and teachers”:

The “LEARNING MIGRATION” network supports the exchange of experience and best practices in working with children of immigrants in school education. It aims to improve the integration of a better understanding of migration into daily teaching in all parts of the educational community. Main activities are transnational seminar groups, exchange of practices from teachers’ daily school work, exchange of didactical reflection and research between educators in teacher training, comparative analysis and conferences. The network will be coordinated by the University of Stavanger in Norway, 77 institutions from 12 countries are participating.

Read more here

The “LEARNING MIGRATION” network will organise its first annual conference in Stavanger April 25-29, 2006.

Flyer/Brochure can be downloaded here

Masters Degree: Journalism and Media in Globalisation

Stipends for Masters Degree ‘Journalism and Media in Globalisation’ in Europe

24 stipends for non-EU students – each worth 42 000 EURO

The Erasmus Mundus Masters degree ‘Journalism and Media in Globalisation’ takes two years. Students commence studies in Denmark ( Danish School of Journalism and the University of Aarhus), go on to the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and choose a second year specialism at either the University of Swansea in Wales, at London City University or at the University of  Hamburg. Students come from all over the world, most from non European countries, and many from Asia.

Candidates must have a good BA, a minimum of three months practical experience with journalism, and good English language skills, and must not be EU-residents.

The EU-Commission funds 24 stipends for non-EU students. 12 of these stipends are for non-European students in general – i.e. open to gifted applicants from any country outside the European Union.

Of special concern for Asian students 12 stipends are specifically targeted for ‘Asian Windows’ students . These 12 Asian stipends are: 6 stipends for Indian nationals; 1 stipend for a Chinese national, 1 stipend for a Malaysian national, 1 stipend for a Thai national, and 3 stipends for nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka or Vietnam

The stipends are worth 42.000 Euro for the two year period. Although tuition fees are deducted from this amount, it will still leave a gifted young person with ample funds to pursue high level studies at some of the very best institutions of Journalism Studies in all of Europe.

Admission to the program is strictly based on merit, with all applications being submitted for review by an international Board of Admission. Details on the degree, which was chosen for support in a highly competitive process by the European Union Commission, may be gathered from our website found at . Here one may also get information on entry requirements and admissions procedure, degree scheme content, and access online application forms.

The deadline for applications will be January 20th, 2006 for next year’s program (the deadline may possibly be extended slightly, but potential applicants should attempt to have their applications with us in time). Also new programs start every year in September.


Per Mouritsen,

Bettina Andersen,