Thursday, December 3, 2009


  • Nytt nettsted:
  • (IMER/UiB): Seminar: Bangstad, Gressgård & Jacobsen: ‘Sekularismens ansikter i globalt perspektiv og statsfeminismens lokale fordringer’
  • (IMER/UiB): Seminar: Sharam Alghasi: ‘Norske-iranere, mediebruk og kampen om identitet og posisjon’
  • (NFR): Velferd, Arbeidsliv og Migrasjon: Programplan og utlysning
  • (UiO): Seminar: ‘Barn og migrasjon: Mellom transnasjonale familier, stat og egne erfaringer’
  • (University of Copenhagen): CFP: ‘Climate Change and Human Mobility’
  • (Helsinki Collegium for advanced studies): Colloquium: ‘Problems of Social Solidarity’
  • (ESF):Conference: ‘Home, Migration and the City : New Narratives, New Methodologies’
  • (Uppsala University): CFP: ‘Far right networks in Northern and Eastern Europe’
  • (REMESO): Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society
  • Trinity Immigration Initiative:CFP: *New Migrations, New Challenges*
  • Publications

nytt nettsted: -for første gang et forsøk på å samle all norsk migrasjonsforskning på ett sted!

Norsk Nettverk for Migrasjonsforskning er et nytt, åpent forskernettverk som skal legge til rette for informasjonsutveksling for forskere og studenter som arbeider innen feltet internasjonal migrasjon, integrasjon og etniske relasjoner. Nettverket ønsker å synliggjøre norsk forskning for alle som er interessert i forskning og kunnskapsutvikling på feltet.

På nettsidene kan du enkelt få oversikt over:

* norske forskningsprosjekter med migrasjonsrelaterte tema
* fagmiljøer i Norge som studerer migrasjon, integrasjon og etniske relasjoner
* norske og nordiske aktiviteter, deriblant konferanser, seminarer og undervisningstilbud.
* Publikasjoner på feltet, med lenker til å laste ned rapporter og enkelte artikler i fulltekst.

Nettsidene administreres av IMER/UiB , men informasjonen baseres på det som hvert enkelt miljø sender inn til oss. Sidene vil oppdateres fortløpende etter hvert som bidrag kommer inn. Dersom du ønsker å bidra, eller om du har tips til nettsidene, kontakt

Vi håper og tror dette nettstedet vil bli en viktig ressurs for mange, så spre dette videre til alle du tror kan være interessert.

Arbeidet med å opprette sidene er støttet av Norges Forskningsråd.

Styret i Norsk Nettverk for Migrasjonsforskning er:

Hilde Liden,

Knut Hidle,

Berit Berg,

Sharam Alghasi,

IMER/UiB: Seminar :

Sekularismens ansikter i globalt perspektiv og statsfeminismens lokale fordringer

Tid: Torsdag 10.12 2009 , kl 10.00
Sted: Bergen Resourcecentre for International Development , Jekteviksbakken 31 . See map


  • Sindre Bangstad, Høgskolen i Oslo
  • Randi Gressgård, Senter for Kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, UiB
  • Christine Jacobsen, IMER/Unifob Global
  • Møteleder: Anne Sofie Roald, CMI

Sekularisme er i løpet av de siste årene blitt et brennhett tema i Norge. Terrorangrep i Europa utført av radikale islamister, debatten om bruk av hijab i politiet, «stat-kirke-forliket» og den såkalte Rana-debatten, har ført til at mange nå stiller seg spørsmålet om hva sekularisme er om den har en fremtid i norske og europeiske samfunn.

Med utgangspunkt i boken Sekularismens Ansikter vil Sindre Bangstad introdusere ulike teoretiske tilnærminger til sekularisme som teori og praksis. Han vil også diskutere hvordan disse globale og komparative perspektivene kan bidra til å kaste lys over de pågående sekularismedebattene i Norge.

Temaer knyttet til kjønn og seksualitet i et flerkulturelt og flerreligiøst samfunn har vært spesielt sentrale i senere tids debatter, men det er også bestemte samfunnsmessige forutsetninger for å se disse temaene som de mest sentrale i debattene. Randi Gressgård og Christine M. Jacobsen tar utgangspunkt i den amerikanske statsviteren Wendy Brown sin problematisering av liberal sekularisme og hennes diskusjon av hvordan toleransebegrepet fungerer som en form for ”governmentality” i senere tids debatter om islam og homoseksualitet.

Seminaret organiseres av IMER/UiB

IMER/UiB: Seminar : Sharam Alghasi

“Norske-iranere, mediebruk og kampen om identitet og posisjon”

Tid: Fredag 22.01 2009 , 13.15
Sted:: Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31. See map

Alghasi har studert norske borgere med iransk bakgrunn, deres mediebruk, og meningsdannelsene knyttet til denne mediebruken. Omlag 180 norsk-iranere er involvert i dette studiet. Basert på kvantitative/kvalitative datamaterial, identifiserer dette studie et kompleks mediebruk blant norsk-iranere, og argumenterer for at denne kompleksiteten gjenspeiler norsk-iraneres inngående forhandlinger om identiet og posisjon i deres hverdag i Norge –om hvem de er og hvor de hører hjemme–, og deres forhandlinger om deres fortid –hvem de har vært, og hvor de hørte hjemme.

Avhandlingen foreslår dermed et samspill mellom norsk-iranernes streben etter identitet og posisjon, og dilemmaer og dobbelheter de befinner seg i, dobbelheter og dilemmaer som er knyttet til her/der, nåtid/fortid, og oss/dem som er stadig gjeldende og preger norsk-iranernes meningsproduksjon.

Sharam Alghasi har nylig forsvart avhandlingen sin i sosiologi med tittelen: “Iranians in Norway; Media Consumption and Identity”. Nå jobber han som forsker ved CULCOM. I 2009 utga han “Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition” sammen med Thomas Hylland Eriksen og Halleg Ghorashi.

Seminaret organiseres av IMER/UiB


“Velferd, arbeidsliv, migrasjon: Programplan og utlysning”

200 millioner kroner til forskerprosjekter innenfor velferd, arbeidsliv og migrasjon (VAM) Forskning om velferdssamfunnets økonomiske, sosiale og normative bærekraft, med inklusjon og eksklusjon som sentrale perspektiver.

Søknadsfrist: 17. februar 2010 13:00 CET

Les mer

UIO: seminar

Barn og migrasjon: Mellom transnasjonale familier, stat og egne erfaringer

Tid: 8 desember 2009, 09.30 – 17.00
Sted: Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus (Universitetsbiblioteket, Blindern

Det NFR-fiansierte forskningsprogrammet Informal child migration in Europe (N-ICME) ved Sosialantropologisk institutt, UiO inviterer til avslutningsseminar hvor vi legger frem forskningsfunn og tanker om veien videre innenfor forskning på barnemigrasjon.

Gå hit for program

(University of copenhagen): CFP: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE:

Climate Change and Human Mobility

Time: 12-14 April 2010
Place: University of Copenhagen

Call for papers

With the current trends of climate change, new patterns of regional migration emerge in terms of a forced flight from flooded or dried up environments, and in terms of active, adaptive strategies. Clearly, whatever the cause of global climate change, the balance between the regions of the world, and between different groups of people within regions becomes destabilised. It is thus expedient to investigate the practices and wider implications of human mobility in recognition of the fact that environmental change has become a truly global issue. On the whole, the human and social sciences face a major conceptual challenge in scaling their object of study.

Papers that address one of the following session themes are invited:

– Environmental change and human migration: Conceptual and political
challenges. Keynote speaker: James Morrissey

– Social and environmental histories: Lessons of intertwinement.
Keynote speaker: Carole Crumley

– Societies on the move: Responses to new waterscapes.
Keynote speaker: Jon Barnett

– Representations of movements: Near or distant sites of attraction.
Keynote speaker: Ben Orlove

More information

Helsinki Collegium for advanced studies: International Colloquium:

Problems of Social Solidarity

Time: 12th – 13th February 2010
Place: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, seminar room, Fabianinkatu 24, Helsinki

The notion of solidarity has returned to the focus of both social scientists and philosophers. Many recent publications have suggested different definitions and differentiations of the concept, arguing for its relevance (or irrelevance) in different aspects of moral, social and political life. The theme indeed resonates to various aspects of social life: cohesion, friendship, altruism, religion, social capital, terrorism, to mention a few. The forthcoming expert seminar “Problems of Social Solidarity” will gather together social scientists and philosophers who have discussed problems of social solidarity either theoretically or empirically.

All speakers have confirmed their participation. The focus will be both on the concept and the practices of social solidarity. The seminar is organized by Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, which is a multidisciplinary research unit within University of Helsinki. The organizing committee includes Arto Laitinen and Anne Birgitta Pessi.

Each presentation will have a commentator (mostly research fellows from the Collegium) and will be followed by a discussion by participants.

The seminar is open for all but pre-registration is required. Please book your place by contacting Ms Kirsi Reyes

Download programme


Home, Migration and the City : New Narratives, New Methodologies

Time: 6-10 August 2010
Place: Scandic Linköping Vast, Linköping, Sweden

Chaired by: Dr. Ayona Datta – London School of Economics, UK
Co -Chair: Dr. Kathy Burrell – De Montfort University, Leicester, UK

There has been a recent surge of scholarship from human geography, sociology, history, architecture, and cultural studies that focuses on migration as a social, political, cultural and material process. This area of research on migration examines migrants’ transnational spatial practices, social and political identities and relationships with the state. Central to this research has been a recognition that at the heart of migration lies a fundamental transformation in spaces and places that are linked to the social and cultural meanings of home and belonging.

This conference takes ‘narratives’ – broadly defined as stories, diaries, myths, photographs, music, films, media images and representations of movement – as the analytical starting point for new research on migration. Narratives have several dimensions. Firstly, migrant narratives need to be understood as inherently spatial. As is widely acknowledged, migrants’ stories of movement are often stories of different places at different moments, and thus are essentially ‘spatial stories’. Secondly, this spatiality of migration narratives is
multi-scalar; it can relate to belonging on a national, political scale, represent locality dynamics, more small-scale, personal experiences of migration, or even the material narratives of migration, such as stories of significant objects and material culture. Thirdly, the performative element of migrants’ narratives is very strong; not all narratives are textual but instead are enacted through music, theatre, film, food, or dance. Finally, such narratives can also be highly visual, corporeal, and embodied, whether through media representations, artwork, or architecture. Such a broad conceptualisation of migrant narratives demands new interdisciplinary theories and methodologies to understand the interconnected landscapes of home, migration and the city.

This conference thus aims to question and compare such narratives and counter-narratives, in different contexts within Europe and beyond, through interdisciplinary perspectives from the humanities and social sciences. Methodological perspectives will therefore be central to the discussions during this conference, to encourage and disseminate interdisciplinary approaches to researching migration. The following questions will help to shape this conference:

• How are narratives of migration used, shared, remembered,
materialised, performed and represented in different contexts?
• How do narratives shape belonging and attachment, inclusions and
exclusions, around ideas of home(s) and the city?
• How do we examine these diverse narratives of movement through
theoretical and methodological innovation?

For more information, to send abstracts, and to register go here

Young researchers are particularly welcome. The conference has limited funds to fully or partially support expenses of young researchers.

Deadline for abstracts: 16 April 2010

Uppsala University: CFP: CONFERENCE:

Far right networks in Northern and Eastern Europe

Time: 25-27 March, 2010
Place: Uppsala University

Call for papers

Ever since the fall of the wall dividing Eastern and Western Europe, networks of far-right groups have proliferated. New generations of activists have made use of new organizational and technical tools to recruit. During recent years informal organizational patterns and an increasing reliance on different parts of the internet – the World Wide Web, News-groups, e-mail lists, Youtube, social forums and chat rooms – have increased the general exposure to different kinds of hate and prejudiced propaganda.

Among the invited speakers are:

Heléne Lööw, Department of History, Uppsala University. Her publications include the two-band Nazismen i Sverige (Nazism in Sweden; 1998/2003), and The cultic milieu : oppositional subcultures in an age of globalization / edited by Jeffrey Kaplan and Heléne Lööw, Altamira Press: Walnut Creek 2002.

Andreas Klärner, Institut für Soziologie und Demographie, University of Rostock. His publications include: Zwischen Militanz und Bürgerlichkeit: Selbstverständnis und Praxis der extremen Rechten, Hamburger Edition, Hamburg 2008. This book is the best example to date of in-depth studies of new organizational developments among neo-nazi groups in Germany.

Ralf Wiederer, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. His publications include
Zur virtuellen Vernetzung des internationalen Rechtsextremismus, Centaurus Verlag, Herbolzheim, 2007, which is a both sociologically and technically groundbreaking study of how far-right groups on the internet connect and interact.

The Department of history at the Uppsala University invites scholars and students to participate in a three day conference on far right and neo-nazi networks. Both session and paper suggestions are welcomed, and should be directed to

Deadlines are:
Sessions: January 15th, 2010
Papers: Abstracts: February 1st, 2010; Drafts March 1st, 2010.

Both sessions and papers will be published on the web, in order of acceptance (

A fee of €50 will be charged of all participants, excluding specially invited speakers. This fee will include a reception, lunches and refreshments. If possible, travel and accommodation will be subsidized for undergraduates. More information about these things, and a preliminary programme, will be published in January.


Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society

Time: 18 januar-26 februar
Intensiv forelesningsuke i Norrköping: 1-5 februar.
Place: Universitetet i Linköping

REMESO-instituttet ved Universitetet i Linköping tilbyr kurs for forskerstudenter (Phd- eller masterstudenter). Kursene er tverrfaglige, og tar for seg ulike teoretiske, metodologiske og empiriske perspektiver på internasjonal migrasjon. Alle kursene er på engelsk.

Kurs vår 2010:

“International Migration, Ethnicity and Gender: Intersectional Perspectives on Labour, Power and Citizenship”

Mer om kursene

Mer informasjon om REMESO

Trinity Immigration Initiative:CFP: International Conference:


Time: 30 June – 3 July, 2010
Place: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Call For Papers

In the 21st century new population movements and migration flows are reshaping European societies, particularly in countries transformed from emigration to in-migration, including, since 2004, the EU’s new member states.

This conference – organised by the Trinity Immigration Initiative, an interdisciplinary research programme located in one of Europe’s new migration destinations – aims to debate the global and national implications of these new migration flows for sending and receiving countries and for migrants themselves.
What are the implications of these migrations for Europe? What do these migrations mean for new immigrant societies? What lessons can be learnt from countries with longer immigration experience?

Plenary Speakers:

*Professor Loic Wacquant, Research Associate at the Institute for Legal Research, Boalt Law School, University of California at Berkeley. Rresearcher at the Centre de sociologie européenne in Paris.

* Dr Adrian Favell, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles.

Papers are invited around the following themes:

• Migrants’ economic, social and cultural integration
• Policy implications for state institutions with particular reference to
criminal justice system and housing policies
• The education system’s response to the linguistic challenges of
• Migration, employment and the regulation of the labour market
• Children, youth and immigration
• Migrant-led networks and their role in migrant integration

More information

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 12.00 (noon GMT), Friday 29th January, 2010.




* Korac, Maja (2009): Reconstructing Life, Place and Identity in Rome and Amsterdam Berghahn Publishing

Mer informasjon

*Bonifacio, Glenda Tibe & Angeles, Vivienne SM. (eds)(2009): Gender, Religion, and Migration: Pathways of Integration. Lexington Books

More information

*Phillips, Richard (ed) (2009) Muslim Spaces of Hope Geographies of Possibility in Britain and the West Zed Books

More information

* Hüwelmeier, Gertrud and Krause, Kristine (eds) (2009) Media, Religion and Conflict. Routledge Studies in Anthropology

More information

* Dahlstedt, Inge (2009) Education and labour market integration – The role of formal education in the process of ensuring a place in the occupational structure for natives and immigrants. PhD avhandling. IMER Etnicitet 2009