Wednesday, June 10, 2009
- University of Graz research workshop: Rethinking Migration. New glances on Migration/s
- 5th Global Conference: Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship
- Call for papers: XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology
- The 14th International Metropolis Conference: Early Bird deadline extended
- Linköping University: REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society autum programme
- University of Neuchâtel: call for applications
- Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity: call for applications
- Utrecht University: call for applications
- Publications
Research workshop:
Rethinking Migration. New glances on Migration/s.
Time: | Sept 29th and 30th, 2009 |
Place: | University of Graz, Austria |
The research group Migration at the Centre for Cultural Studies (University of Graz, Austria) invites submission of abstracts (3000 char. incl. space) for the Research Workshop “Rethinking Migration. New glances on Migration/s” in September 2009.
Certain theoretical approaches towards phenomena of migration tend to result in specific focusses, which are fostering certain issues and problems as well as hiding others. This research workshop is based on the assumption that the dominance of social sciences in Migration Studies still is supporting concepts of multiculturalism. Hence, seemingly static identities (ethnical, religious, gender, class or others) and binary structured images (“push” vs. “pull”) persist.
New approches dealing with concepts such as hybridity, transition, diaspora oder community, gender, intersectionality, postcolonial, subaltern studies etc. challenge these perceptions: migrations become visible beyond teleological conceptions. Thus current approaches emphasise decentral characteristics (e.g. in biographies), not only when speaking about migratory experience. Consequently transnationality, transculturalism and multilingualism are considered to be the norm – fragmented lifes in transition and similar perceptions of space and frontiers are no longer marginalised.
The aim of the planned research-workshop is to discuss current approaches on migratory movements in historical as well as present perspectives and to examine possibilities and limits of different migration theories. The workshop is open to any research-projects on migration/s (done in teams or by individuals), PhD-students as well as Post-Docs are invited to outline their position within current theoretical debates on migration in short presentations (app. 20 min) or posters.
The following themes are to be dealt with (among others):
— Cultural representation of migration/s (imagination/narrative invention of “migrants” and their communties, (gendered) discourses, visualisation, processes of negotiation and functions of migration discourses)
— Social practices (plural self-ascriptions, labour and migration, “global division of labour”, gendered scopes of action)
— Participation and empowerment, bureaucratical treatment of migration/s
Proposals from research groups, PhD students (especially teams) as well as Post Doc researchers (for presentations as well as for posters) are welcome to be submitted to
NB! Deadline: June, 10th, 2009
5th Global Conference:
Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship
Time: | 6th – 8th November 2009 |
Place: | Salzburg, Austria |
This multi-disciplinary project seeks to explore the new developments and changes of the idea of pluralism and their implications for social and political processes of inclusion and citizenship in contemporary societies. The project will also assess the larger context of major world transformations, such as new forms of migration and the massive movements of people across the globe, as well as the impact of the multiple dynamics of globalisation on rootedness and membership (including their tensions and conflicts) and on a general sense of social acceptance and recognition. Looking to encourage innovative trans-disciplinary dialogues, the organizers warmly welcome papers from all disciplines, professions and vocations which struggle to understand what it means for people, the world over, to be citizens in rapidly changing national, social and political landscapes.
In particular papers, workshops and presentations are invited on any of the following themes:
1. Challenging Old Concepts of Citizen and Alien
2. Nations, Fluid Boundaries and Citizenship
3. Institutions, Organizations and Social Movements
4. Persons, Personhood and the Inter-Personal
5. Media and Artistic Representations
6. Transnational Political Interlacing of Contemporary Life
7. New Concepts, New Forms of Inclusion
Papers will be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 19th June 2009. If your paper is accepted for presentation at the conference, an 8 page draft paper should be submitted by Friday 9th October 2009.
Joint Organising Chairs:
Alejandro Cervantes-Carson
Director of Research
Barcelona, Catalonia,
Rob Fisher
Network Founder & Leader
Freeland, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
The conference is part of the Diversity and Recognition research projects, which in turn belong to the ‘At the Interface’ programmes of ID.Net. The programme aim to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore innovative and challenging routes of intellectual and academic exploration.
Further information on the conference themes and how to submit a paper on Inter-Diciplinary.Net
XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology:
Sociology on the move
Time: | 11-17 July 2010 |
Place: | Gothenburg, Sweden |
Call for papers for
Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations RC05
Proposed sessions
* Session 1: Transnational social imaginaries: racial, ethnic and religious routes and barriers
* Session 2: Return migration in a time of crisis
* Session 3: Public space and issues of social integration
* Session 4: Diaspora? (Im)migration? Transnationalism?
* Session 5: Diasporic identification, gender and family
* Session 6: Researching ethnicity and ethnicising research
* Session 7: Islamophobia since 9/11
* Session 8: The need to understand ‘Race’ comparatively, globally and locally
* Session 9: Forced displacement and trafficking in persons: the variables of gender, race
* Session 10: Racial discrimination in Europe – ten years on
* Session 11: Racism, nationalism and globalization: Interethnic relations in Latin America and the Caribbean
* Session 12: Virtual ethnicity and the rise of new ethnicities
* Session 13: Nationalism, alienation and the Middle East
* Session 14: New theories of ethnicity in migration and post-migration situations
* Session 15: Confronting the politics of racialized sexualities: On regulating minority gender relations and sexualities
* Session 16: Femininities, masculinities and inter-ethnic intersections, contestations and competition in post-colonial plantation societies
* Session 17: Migration, leisure and community cohesion
* Session 18: Roundtable on ‘the role of transnational public intellectuals’
* Session 19: Roundtable. What is the point of our work? A critical reflection on the current state of the discipline
For more information on the sessions, see the ‘Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations RC05’ section of the conference webpages here.
Paper abstracts (250 words) should be submitted by email directly to the session organizer(s) with a cc of your submission to the Programme Coordinator: Peter Ratcliffe,
Deadline: October 1, 2009.
More information on how to submit a paper on the conference webpages.
14th International Metropolis Conference:
The Early Bird deadline has been extended from June 8th to July 1st.
For more information on fees, payment and registration please visit the Metropolis 2009 website.
The International Metropolis Project is a forum that bridges research, policy and practice on migration and diversity. The project aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on migration and diversity issues, and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-governmental organizations.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Migration and Mobility – National Responses to Cultural Diversity.” The conference will be held in Copenhagen between the 14th and 18th of September 2009, and is expected to attract about 1000 delegates for high-level plenary sessions, a comprehensive study tour program and more than 60 concurrent workshops. The conferences are an opportunity for delegates – both expert and novice – to discuss critical issues, identify research and policy gaps, compare international experiences and build the Metropolis network.
The 14th International Metropolis Conference 2009 is organized by the Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark (AMID).
Linköping University:
REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society
The REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society offers courses for Swedish and international postgraduate students (PhD or MA) that address a variety of theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives on international migration. Courses are taught by REMESO staff and international guest lecturers.
The courses address a variety of theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives and link studies on international migration and ethnic relations to current research on political economy, labour, citizenship, gender, culture and human rights. Individual courses offer perspectives on asylum, documented and undocumented migrants, informal labour, issues of social integration, urban segregation, racism and discrimination. New strategies for social inclusion and sustainable development in countries of emigration and immigration are examined and connected with processes of globalisation, nation-state transformation and regional integration. Our courses are developed in collaboration with scholarly networks and international guest-lecturers.
Autumn term 2009:
Introduction to Research Methods in Ethnic and Migration Studies
August 17–September 18, 2009, On-campus week August 31–September 4
Research, Policies and Perspectives on Diversity,Equality and Discrimination
September 21–October 23, 2009, On-campus week, October 5–9
Migration and Labour in a Global Economy
November 9–December 11, 2009, On-campus week, November 23–27
Read more about courses autumn 2009 here.
Information on how to apply here.
Deadline for appluications is one month before the course start.
Call for applications:
The Faculty of humanities and social sciences at the University of Neuchâtel is offering a
Visiting professorship in gender studies with a focus on migration and/or mobility studies
Eligible candidates must have an outstanding international reputation in this field of specialization. The position runs for three months (beginning September 15, 2010, or to be negotiated) and is located at the MAPS (Maison d’analyse des processus sociaux or Center for the Understanding of Social Processes).
For more infromation on MAPS, see
The visiting professor will be responsible for teaching approximately 72 hours in English (and French, if fluent) at the MAPS as well as within the universities composing the Swiss national gender studies network (Network Gender Studies CH).
For details, please consult the University of Neuchâtel website or send an e-mail to Prof. Janine Dahinden (
Candidates – professors or persons holding a equivalent academic position outside of Switzerland – with a disciplinary background in the social sciences, specialized in gender aspects of migration/ mobility and experienced in working in interdisciplinary contexts are asked to send applications via e-mail to professor Janine Dahinden, MAPS, at:
The deadline for application is August 31, 2009.
The University of Neuchâtel is an equal opportunity employer.
Call for applications:
The Department for the Study of Religious Diversity at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen is seeking
Postdoctoral fellows
to work in two research programs, comparative study of urban religious aspirations and globalization of religious networks. Excellent applications outside of these programs may also be considered.
Duration of position: one or two years (can be extended)
Qualifications: Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Religious Studies, or Asian Studies
Salary and benefits are according to the German public service pay scale (TVÖD Bund) or in the form of stipends.
The Max Planck Society wishes to increase the participation of women wherever they are underrepresented; therefore, applications from women are particularly welcome. Following its commitment to an equal opportunities employment policy, the Max Planck Society also especially encourages handicapped persons to submit their applications.
Applications should include a CV, list of publications, and a statement of research interests. Applicants should arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to the same address. Applications and recommendation letters should be addressed to Professor Peter van der Veer and reach by 15 June 2009 at:
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften
Professor Peter van der Veer
Hermann-Föge-Weg 11
37073 Göttingen
For more information, see the Institute webpages.
Call for applications:
Utrecht University is currently hiring a PhD student for the research project Wired Up, to study:
The digital literacy practices of immigrant youth for the formation of identity and learning networks (0.9 fte)
This project is focused on the analysis of the everyday digital literacy practices of Moroccan immigrant youth.
While the past several years have seen an increasing amount of research on the digital literacy practices of youth, within and well beyond the Netherlands, relatively little of this work to date has focused on immigrant youth and their productions and interpretations of social media (e.g. web logs, Hyves, YouTube, texting, Twitter, gaming). This project will provide a unique contribution to the field by developing ethnographic studies of youth as they use social media and integrate it into their everyday lives in the Netherlands. The project is particularly forcused on how digital literacy practices are used to produce identities and learning networks. What are the shapes and scales of new media networks for Moroccan immigrant youth? How are these new networks changing, and how are they related to social networks with longer histories (e.g., extended family, community)? How do networks formed through practices with social media support the development of local, national, and transnational identities? How do such networks also structure new social spaces for learning? These questions are addressed in this project through ethnographic research that will be augmented with other research methods, including social network analysis and survey data.
For more information on Wired Up and the PhD position, see the project webpages.
* Patrick Taran with Irina Ivakhnyuk, Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos and Arno Tanner (2009): Economic migration, social cohesion and development: towards an integrated approach.
This report was prepared to support the ministerial debate during the 8th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Migration Affairs. It presents the main aspects and characteristics of migration in the member states of the Council of Europe, analyses policy challenges raised by contemporary migration and identifies an integrated policy agenda.
For more information, or to order the report, visit the Council of Europe Online Bookshop.
* Open Society Justice Initiative report: Ethnic profiling in the European Union: Pervasive, Ineffective, and Discriminatory.
New evidence reveals police in Europe target minorities excessively. Pervasive use of ethnic and religious stereotypes by law enforcement across Europe is harming efforts to combat crime and terrorism, according to a new report by the Open Society Justice Initiative.
Ethnic Profiling in the European Union examines the scope of ethnic profiling, showing how police officers in the U.K., France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands routinely use generalizations about race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin when deciding whom to target for stops, searches, raids, and surveillance.
In addition to providing a comprehensive examination of ethnic profiling and considering the legality of the practice, Ethnic Profiling in the European Union offers effective alternatives that increase security, advance counterterrorism efforts, and respect human rights.
Report to be downloaded from Open Society Justice Initiative webpages.