Friday, April 24, 2009
- CULCOM seminar: Sekularisering
- CULCOM seminar: Metodologisk Nasjonalisme
- NMR: Metropolis grants for PhD students
- Gender and Migration Virtual Community
- Inter-Diciplinary.Net: Strangers, Aliens and Foreigners. A Diversity and Recognition Project
- COMPAS Conference 2009: New Times?: Economic crisis, geo-political transformation and the emergent migration order
- Conference on security, insecurity and migration in Europe
- Conference: Turks Abroad. The Symposium on Migration and Integration in its 50th Year
- Conference: Beyond Boundaries. Media, Culture and Identity in Europe
- Seminar om bosetting og integrering av flyktninger
- Publications
CULCOM seminar:
Time: | 27. og 29. apr 2009, 09:00 – 15.00 |
Place: | Mandag 27. april: Helga Engs hus, Seminarrom U31, 09.00-15.00Onsdag 29. april: Harriet Holters hus, Seminarrom 201, 09.00-15.00 |
På denne to-dagars workshopen kan ein høyre innlegg som mellom anna set fokus på sekularisering og politikk, det hellige, multikulturalisme, Hegel, Charles Taylor og Habermas. Merk ulike stader dag 1 og dag 2!
Mandag 27. april:
* Henrik Sinding-Larsen, CULCOM: ”Sekularisering, hellighet og paradokser – Om den nødvendige og umulige jakten på et fast punkt tilværelsen”
* Ståle Finke, NTNU: ”Hegels begrep om sekularisering”
* Espen Hammer, UiO: ”Charles Taylors teori om sekularisering”
Onsdag 29. april:
* Tordis Borchgrevink, ISF: “Sekularisering og multikulturalisme”
* Arne Johan Vetlesen, UiO: ”Habermas og sekularisering”
* Espen Hammer, ”Politiske perspektiver på sekularisering: Marcel Gauchet”
Det er inga påmelding og ope for alle.
Det blir servert kaffe og frukt om morgonen begge dagar. Deltakarane sørger sjølv for lunsj.
Fagleg ansvarleg: Espen Hammer
CULCOM seminar:
Metodologisk nasjonalisme
Time: | Mandag 4. mai 2009, kl 14:15 – 16:00 |
Place: | Harriet Holters hus, rom 201 |
Innledere: Mette Andersson og Hans Erik Næss
Norsk samfunnsforskning, og i særdeleshet norsk sosiologi, har flere ganger i senere år vært kritisert for et snevert nasjonalstatlig perspektiv på samfunnslivet, der ordet “samfunn” brukes mer eller mindre synonymt med ordet “nasjonalstat”. Mette Andersson, førsteamanuensis i sosiologi ved Universitetet i Bergen og tilknytta IMER/UiB, har kritisert den metodologiske nasjonalismen med utgangspunkt i den nye flerkulturaliteten og veksten i transnasjonale forbindelser, mens Hans Erik Næss, tidligere CULCOM-stipendiat og master i sosiologi, har brukt forestillinger om “amerikanisering” og Hollywoods transnasjonale karakter som eksempler i sitt arbeid.
Oversikt over alle arrangemanger ved CULCOM denne våren finner du her.
Nordic Migration Research (NMR):
Metropolis grants for PhD students
Nordic Migration Research (NMR) invites applications for grants toward the participation of eight PhD students in the 14th International Metropolis Conference, to take place at the Copenhagen Bella Center, Denmark, September 14-18, 2009 (information about the conference here).
The eight grants will support the participation of two PhD students from each of the four NMR countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
Each grant comprises a fee waiver (worth DKK 3000) and the coverage of travel expenses between the home city and Copenhagen.
For more information on eligbility criteria and how to apply please consult
Please note that the deadline for submission of applications has been extended to April 24th 2009
Gender and Migration Virtual Community :
United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW)is now launching a new Gender and Migration Virtual Community.
The community seeks to create a space for those who share an interest in gender and migration to debate and reflect on issues in the field, share information and learn from each other. The Community acts both as a network for dialogue between civil society groups, international organizations, governments, and researchers and as an information hub, by creating a space for its members to share publications, resources, contacts, and information about upcoming training and funding opportunities.
Despite women’s growing role as independent migrants, their increasing participation in the sending, receiving and managing of remittances, and the evidence pointing to the necessity of including a gender perspective in development programs, very few studies have looked at gender, migration, remittances and development. How do global care chains work? How will the financial crisis affect migration and remittance flows? What are the best practices for migrant associations? Over the next few months the community will be considering these issues and more. Members of the community will also have the opportunity to start discussions of their own, ask for information, and share articles, documents, publications, news items and events.
To register for the virtual community please click here. More information about the community here.
1. Global Conference:
Strangers, Aliens and Foreigners: A Diversity and Recognition Project
Time: | Tuesday 22nd September – Thursday 24th September 2009 |
Place: | Mansfield College, Oxford |
Call for Papers
This multi-disciplinary project seeks to explore the crucial place that strangers, aliens and foreigners have for the constitution of self, communities and societies. In particular the project will assess world transformations, like phenomena we associate with the term ‘globalisation’, new forms of migration and the massive movements of people across the globe, as well as the impact they have on the conceptions we hold of self and other. Looking to encourage innovative trans-disciplinary dialogues, we warmly welcome papers from all disciplines, professions and vocations which struggle to understand what it means for people, the world over, to forge a sense of self in rapidly changing contexts where it is no longer possible to ignore the importance of strangers, aliens and foreigners for our contemporary nations, societies and cultures.
Papers, workshops and presentations are invited on any of the following themes:
1. Transformations of Self
2. Boundaries, Communities and Nations
3. Economies, Institutions and Migrants
4. Art and Representations
5. Self (inevitably) linked to Other
Papers will be considered on any related theme.
300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 24th April 2009. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 7th August 2009.
More information about the themes, submitting a paper and the conference in general on Inter-Diciplinary.Net
COMPAS Conference 2009:
Call for Papers:
New Times?: Economic crisis, geo-political transformation and the emergent migration order
Time: | 21st and 22nd September 2009 |
Place: | St Hugh’s College, Oxford |
The Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at Oxford University invites proposals for papers for the forthcoming COMPAS Annual Conference to be held in Oxford, September 2009. Papers should be relevant to one of the following core themes:
* The current crisis in historical perspective
* The relationship between shocks and migration crises
* New geographies of migration
* Changes in global migration governance
Conference Overview
The worldwide financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 can be viewed as an acute manifestation of a global transformation that has been under way for the last decade or so. This can be seen in the gradual eclipse of the US as the power dominating the global order, to reveal a more diffuse dispensation in which economic power in particular is spreading to China, India, Russia and Brazil (the so-called BRIC countries) and other emergent large or middling polities – although there is debate as to how deep and significant this process is. The conference will look at the implications for the global migration order – and for regional, national and local migration orders – of economic, political, social and other kinds of ‘shocks’ associated with the overall restructuring of the global political economy since the end of the Cold War, using the current (2008-09) crisis as a point of departure.
The central questions to be addressed by the conference are: how the current crisis affects the movement of people worldwide, and whether it will accentuate trends already underway or precipitate the formation of a new migration order. The conference will begin by situating these questions in context, drawing on examples of the impacts that historical and recent shocks and crises have had on migration patterns. Day two will build on this discussion, by focussing on new and emerging geographies of migration and corresponding changes in migration governance.
The conference aims to take up where the 2008 Annual Conference on theory left off, bringing together a range of leading academics, analysts, policy makers, practitioners and research students to test theory and concepts against the latest evidence in the migration field.
Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts
Papers should present new unpublished research and will be selected on the basis of quality and relevance to the conference themes. Abstracts of proposed papers (max. 500 words) are invited for submission by Friday, 1st May 2009 via email to:
For more information see the COMPAS webpages.
Call for papers:
Conference on security, insecurity and migration in Europe
Organised by IMEPO (Hellenic Migration Policy Institute) and the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester.
Time: | 18-19 September 2009 |
Place: | University of Leicester |
The end of the Cold War division of Europe and the recent enlargement of the European Union (EU) have generated new, complex forms of population movement and have reconfigured refugee and asylum issues. The forces that determine these movements are powerful (for example, growing disparities in the level of prosperity and human security experienced by different societies), and in the current economic climate, the ability to modify them is limited. The national states and supra-national institutions of Europe have been presented with massive challenges as they have sought to grapple with the evolution of new forms of mobility and migration within and into the EU and its western satellites. These unfolded against the continuing redefinition of relations with the non-European world. These complex and shifting forms of population movement both questioned established notions of identity and citizenship and created challenges for different scales of governance in both sending and receiving states in the light of emerging divergences between the interests of migrants and states trying to control their entry as well as between governments, NGOs and civil society. After the events of the 9/11 security concerns are high on national and international agendas, including in the context of the movement of people. Migration issues, having often been framed in terms of security concerns, they have simultaneously given rise to issues of insecurity: on the one hand, security of borders, political, societal and economic security/insecurity in the host country; while on the other hand, concerns about human security, that is social, legal, economic and other conditions of (in)security for EU citizens and for migrants who enter or have entered Europe. In terms of state security, migration is a core target of increasingly globally networked surveillance capabilities. In terms of human security, it exposes the gap between the protections that migrants formally enjoy under international law and the realities they experience as they travel and work across different countries and hence a human rights deficit.
Hence, irregular migration poses difficult challenges for states as well as exposing migrants to insecurity and vulnerability. This conference will discuss both the concerns of states in this respect and the need to protect the fundamental rights of migrants. Against this background, the conference aims to explore a number of related themes:
– The dilemmas involved in framing policy-making on migration in Europe.
– The implications of the securitisation of migration and migrants.
– The extent to which irregular migration constitutes a real or perceived threat to state security and human security.
– Migration, economic in/securities and the informalisation of European labour markets.
– Migration, societal in/securities and rise of racism and xenophobia in Europe.
– The living conditions and security needs of migrants in European countries.
– Processes of inclusion/exclusion.
– Gender and Migration.
– Role of social capital in negotiating spaces of control.
– Human trafficking as a threat to security; who is insecure?
– Politics of diversity and multiculturalism.
– Migrants as objects of globally networked surveillance.
– The implications of state structures and institutional capabilities for the migration-security balance sheet.
Proposals for papers with one page abstract should be sent by 30 May 2009 to Dr. Lazaridis,
Registration fee: £130 (this includes conference package including papers presented at the conference, coffee breaks and lunches, reception and conference dinner). Student subsidized fee: £95. Further information can be obtained from Ms Jane Russell,
Call for papers and participation:
Turks Abroad: The Symposium on Migration and Integration in its 50th Year
Time: | 21-23 May 2009 |
Place: | Bilkent Hotel & Conference Center, Ankara, Turkey |
The symposium will be organized through the cooperation of the Ministry of State of the Republic of Turkey (Prof.Dr. Mustafa Said YAZICIOĞLU) and Hacettepe University Strategical Research Centre (HÜSAM).
The aim is to evaluate the migration of Turks to foreign countries within over half a century, considering the current situation, the advantages, problems, expectations and strategies about the future, to discuss all these aspects in a way enabling contribution of all parties of migration and to assess the proposed solutions within a multilateral and academic framework through a solution-oriented approach.
As Migration and Integration constitute a fact based on mutual and multilateral interaction, representatives of international organizations and institutions, high-level politicians and bureaucrats from countries where Turks are densely-populated, experts, representatives of non-governmental organizations as well as Turkish citizens who had outstanding achievements in their fields are invited to the symposium. Special emphasis has been attributed to provide a wide diversity of the participants, representing different points of view about the issues to be discussed.
Those who would like to participate in this symposium are asked to submit a paper which is not necessarily limited to, but adresses one of the themes below:
• Integration/ Congruity
• Immigrants and Education: General and profession education, religion teaching
• Immigrants and Education: Native language
• Immigrant (residence, worker and work,social )
• Not used or Unavailable to use rights
• Benefits come with Immigration
• Immigrants and Economy,benefits of immigrants in foreign countries for Turkey
• Benefits of immigrants in foreign countries for the country they stay
• Immigration- Congruity and the act of media
• Distinction policies oriented towards immigrants
• Immigrants and Politics
• Immigrant and Integration policies of Turkey
• Services of Turkey oriented towards immigrants
• Double Citizenship
• Islamofobi (Islamophobia)
• Female immigrants
• Immigrants and civil society organizations.
• Turkish Immigrants in the frame of EU-Turkey Relationship
Those who would like to participate in the symposium must submit online here, and send their abstracts no later than 4 May 2009.
For further information on accommodation and transportation, please visit the official website of the event:
Beyond Boundaries: Media, Culture and Identity in Europe
The conference is organized by an EU funded project, “European Media and Cultural Studies and Media Awareness,” jointly run by Bahcesehir University (Istanbul, Turkey), University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany) and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany).
Time: | 2-3 October 2009 |
Place: | Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey |
What is Europe according to its others? An essence, an origin, a center? Or is it nothingness, a void or chiasm? Where is Europe? In diasporic or migrant spaces? How is Europe different from the West? Can an identity be made European? Could it be Eurocentric or Euro-chiasmic? Can one leave one’s cultural frame to take on another? Can one transnationalize and/or regionalize a national identity or vice versa? Can the European Union create a single entity or a grand signifier of Europe out of multiple differences? What is the role of communication, media, and culture in such exchanges, transformations, processes and practices? Can we account for the similarities, proximities, and relations or should we focus on the differences, cleavages, and tensions?
This conference aims to explore the questions above and how such questions surface in media and cultural texts, ranging from everyday practices to media representations. The papers may deal with various meanings of Europe and its relation to non-European cultures, and how these are experienced or altered at the level of media, culture, and identity. Possible paper topics are:
* Eurocentrism and its alternatives
* Transnationalism and nationalisms
* Global, regional, and local media and culture
* Diasporic and migrant culture and identities
* Gender equality and cultural diversity
* Tactics and strategies of dialogue between cultures
* Symbolic representations of Europe in various cultural practices
* Theories of European cinema, media and culture
* Challenges for European cinema, media, and cultural studies
* European communication studies and strategies
* The EU policies on media, communication, and culture
Confirmed Keynote Speakers :
– Prof. Angela McRobbie (University of London, Goldsmiths College, Media and Communications)
– Prof. Kevin Robins (Based in Istanbul and a visiting fellow at Goldsmiths College, University of London)
– Prof. William Uricchio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Comparative Media Studies)
Other speakers will be announced in the coming weeks.
Please send a 300-word abstract with the name and institutional affiliation of the speaker (mailing address & email address) to
Deadline for abstracts: June 15, 2009.
Deadline for acceptance information: June 29, 2009.
Deadline for submitting the completed papers: September 20, 2009.
Deadline for papers for conference proceedings: October 18, 2009
For further details about the conference please visit the conference webpages.
Seminar om bosetting og integrering av flyktninger:
Time: | 4.-5. mai |
Place: | Bergen |
KS inviterer alle nyansatte i flyktningtjenesten til seminar i Bergen 4.-5. mai. Økonomiske rammebetingelser, veiledningsmetodikk og bosettingsrutiner er hovedtemaene. Målgruppen for seminaret er nyansatte i flyktningtjensten og voksenopplæringen, samt at kommuneledelsen inviteres spesielt til dag 1.
Hver kommune kan stille med inntil 4 personer. Dersom det er plass, kan flere fra samme kommune melde seg på. Det vil være en deltakeravgift på kr 380 eks mva knyttet til administrasjonskostnader. Dagpakke, overnatting og reiseutgifter må den enkelte dekke.
Kontaktpersoner i KS:
Nina Hjertø Ingebrigtsen, tlf. 994 62 745, e-post:
Nina Gran, tlf. 915 26 482, e-post:
* Berit Bergog Kirsten Lauritsen (2009): Exil og Livsløp. Universitetsforlaget
Eksil og livsløp handler om mennesker som har måttet forlate sine hjemland på grunn av krig, forfølgelse og undertrykking. Boka handler om eksilets mange stoppesteder: Forfølgelsen, flukten, asylsøknaden og eksilet. Hva skjer når eksilet går over fra å være noe midlertidig til noe permanent? Hvor lenge er man flyktning, og hvordan definerer neste generasjon sin situasjon? Er de første generasjons nordmenn, eller tenker de på seg selv som etterkommere av flyktninger? Er kategoriene for trange til å gi rom for bindestreksnordmenn? Og hva vil det egentlig si å være norsk?
For mer informasjon og for bestilling av boka, se Universitetsforlagets nettsider.
* Sharam Alghasi, Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Halleh Ghorashi (eds.) (2009): Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition. Perspectives from Northern Europe. Ashgate
From the Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations series
Explicitly comparative in its approach, Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition discusses central issues regarding multiculturalism in today’s Europe, based on studies of Norway and the Netherlands. Distinguishing clearly the four social fields of the media, education, the labour market and issues relating to gender, it presents empirical case studies, which offer valuable insights into the nature of majority/minority relationships, whilst raising theoretical questions relevant for further comparisons.
For more information, see the publishers website.
* Torkel Brekke, Marius Doksheim, Erlend Sand og Torstein Ulserød (2009): Migrasjon og frihet. Civita
For informasjon om utgivelsen, se:
* Esin Bozkurt (2009): Conceptualising “Home” The Question of Belonging Among Turkish Families in Germany. Campus.
For more information, see
* Talip Kucukcan and Veyis Gungor (2009): Turks in Europe. Culture, Identity, Integration. Turkevi Research Centre
This volume provides a comprehensive picture of Turks in Europe and offers cutting edge ideas, analyses and recommendations on a wide range of challenges that modern European societies cannot avoid paying closer attention. Drawing on original research, Turks in Europe brings together sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists and experts in educational and cultural studies to address issues such as identity, culture, religion, integration and relations between Turkey and the European Union.
* UNESCO’s International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS) Vol 10, No 2, entitled “The Conditions of Return Migrants” is now available on-line at
* Anne-Lise Arnesen, Cézar Bîrzéa, Bernard Dumont, Miguel Angel Essomba, Elisabeth Furch, Angelos Vallianatos, Ferran Ferrer (2008): Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity – A survey report
This report is the result of a survey on the initial training of teachers in sociocultu¬ral diversity in Europe, carried out in 16 countries within the framework of the project “Policies and practices for teaching sociocultural diversity” launched by the Steering Committee for Education of the Council of Europe in 2006. An analysis of replies from practitioners completes the results of the survey. The recommendations contained in this report will serve as a basis for carrying out the second phase of the project on the definition of a framework of teachers com¬petences relating to the enhanced value of diversity.
More information on the Council of Europe webpages.