Thursday, 12 June 2008
- Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning ønsker artikler
- Arts of Hospitality: Invitation to symposium
- Aalborg University/AMID : Master’s Programme in International Migration and Ethnic Relations
- University of Toronto: Invitation to International conference
- (SUSDIV): Call for scholarships:
- Norface Transnational Programme on Migration: Call for proposals
- University of Lisbon: Vacancies: 4 researcher positions
- FEMM: Høstprogram 2008
- Publications
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning Ønsker artikler
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning er et tverrfaglig vitenskaplig tidsskrift (nivå 1) som publiserer bidrag innenfor et bredt spekter av migrasjonsrelaterte tema. Dette innebærer internasjonale befolkningsbevegelser, forhold mellom minoritet og majoritet, identitet, nasjonal og internasjonal migrasjonspolitikk og jus. Tidsskriftet ønsker både å presentere teoriutvikling og empiriske funn fra forskningsfeltet. Redaksjonen tar imot vitenskapelige artikler på de skandinaviske språkene og på engelsk.
Tidsskriftet har refereeordning og utkommer to ganger i året. Ansvarlige redaktører er Nora Alhberg fra Nasjonal kompetanseenhet for minoritetshelse og Hakan G. Sicakkan fra Universitetet i Bergen.
Kommende innleveringsfrister er 1. august og 1. februar. —
For nærmere informasjon kontakt redaksjonssekretær Thor Indseth, Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning, NAKMI, Bygg 2, Ullevål Universitetssykehus, 0407 Oslo, e-post:, tlf. 416 51 096
arts of hospitality : invitation to symposium
The Conditions of Hospitality
Symposium on the literature, politics and philosophy of hospitality
Tid: | 8th – 10th September 2008 |
Sted: | Stavanger, Norway: Capital of Culture 2008. |
At the first City of Refuge Congress in Strasbourg 1996, Jacques Derrida
posed the question of how to translate the ethical demand for a
borderless, unconditional hospitality into specific political or
juridical practices. The symposium on “The Conditions of Hospitality” is
designed to further explore these reflections on the ethical, legal, and
political implications of hospitality. A number of renowned
international scholars will attend this symposium, in order to pursue
these questions from different disciplinary and philosophical angles.Among the invited contributors are:
Homi Bhabha, Harvard University, author of The Location of Culture
Pheng Cheah, UC Berkeley, author of Inhuman Conditions: On Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights
Anne Dufourmantelle, Université La Villette, Paris, co-author of On Hospitality
Robert Eaglestone, University of London, author of Ethical Criticism: Reading After Levinas
Mireille Rosello, Universiteit van Amsterdam, author of Postcolonial Hospitality
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Universitetet i Oslo, author of Kosmopolitikk
Thomas Claviez, Universitetet i Stavanger, author of Aesthetics & Ethics
For further information on attendance and reservation, please visit
aalborg university/the academy for migration studies in denmark :
Master’s Programme in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER)(2 years)
General background and description
An increasingly globalised world causes issues of migration to be of growing importance not only in public and political debates, but also in academic debates and research at both national and international level. The Master’s programme in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) focuses on various forms, causes and consequences of international migration, as well as the processes attached to these. The perspectives are local and global as well as historical and oriented towards contemporary affairs.
The programme offers the possibility of thorough study on particular subjects of international migration as well as a more general approach – a state of the art. During the programme courses will address the main concerns of migration in a globalised world, from the changing patterns of international and national mobility to implications of settlement and integration that result from the movement of people. The migratory dimension includes issues of migration flows, routes, border control, push-pull factors, irregularity and other related topics. The integration approach deals with issues concerning legal/political, socio-economic and cultural dimensions of inclusion and exclusion as well as differentiating categories such as ethnicity, religion, race, gender and language.
The programme has a multi-disciplinary approach to central aspects of international migration, primarily from disciplines such as Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Studies and History.
Objective and content
IMER is a research-based educational programme providing students with advanced knowledge of migration theory and related issues such as ethnicity, integration and identity construction as well as methods in social research. The programme offers training in the application of a broad range of qualitative and quantitative research methods. IMER constitutes one track under the Culture, Communication and Globalisation Programme (henceforth CCG) (link to their homepage). A number of courses on social research and globalisation are carried out jointly with the other tracks under the CCG to increase the interdisciplinary approach to the subject. The structure is characterised by a high degree of project work. One semester is spent at an institution, organisation or company with the purpose of working with theories and methods in practice (internship). Lectures and seminars are held in English. However, written work (projects, assignments and thesis) can be written in either Danish or English).
The objective of IMER is to provide students with high-level academic qualifications within the following dimensions:
• International migration and globalisation
• Policies of integration and diversity
Qualifications and career opportunities
IMER qualifies students for employment in fields where the interdisciplinary approach to migration and integration is an advantage. The programme also qualifies students with regard to pursuing an academic career. During the course of the programme students will acquire fundamental theoretical and methodological knowledge used to study and analyse problems related to migration. This knowledge is put into practice through problem-oriented project work, which is often based on empirical field research done in smaller groups. The incorporation of theoretical and methodological knowledge within an empirical framework gives both a more practical dimension to migration studies as well as allowing for a more critical approach to analysing and evaluating data. Some of the competences or qualifications achieved through the programme are:
• Advanced knowledge of migration, integration and citizenship theories
• Ability to analyse theories as well as empirical data
• Designing and conducting projects
• Ability in the practical application of knowledge and data
• Presentation and communication of results based on empirical research
The programme qualifies the students to work at both national and international level in relevant authorities, organisations and companies. Career opportunities may vary from employment (position) in, for instance:
• UNHCR, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF etc. (e.g. as civil servant, junior program officer)
• Human Aid Organisations and other NGOs (e.g. as administrator, project coordinator)
• Ministry of Integration or other relevant ministries (e.g. as policy development officer, project officer)
• Trade Unions (e.g. as ethnic consultant, policy researcher)
• Local authorities (e.g. as integration officer, job consultant)
• National as well as international companies (e.g. as human resource manager, information officer)
• Universities or research institutes (e.g. as PhD-student, research assistant)
Admission and application
IMER is open to students who hold a bachelor’s degree within social sciences or humanities. The programme is relevant for bachelors from a broad range of disciplines, for instance, Anthropology/Ethnography, Culture Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Religion, Social Work and Sociology.
The programme requires students to have basis knowledge and academic training in social research methods at bachelor level. For students without bachelor-level qualifications in social methodology a course is offered during 7th semester. In addition, admission to the programme requires successful completion of an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test with a score of at least 6.5 for foreign students (except native English speakers).
The structure also allows students to take just one or two semesters (7th and/or 8th semester) as part of their Master’s programme from another faculty or university in Denmark or abroad. However, it is only by following the IMER programme as a whole that a Master’s in Migration Studies can be obtained.
The Programme starts September 1st each year. There are tuition fees for students outside the EU/EEA. Application for students who do not require a visa to study in Denmark must be submitted by June 1st same year as the Programme starts. Students who do need a visa to study in Denmark must submit the application by September 15th the year prior to enrolment into the programme.
More information and application form will published here soon(the webportal is not developed yet), or contact Lotte Fuglsang Nielsen
university of toronto :
International Conference
“Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy”
Time: | October 16-18, 2008 |
Place: | Transformative Learning Centre Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Canada. |
This international conference will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the theoretical and practical intersections between social action learning and participatory democracy, and their contribution to nurturing an enlightened and active citizenship.
For more information please visit the conference website
(SUSDIV): call for scholarships
“Sustainable Development and Diversity”
Time: | 1-3 July 2008 |
Place: | San Sebastian/Donostia, Basque Country, Spain |
The international symposium “Sustainable Development and Diversity” is an activity of SUSDIV organised in collaboration with the XXVI Cursos de Verano (Summer Courses) of the University of the Basque Country. The symposium focuses on two aspects of diversity and sustainable development “managing cultural diversity in European cities” and “research methods applied to sustainable diversity”.
The first part aims at discussing how cultural diversity contributes to human welfare and knowledge creation. It will focus on the analysis of the way different European cities deal with cultural diversity so as to identify the conditions under which diversity can be an advantage in knowledge activities. The symposium will also discuss cultural dialogue as a key mechanism through which cultural diversity can lead to knowledge creation and social capital.
The second part of the symposium analyses research methods in the study of sustainable development by adopting and interdisciplinary approach. Specifically, it looks at research conducted on cultural and linguistic diversity by using economic methods such as valuation methods. It will also discuss the challenges of adopting these methods and their contribution to the study of sustainability in society and education.
SUS.DIV will provide a limited number of scholarships only for PhD and post-doctoral students who are related to the SUS.DIV Network. The scholarship allows selected participants to cover their fees, their travel expenses, their accommodation and other expenses (max € 650). In case a student is awarded a scholarship he/she is requested to pay € 150 in advance to the Summer Courses, this amount is their personal contribution to registration fees and accommodation for 4 nights. Upon arrival in San Sebastian they will receive their grant of € 650 to cover travel costs and other expenses.
Deadline for application is 30th April 2008
More information
norface transnational programme on migration: call for proposals
NORFACE has launched a call for proposals in its Transnational Research Programme with the theme ‘Migration in Europe – social, economic, cultural and policy dynamics‘.
The budget of the call will be at least 20 million €. NORFACE aims to fund trans-European research projects in the scope of 500.000 – 4 million € and will seek a balance of smaller and a limited number of large projects. The funded projects should as a minimum include research teams in three different NORFACE countries. Researchers from countries from where migration to Europe originates can be included in the research teams. The maximum duration of the funded projects is 48 months.
The call will be implemented in two stages with the deadline for outline proposals set to 10th September 2008.
The preliminary timetable of the call is:
10th September 2008
deadline for outline proposals
November 2008
Board decision about the proposals invited to submit full proposals
30th January 2009
deadline for full proposals
May 2009
Board decision about the projects granted funding
September 2009
Projects start
More information on the programme here
university of lisbon: vacancies: 4 researcher positions
The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, a State Laboratory since 2002 of the FCT/MCTES [Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education], invites applications for 4 places as researcher in the Social Sciences:
* Candidates must hold a PhD in Anthropology, Political Science, Law,
Economics, Geography, History, Social Psychology or Sociology and have
an strong academic trajectory and research experience in one of the
following domains:
ST 1 – The building of contemporary society
ST2 – Citizenship and democratic institutions
ST3 – Sustainability: Environment, Risk and Spaces
ST4 – Families, Life Style and Schooling
ST5 – Identity, Migrations and Religion
* Applicants may be either Portuguese or foreign nationals
* Candidates are expected to participate in the Institute’s research
activities, including the development of new research projects, the
publication of their research results as well as in the Institute’s
Postgraduate program
Conditions offered:
* A 5-year contract, at the level of research fellow with an annual
gross salary of 44 thousand euros
* Excellent working conditions, resources to carry out research
projects, good logistic conditions, including excellent Library,
facilities and a stimulating environment.
The deadline for the Applications is July 10. The following documents
must be included:
* Detailed Curriculum Vitae
* A copy of two representative publications;
* A research proposal (of 1500 words maximum), which must fall into one
of research domains mentioned above;
* A covering letter describing the candidate’s current research interests;
* Letters of recommendation from two social scientists, neither of whom
has been the candidate’s thesis supervisor and, at least one of them
from a foreign institution. The letters should be directly sent by them
to Assessoria Científica (c/o Eugénia Rodrigues) at the address below.
Applications should include all the above-mentioned elements, as well as
the ones mentioned in the public notice published in: and be sent by e-mail to or by registered mail to:
Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
A/C Assessoria Científica
Av. Prof. Aníbal de Bettencourt, n.º 9
1600-189 Lisboa. Portugal
(femm):hØstprogram 2008
Se her for oversikt over høstens seminarprogram ved FEMM(Feminisme og Multikulturalime)nettverket
-Andersson, Hans E.(2008) Överstatlig flyktingpolitik. Staters samarbete inom suveränitetskänsliga områden. Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag.
More information
-Agústin, Laura.(2008) Border Thinking
Article published on the online-journal Re-Public
Bader, Veit(2008) How should liberal-democratic states accommodate religious diversity? Imiscoe Poicy Brief : 8. Amsterdam: IMISCOE
Established institutions and policies that deal with religious diversity in liberal-democratic states are under pressure more than ever before. This policy brief, based on the IMISCOE publication Secularism or Democracy? Associational Governance of Religious Diversity (Amsterdam University Press 2007) by Veit Bader, takes an original theoretical and practical approach to problems concerning the governance of religious diversity. It proposes a moderate and flexible version of democratic institutional pluralism called Associative Democracy (AD).
More information
-Hammarén, Nils(2008) Förorten i huvudet. Unga män om kön och sexualitet i det nya Sverige. Bokförlaget Atlas
Baksidetekst: “I ‘Förorten i huvudet’ möter vi ett fyrtiotal unga män i ‘mångkulturella’ stadsdelar i Göteborg, i samtal om manlighet, sexualitet och identiteten som ‘invandrare’. Fram träder en bild av killar som samtidigt både upprätthåller och utmanar bilden av hur det är att vara en ung man i det nya Sverige. Nils Hammarén visar att andras föreställningar – inte minst mediebilden – om förorten och de som bor där påverkar killars sätt att prata om tjej och sex, och hur de ser på sig själva.”
Kontakt for mer informasjon
-Khayati, Khalid. (2008) From victim diaspora to transborder citizenship? Diaspora formation and transnational relations among Kurds in France and Sweden . PhD dissertation from Tema Etnicitet, Linköpings University.
More information
-Sökefeld, Martin. (2008) Struggling for recognition. The Alevi Movement in Germany and in Transnational Space. Berghahn Books
More information
-de Tapia, Stéphane (2008).The Euro-Mediterranean migration system. Council of Europe Publishing
More information
-Pezeril, Charlotte. (2008) Islam, Mysticisme et marginalité : les Baay Faal du Sénégal. L’ Harmattan
More information
-(2008)Hommes et Migration, Special Issue on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers
More information
Reconciling migrants’ well-being and the public interest – Welfare state, firms and citizenship in transition (Trends in social cohesion No. 19) Council of Europe Publishing
More information