Monday, 3 March 2008
Newsletter Nr. 2 / 2008
- IMER/UiB: Invitasjon til brukerkonferanse:” Mangfold, samhold og samfunn i endring”
- 13th International Metroplois Conference: Extended call for workshop proposals
- EASA: Worskhop invitation
- NORFACE: Migration in Europe
- MIM: Vacant positions
- Call for papers:” Multiculturalism and the arts”
- Call for papers: “Managing Migration Conference: The Neglected Face of Globalisation”
- Call for participation: “Mobility in International Labour Markets”
- (Migrations): Call for papers: “Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events”
- Publications
“Mangfold, samhold og samfunn i endring “
Time: | 17-18 april, 2008 |
Place: | Admiral Hotel, Bergen |
IMER/UiB-konferanse om relasjonen mellom insikter fra forskning og hva disse kan bety for ’brukere’. Utgangspunktet er resultatet fra IMER/UiB’s prosjekt om mangfoldssamfunnet, og hvordan disse relaterer til de problem som beslutningstakere og administratorer håndterer. Prosjektet om mangfoldssamfunnet ble finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd, og ble en sentral del av hele IMER/UIB’s virksomhet.
Denne konferansen søker å belyse hvilke verdier resultatene fra mangfoldsprosjektet kan ha for ulike brukerkategorier. Dette vil belyses og diskuteres på mange nivåer, fra de mer generelle perspektiv på relasjonen mellom forskning og samfunnsproblemer til diskusjoner av hvordan forskningsresultat kan belyse ulike måter å forstå spesifikke politiske eller sosiale problem. Et viktig aspekt blir å vise hvilke konsekvenser dette kan få for hvordan ’brukere’ kan relatere til den virkeligheten de håndterer.
Mangfoldsprosjektet bestod av mange ulike deler, og ga rom for å sysle med innvandring og kjønn, religion, transnasjonalisme, nye former for samfunnsborgerskap, dannelsen av nye sosiale rom delvis utenfor de nasjonalstatlige rammene. Alt for å forsøke å forstå hvilke forandringer som pågår i det norske og europeiske nasjonalstatssamfunnet.
Gjennom sin satsing på å belyse og integrere forskningsresultaters betydning på ulike nivåer, fra det allmenne til det spesifikke, søker denne konferansen å være en møteplass for forskere med ulike spesialiteter og brukere i mange ulike deler av det norske samfunnet.
Konferansen er lagt opp til å skape rom for en aktiv dialog.
Torsdag 17 april
09.15 | Åpning |
Tema: | Samfunnsvitenskapelige og brukerrettede perspektiv |
09.30 | Yngve Lithman |
“De mange samfunnsvitenskapene” Diskusjon |
10.30 | Kaffe |
11.00 | Hakan Sicakkan |
“Konsekvensene av mangfold som vitenskapelig tema” Diskusjon |
12.00 | Lunsj |
Tema: | Det muslimske nærværet |
13.00 | Christine Jacobsen |
“Muslimsk ungdom: religion, nettverk og essensialisme” Diskusjon |
14.00 | Kaffe |
14.30 | Yngve Lithman |
“Terrorisme, integrering og transnasjonalisme” Diskusjon |
15.30 | Sluttdiskusjon (Slutt 16.15) |
20.00 | Middag (Sjøtønnen Restaurant, Admiral Hotel) |
Fredag 18 april
Tema: | Kategoriske identiteter |
09.30 | Randi Gressgård |
“Kjønn og Nasjon” Diskusjon |
10.30 | Kaffe |
11.00 | Mette Andersson |
“Flerfarget idrett” – nasjonalitet, migrasjon og minoritet” Diskusjon |
12.00 | Lunsj |
Tema: | Sted og By i globalisering |
13.00 | Hakan Sicakkan |
“Lokalt, glokalt, globalt: tilhørighetens lokalisering” Diskusjon |
13.45 | Margrete Fredriksen |
“Å skape plass: betydningen av nye former for tilhørighet” Diskusjon |
14.30 | Kaffe |
15.00 | Knut Hidle |
“Byens særegenhet og byens mangfold. Om mobilitet og tilhørighet” Diskusjon |
15.45 | Avslutning (Slutt 16.00) |
Gå til registrering
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Mer informasjon på på konferansesidene
Spørsmål kan rettes til Yngve Lithman og Kjersti Skjervheim
13th International Metropolis Conference
“Mobility, Integration and Development in a Globalised World”
Time: | 27-31 October 2008 |
Place: | Bonn, Germany |
The International Metropolis conference is the largest annual event on migration and diversity. This year’s conference is expected to attract more than 900 researchers, policy-makers and non-governmental organizations.
The deadline to submit a workshop proposal has been extended to 10 March 2008.
Workshops must feature internationally comparative content and presenters from the research, policy and non-governmental sectors. Workshops related to the conference themes are particularly encouraged.
Proposals must be submitted using the workshop proposal form. You will find this, a list of frequently asked questions and other details at:
In addition to the workshop programme, the conference will feature a number of exciting plenary sessions, a range of informative study tours, and an opportunity to experience German hospitality and culture.
Workshop Invitation
Time: | August 26-29, 2008 |
Place: | Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Convenors invite participation in Workshop 103 at the 10th EASA (European
Association of Social Anthropologists) conference “Experiencing
Diversity and Mutuality”, Ljubljana, Slovenia:
‘Belonging embodied, reciprocity materialised: migrants’ transnational
practices’ (W103)
Tatjana Pezdir (Faculty of Arts and Sciences)
Maja Povrzanovic Frykman (Malmö University)
Short Abstract
This workshop explores the travel of people and objects from the
perspectives of how belonging is embodied, reciprocity is materialised
and social networks re-created in different locations within
transnational spaces.
Long Abstract
The expansion of relatively cheap travel options and the enormous
quantities of objects – mostly intended for everyday use – transported
in overloaded cars, buses, ships and planes, plead for ethnographic
descriptions and interpretations that outline relationships and
processes embedded in transnational practices.
This workshop explores the travel of people and objects, led by the
interest in how belonging is embodied, reciprocity materialised and
social networks re-created in different locations within the
transnational spaces created by migrants. The focus is on practices
through which migrants accomplish inclusion in different locations and
in different networks. What do they do, send or carry in order to stay
connected – to be accepted, remembered, needed or appreciated? Which
objects do they consider crucial to the maintenance of their private
everyday normality in different locations of attachment? To what extent
is involvement in personal relations and social networks achieved or
proved through objects, and to what extent does this require physical
presence and personal travel?
The theoretical intention is to avoid focusing on immigrants’
ethnicity. While certainly not denying the reality of experiences of
group belonging, our intention is rather to turn the importance of
ethnicity into an empirical question. We also want to warn against the
assumption that certain practices are only characteristic of migrants in
conditions of disadvantage. Ethnographic insights into practices and
lived experiences, motivations and concerns with regard to particular
social networks, may reveal significant similarities between migrants of
varying class and ethnic backgrounds.
The call for papers closes on March 31, 2008.
Go here for more information on this workshop
Go here for more information on this conference
NORFACE: migration in europe:
NORFACE is about to launch a new 23 million € multi-national research
programme into migration in Europe. NORFACE is therefore seeking to
recruit a Director for this programme for 5 years from mid-2008 who is
likely to be a leading intellectual figure in the field currently in
either an academic or related professional role.
Deadline for applications is 2nd April 2008.
More information is available here
Two Postdoctoral Research Positions at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmö University, Sweden.
Deadline for application: 10 march 2008
The two postdoctoral posts will be linked to MIM’s research programme
Inclusion and Exclusion: Migration, Diversity and Welfare. Research
undertaken in connection with the posts will be in accordance with the
research programme’s thematic emphasis, which includes migration and
politics, migration and urbanity, migration and welfare.
The research programme focuses on processes involving inclusion and
exclusion in society with regard to three broad areas of investigation:
• Populism, nationalism, xenophobia, democracy and citizenship
• Diversity, multicultural cities, public areas, organisations and
societal change
• School, leisure, sporty and health
These three areas of study form a dynamic research context known as
Inclusion and Exclusion: Migration, Diversity and Welfare. Contemporary
social processes involve both inclusion and exclusion within these three
areas of research as an effect of international migration.
The research programme has two main methodological approaches:
quantitative oriented and qualitative oriented.
Please consult MIM’s website for additional information
Call for Papers: International Conference
Time: | School of Art Studies, University of Turku, Finland |
Place: | August 29-30, 2008 |
The concept of multiculturalism has acquired many different (even
opposite) meanings in diverse contexts since its inception in the wake
of the social movements of the 1960s. Multifarious concepts of
multiculturalism are reflected, reproduced or questioned in literature,
music, the visual arts, and the media. The purpose of this conference is
to analyze different forms of multiculturalisms and their
representations. Workshop presentations will also address
multiculturalisms in the Nordic countries.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Anne-Marie Fortier, Lancaster University
Jocelyne Guilbault, University of California, Berkeley
David Leiwei Li, University of Oregon
Maria Roth-Lauret, Sussex University
Possible paper topics for twenty-minute presentations include (but are
not limited to) the following:
– representations of multiculturalisms
– multiculturalisms in the arts
– multiculturalisms and the media
– gender, sexuality and multiculturalisms
– aesthetics, genre and multiculturalisms
– multiculturalisms in the Nordic countries
Abstracts in English of no more than 250 words should be received by the
Conference Secretary, Outi Hakola by May 15, 2008.
Acceptance messages will be sent by the end of May 2008.
The conference is being organized by the School of Art Studies (Art
History, Comparative Literature, Finnish Literature, Media Studies,
Musicology and Women’s Studies), the International Institute for Popular
Culture at the University of Turku, and the Department of Musicology,
Åbo Akademi University.
Call for papers:
“Managing Migration Conference: The Neglected Face of Globalisation”
Time: | 4th – 5th April, 2008 |
Place: | Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2AB |
It is recognised that globalisation has been accompanied by rapid increases
in economic flows, such as investment, trade, intellectual property, and information.
Labour is a rare exception, with many governments still trying to restrict migration.
Nevertheless there are nearly 200 million immigrants world wide, which comprises 3 per cent of
humanity. This conference will examine migration issues in a globalised world, especially
those specifically relevant to business and labour.
Researchers, doctoral students, and practitioners engaged in managing migrations research
or practice are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations analysing the
causes, impact and the management of migration.
Your submission should include:
• An informative title; name, affiliation and title of presenter and
• A structured abstract (comprising: Background and Aim; Methods; Results;
Conclusion) of no more than 600 words.
• 4 key words (describing the topic and context of the presentation).
• Email address of presenter.
• Please indicate whether you prefer a 15 minute paper presentation
(followed by discussion) or a poster presentation of 10 –15 minutes.
All abstracts should be submitted by email as an MS Word attachment to the
Goodenough College Events Manager, Michelle Senyah before Monday 10th March, 2008.
This conference is being sponsored by the London Chambers of Commerce and
Industry Educational Trust and will be organised in collaboration with the 21st
Century Trust and the LSE Migration Studies Unit (MSU).
call for participati0n: international conference
“Mobility in International Labour Markets”
Time: | 21-22 June, 2008 |
Place: | Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
People have always been migrating. It was not until mid- 19th century that this basic human behaviour was
surrounded with powerful ideologies of the nation-state and its concerns for population policies. Not only was
there concern about the structure of home population, its physical, mental, racial, moral… and otherwise health; migration from the country was increasingly seen as a transgression, and immigration as danger. Throughout the 20th century in Europe, borders between states were contested, among other, on the grounds of ethnic affiliation of the population in disputed areas. Diasporic ethnic communities in the neighbouring states and in far-away places were established, or else invented, as ‘severed limbs’ of the national bodies that were seen as historically, linguistically and culturally pure and existing in a correct national spirit and form, while diasporic communities were seen as threatened by assimilation, degrading culture, loss of language, and loss of national consciousness. Diasporic ethnic communities invented their own histories that span from colonial ‘civilising missions’ to political persecution, to stories of dire hardship in the homeland that sent people on a quest for better life in masses.
In this conference, of special interest to us is the way contemporary nation-states manage the relationship
between themselves and the communities they consider their ethnic diaspora. To quote Nina Glick Schiller, “‘Long distance nationalism’ can be defined as a set of ideas about belonging that link together people living in various geographic locations and motivates or justifies their taking action in relationship to an ancestral
territory and its government.”
Our primary question therefore is, how do the nationstates reciprocate these ideas of belonging, the actions,
and the ancestral notion? How do they invent and instigate, ideologically, legally and possibly financially
manage, maintain and support the relationships with their diasporic communities?
To address this question within a framework of comparative evidence, we are inviting discussion on four
separate cases: those of Croatia, Israel, the Netherlands, and Slovenia. The questions we are asking are, among other possible, these:
– What is the history of a nation-state/diaspora case?
-Which ideologies have dominated, and still dominate, the relationship?
-How are these relationship legally encoded?
-Which forms of mutuality exist between the national and the diasporic communities, and how are they sustained?
-Which ideas and teleologies are being (re)produced in the relationship?
Conference format
Each of the four selected cases – Croatia, Israel, the Netherlands, Slovenia – will be discussed in a separate
session. Each session will begin with a keynote lecture followed by 4 – 5 presentations. Each session will
conclude with an interactive debate between the presenters and the audience.
The conference is one in a series of events that the Institute of Ethnic Studies in Ljubljana is organising to
celebrate the onset of the 9th decade of its existence and continuous work in the fields of ethnicity, nationalism, migration and minority studies.
Keynote speakers
Four key speakers will open each session:
– Dr Sammy Smooha, Haifa University
-Dr Mladen Klemenčič, Miroslav Krleža Lexicographical institute, Zagreb
-Dr Ton van Naerssen, Nijmegen University;
-Dr Irena Šumi, Institute of Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana
Four to five presenters in each session will be selected from among the applicants by the Organising committee, and with the aid of keynote speakers. Precedence will be given to junior scholars who specialise in transnational and migration studies, ethnicity and nationalism, and other relevant fields, in any pertinent discipline. Papers on other nation/diaspora cases that are of comparative value to the four cases will be considered.
Interactive audience
Aside to scholars and students, invitation into the interactive audience is extended to minority organisations, governmental and other administrative bodies and NGOs that concern themselves with minorities, migration and and diaspora. We are looking forward to an exciting and lively exchange.
For more information on the event, and the application form, please visit the conference webpage or contact
Ms Barbara Kejžar
Institute of Ethnic Studies
Erjavčeva 26
SI‐1000 Ljubljana
t: +38612001886
f: +38612510964
Please send filled application forms no latter than Monday, 17 March 2008. The forms can be found here
Selected paper presenters will be notified no latter than Monday, 7 April 2008. The final programme
will be published on the conference website.
Conference fees: Presenters: €150
Members of interactive audience: €250
Students: €20
Fees are payable upon registration at the conference site.
MIGRATIONS: call for papers:
“Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events”
1st International Conference
Time: | 29th May – 1st June 2008 |
Place: | Telc, Czech Republic |
There is not a single migration; there are multiple migrations – experiences, practices and
institutions leading to various forms and consequences of modern trans-state mobility. We
look at migrating men, women, and children as subjects through whose acts, experiences and
narratives migrations can be grasped. At the same time, state officers, social workers, and
migrants´ employers are no less relevant as acting subjects. Multiple experiences and
meanings of migrations are negotiated in everyday interactions at state offices, social centers
and work places. Mobility or uprootedness is an equivalent state of existence to a settled life;
both are co-existent in the ambivalent symbiosis. In the social sciences, the settler’s
perspective is being preferred and considered the norm. We are looking for ways to creatively
deal with this ambivalence instead of disregarding it. The project is here to boost critical
thinking about migrations in the contemporary world, and to examine and re-consider politics
and practices rooted in the nation-state based legal norms and the perspective of the
General Idea about the format of the Conference
We aspire to create a lively discussion environment for any scholars who have been active in
migration research, not just on the European scale. We would like the keynote speakers to
bring fresh ideas that will be discussed by Ph.D. students and other scholars. We aspire to
juxtapose multiple views and by doing this to reinforce critical thinking about migrations in
the contemporary world. Ideally, the keynote speakers will deliver a draft of their papers
before the conference. Other participants will prepare their contributions taking into account
the keynote speakers´ drafts. We will devote an entire day to each topic.
Topics to work on in 2008 Session
Theorizing Migration
This session is focused on theoretical reflections of migration processes and their
interpretations. The changes in understanding of what exactly does belong into this realm as
well as possible consequences of theoretical thinking about migration policy and migration
research will be discussed.
Researching Migration
Researching migration is a practical as well as epistemological and political issue. The session
juxtaposes several research methods in order to articulate the possibilities of different
approaches. Special emphasis is put on the vitality of the interdisciplinary approach in
studying migration. Demonstrations of innovative research approaches are welcomed.
A reviewed volume of the conference papers will be published in English language.
Deadline for application: 1st April 2008.
Register to for up-to date events.
More information
-Anne Hege Simonsen og Elisabeth Eide(2008) Verden skapes hjemmefra.Pressedekningen av den ikke-vestlige verden 1902–2002. Unipub.
Mer informasjon
-Viggo Vestel og Tormod Øia. (2008) “Møter i det flerkulturelle”. Nova rapport 21/07
Mer informasjon
-Helma Lutz(ed.)(2008) Migration and domestic work : a European perspective on a global theme. Aldershot : Ashgate
More information
-Anna Everett(ed.) (2008)Learning race and ethnicity : youth and digital media.Cambridge, MIT Press.
More information