Friday, 10 November 2006
Newsletter Nr. 6 / 2006
- Conferences
- Stipendiatstilling, Høgskolen i Vestfold
- Norwegian Journal of Migration Research Vol. 06, No. 01
- Norwegian Journal of Migration Studies seeks writers
- CMI Brief
- Publications
NordForsk seminar: Postcolonial Literature and Theory: Challenges to the Specific
Time: | 15-17 September 2006 |
Place: | Terminus Hotel, Bergen |
As the world turns post-national, post-capitalist, trans-cultural and even post-human, what position is left for the postcolonial? Some see postcolonial studies and theories in a state of crisis, where the overlap with globalization theories and methodologies is potentially diffusing the field as area of study proper. The theories and practises pertaining to the postcolonial pose a necessary antidote against power-relations where global cultural governance is mixed up in the “Empirical whole”; where the specificity of local histories and cultures is disseminated into a construct of post-nationalism and post-capitalism.
This seminar covers three main points of emphasis:
- The epistemological relationship between globalization studies and postcolonial studies;
- The usability of postcolonial theory in trans-cultural aesthetics;
- The space of postcolonial studies in the English department.
The seminar will give credits within doctoral programmes, and the gender balance will be ensured.
Deadline for abstracts: May 20th
Deadline for papers: July 1st (8-9 double spaced pages Times New Roman 12)
Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for seminar participants.
Read more about the seminar here:
Stipendiatstilling, Høgskolen i Vestfold:
Det er lyst ut tre stipendiatstillinger (dr. grad) ved Senter for pedagogiske tekster ved Høgskolen i Vestfold, den ene av dem er rettet mot “etnisitet og kjønn i læremidler”.
Søknadsfrist 15. august 2006.
Se utlysningsteksten her
Norwegian Journal of Migration Research Vol. 06, No. 01:
Article Abstracts:
Mette Andersson
“Colonialisation of Norwegian Space: Identity Politics in the Streets of Oslo in the 1990s”
The article analyses aspects of urban street culture from a social phenomenological perspective. The identity work of city strollers and gang members in inner city Oslo in the early 1990s is discussed with regard to boundary constructions within this social space and vis-à-vis broader society. She argues that the forms of belonging constructed in this youth setting differed from conventional understanding of identity politics based on specific ethnic or national categories. Instead, a broader “foreigner” status based on non-whiteness, and a double consciousness of belonging and non-belonging, was central in the commonsense knowledge of these groups. This double consciousness constituted the background for an identity politics where bodily aesthetics and the occupation of symbolic Norwegian space were central.
Eva Bakøy
“Television and ethnic minorities”
The article focuses on the studies of ethnic minority audiences that have so far been a rarity. This picture is now about to change due to a growing ‘multiculturalist’ sensibility as a consequence of globalisation processes such as migration and transnational media. Her article describes and gives a critical assessment of the three most important approaches to reception research concerned with the role of television in the lives of ethic minority groups: 1. The study of the representation of ethnic minorities in mainstream television. 2. The study of how ethnic minorities use and evaluate cable and satellite television and 3. The study of how minority groups read particular programs (usually soaps or news).
Diane Oatley
“Raqs Al-Sharqi or the Art of Having What One Has”
The article seeks in her article to articulate the unique dimensions of bodily knowledge produced by the Egyptian dance form raqs al-sharqi. The premise that raqs al-sharqi holds the potential to destabilize and subvert traditional forms of embodiment and visual perception is sought illustrated first through critique of the concepts transcendence/immanence presented by two feminist scholars. This critique is countered by examples from theory and practice that address the particularity of the raqs al-sharqi dancing body. The article hereby finds expression for aspects of bodily knowledge that are generally acknowledged by dance studies, but nonetheless remain to a large extent unarticulated in critical theory, including dance criticism.
Kirsten Palm and Hein Lindquist
“Organiseringen av opplæringen for språklige minoriteter i grunnskolen: Tiltak og begrunnelser”
Artikkelen presenterer en undersøkelse av et utvalg skoler i Telemark og Buskerud og viser hvordan disse skolene avgjør hvorvidt minoritetselevene har behov for tilrettelagt opplæring, og hvordan denne opplæringen organiseres. Hva slags begrunnelser har skolene for de ulike tiltakene de setter i verk på bakgrunn av opplæringsloven? Kan disse skolene karakteriseres som flerkulturelle skoler?
Book Reviews:
Fra identitet til forskjell av Randi Gressgård anmeldt av Margrete Fredriksen
Politisk psykologi av Nils Johan Lavik og Nora Sveeas anmeldt av Arnulf Kolstad
Les mer her
Editorial board
Editors: Hakan Gurcan Sicakkan (IMER Norway/UiB) and prof. Nora Ahlberg (NAKMI/UiO)
Editorial secretary: Eirik Dahl Viggen (NAKMI)
The journal is published by Tapir Akademisk Forlag with support from the Norwegian Research Council.
Norwegian Journal of Migration Studies seeks writers
Do you want to publish an article in the Norwegian Journal of Migration Studies? Articles can be submitted for evaluation to Editorial Secretary Eirik Dahl Viggen:
See also the journal’s home pages
CMI Brief:
“The New Asylum Dilemma: Refugee, War Criminal or Terrorist?”
Written by Court of Appeals Judge Terje Einarsen, Senior Researcher Elin Skaar, and Consultant Vibeke Vevstad .
After 9/11 and following terrorist attacks a new problem has presented itself with great force: How can Western states – like Norway – guarantee fair procedures and humane treatment of all asylum seekers and simultaneously prevent human rights violators or terrorists from wrongfully being granted refugee status?
Read the CMI brief here
Anoumou, Olta William (2006): Vesle Svarte Sambo er nå voksen og bor i Norge. En bok om integrering . Lockert Forlag.
Olta William Anoumou er årets vinner av Lockert Forlags essaykonkurranse for Forfattere med minoritetsbakgrunn. Les mer om boka og forfatteren her
Antonucci, Toni C. (2006): Immigration, Adaptation, and Well-Being Across the Life Span. A Special Issue of Research in Human Development. Vol. 2: 4. More information here
Berry , John W., Jean S. Phinney, David I. Sam and Paul Vedder (eds.)(2006): Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition: Acculturation, Identity and Adaptations Across National Contexts. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, US. Read more here
Blikom, Mari (2006): Understanding the lives of refugees living in exile: A core social motive Approach. Master thesis in social psychology, NTNU.
Nygaard, Oddveig (2006): “Between care and control: Interaction between refugees and caseworkers within the Norwegian refugee integration programme”. Sussex Migration Working Paper no. 32. The paper is available online
Other Sussex Migration Working Papers are available here
Sam, David L. and John W. Berry (eds.) (2006): The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology. Cambridge University Press. Read more here
Strandbu, Åse (2006): Idrett, kjønn, kropp og kultur: Minoritetsjenters møte med norsk idrett. NOVA Rapport 10/06. Les mer her6