Friday, 10 November 2006
Newsletter Nr. 11 / 2006
- Conferences/Seminars
- Researcher positions at Culcom
- PhD Scholarship at PRIO
- FEMM-network- mailinglist and steering committee
- The first GLOMIG E-newsletter
- Call for papers to the first issue of Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
- ”Sosiologi i dag” seeks contributions to a special issue on migration
- Publications
The 14th Nordic Migration Researcher Conference, IMER, UoB
Time: | 14-16 November 2007 |
Place: | Bergen |
From the beginning of next year you can update on news about the conference here
Den 15. nasjonale fagkonferansen i statsvitskap
Time: | 3-5 Januar 2007 |
Place: | Hotell Rica Nidelven, Trondheim |
Statsvitskapen i Noreg fyller 60 år i 2007 og i samband med dette vert det arrangert ein plenumssesjon med tema “Statsvitskap 60 år – Kvar står me? Kvar går me?”
Konferansen føregår på hotell Rica Nidelven og startar med lunsj onsdag 3. januar klokka 12:00.
Konferansen er organisert i ulike arbeidsgrupper: komparativ politikk, internasjonal politikk og europeisk integrasjon, fred- og konfliktforsking, politisk åtferd, policy analyse, organisasjonar og institusjonar, og normativ politisk teori.
Deadline påmelding: 17 november
Deadline papers: 20. desember
Mer informasjon om konferansen og påmelding finner du her
NTG-asyl & integrations seminarium:
“Irreguljära, papperslösa, gömda, illegala, svarta – (Välfärds-)staten och dess icke-medborgare”
Stockholms universitet, Frescati G-salen biologihuset, 29. november 2006.
Påmeldingsfrist: 24.november(begrenset antall plasser).
For mer informasjon om seminaret, ta kontakt med Katarina Willstedt
Research seminar Prof. John M. Hobson (University of Sheffield)
Time: | Wednesday, 15 November 2007, 14.15 – 16.00 |
Place: | Seminar room, Department of Administration and Organization Theory, Christiesgt. 17 |
Theme: “Is Critical Theory Always for the White West and for Western Imperialism? Beyond Westphilian, Towards a Post-Racist, International Relations”
Nytt fagseminar:
Når din gruppe blir din skjebne – om kollektive overgrep, identitetspolitikk og minoriteters vilkår i et flerkulturelt Europa. Mer informasjon om seminaret finner du her.
Researcher positions at Culcom:
The positions are attached to the following area of commitments :”Verdikonflikt, verdifellesskap og integrering” and ”Transnasjonale prosesser”.
For more information click here and here
PhD scholarship at PRIO:
PRIO is strengthening the institute’s migration research and will soon start a large project on money transfers (remittances) from immigrants in Norway to their countries of origin. The research will include a PhD project focusing on Pakistan, and we are inviting applications for a three-year researcher position as a PhD candidate.
The PhD project will concentrate on remittances from Norway to Pakistan, and on the development of Norwegian policy on migrant remittances. This case will be used to address the theoretical question of how host-country policy environments influence migrant transnationalism.
The PhD candidate will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of other researchers working on related aspects of remittances from immigrants in Norway. The position gives the opportunity to work in a leading international research environment and to contribute to an important new area of research.
For more information click here
FEMM-network- mailinglist and steering committee
Fore information and reminders about seminars and activities organized by the FEMM-network on Feminism and Multiculturalism at the Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, University of Oslo contact this e-mail address: Read more here
The FEMM-network also search for researchers to join FEMM’s steering committee. Please contact Anja Bredal for more information
The First GLOMIG E-Newsletter:
The First GLOMIG E-Newsletter, is obtainable here
Call for papers to the first issue of Ethnoscapes:
An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context
In Fall of 2007, The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and The Office of Minority Affairs at The Ohio State University will release its inaugural issue of Ethnoscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Race and Ethnicity in the Global Context.
In Ethnoscapes we will explore the development of critical themes in the field of race and ethnic studies by positioning current work in conversation with “classic,” influential pieces. The first issue of the journal investigates “Race and Coalition,” with consideration of Kwame Ture and Charles V. Hamilton’s “The Myths of Coalition” from their 1967 text, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation. Expanding upon the conceptualization of “coalition” presented in this classic piece, the issue will offer examinations of race and coalition in the global context and on the multicultural terrain of organizing in the United States, and of the foundations of effective multiracial organizing and the challenges posed by multiple and overlapping identities to coalition formation and efficacy.
Please contact Lidija Knuth at The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University for more information.
”Sosiologi i dag” seeks contributions to a special issue on migration:
“Sosiologi i dag” is a refereed sociology journal that publish four issues a year. We are editing an issue on migration for No. 3 2007, and want abstracts by November 15. We almost exclusively publish articles in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, but why don’t you take this opportunity to cooperate with a Norwegian-speaking colleague and get published in Norwegian?
Contact May-Len Skilbrei if you are interested or have a question, phone: +47 22 08 87 22 or e-mail.
Ramberg, Ingrid(2006). Citizenship matters: the participation of young women and minorities in Euro-Med youth projects. For more information press here
Jürgen Kohler, Josef Huber, Sjur Bergan(2006) Higher education governance between democratic culture, academic aspirations and market forces (Council of Europe higher education series No.5). For more information press here
Sjur Bergan, Andrejs Rauhvargers(2006)Recognition in the Bologna Process: policy development and the road to good practice (Council of Europe higher education series No.4). For more information press here
Chagal in action ! European Curriculum guidelines for access programmes into higher education for under-represented adult learners (CD-Rom) (2006). For more information press here
Predelli, Line Nyhagen Innvandrerorganisasjoner i Norge. Utforming, aktiviteter og politisk deltakelse. NIBR-rapport 2006: 14.
Gjervan, Andersen og Bleka (2006)’Se mangfold. Perspektiver på flerkulturelt arbeid i barnehagen‘. Cappelen akademiske forlag, Oslo.