Photo: Ggia, Wikimedia Commons. Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License
Europe is confronted by the biggest refugee crisis since WW2. In the series “The great societal challenges”, University of Bergen and Bergens Tidende explore the implications of this for the Norwegian healthcare system.
Where: University Aula
When: Saturday March, from 1500-1700.
Vice rector Anne Lise Fimreite will open the event.
Professor of Law, Karl Harald Søvig, will have a keynote on health rights and health challenges for people without legal residence in Norway.
Editor Hilde Sandvik will lead the following panel discussion:
Marry-Anne Karlsen (PhD)
Ingebjørn Bleidvin (Dr)
Kjersti Toppe (Parliamentarian)
For more information (in Norwegian):