Tuesday, 23 october 2007
Newsletter Nr. 9 / 2007
- IMER/UiB:Last call for registration: The 14 Nordic Migration Researchers Conference
- (University of Roskilde)): Call for papers: Gendering Theories of Citizenship: Europeanization and Care
- CULCOM: Art Beyond Reason
- Call for Papers: Urban Planet — 2008 Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality
- (University College of York) Call for Papers: “Children and Migration: Identities, Mobilities and Belonging(s)”
- (ESFR 2008) : Call for abstracts and registrations:
- CEREN: New Master’s degree programme in ethnic relations
- PRIO: Conference: “Remittances, Integration and Development: The Debate Explored'”
- (Ceren): Job Vacancy: Senior Researcher / Postdoctoral researcher / Doctoral Student
- Diskrimineringens mange former: forskning – politikk – praksis
- Storkonferanse i Folkets Hus 7. november: Hvorfor jobbe?
- Publications
The 14 Nordic Migration Researchers Conference
‘“Borders and Boundaries”
Time: | November 14-16, 2007 |
Place: | Bergen, Norway |
The 14th Nordic Migration Researcher Conference will be hosted by IMER/UiB at the University of Bergen. The theme for the Nordic Migration Researcher Conference points to issues of sovereignty, demarcation, distinction, exclusion and discrimination, but also to issues of transience, communication across distinction, and acceptance. Aspects of ‘the global turn’ and the Europeanization of Europe, not least as manifest in migration and migrant populations, have brought border and boundary issues to the forefront not only in social science and humanities scholarship, but also placed them with exceptional prominence on the political agenda.
The conference will be organized in plenaries and workshops.
For each of the three days, the plenaries will focus around a specific topic:
Chair: Yngve Lithman, University of Bergen, Norway
09.30 | Coffee |
10.00 | Welcome |
10.15 | Intro Panel |
10.30 | John Urry, Lancaster University, UK |
“New Mobilities Paradigm” | |
11.15 | Coffee |
11.30 | Jonathon Moses, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway |
“States don’t migrate, people do” | |
12.15 | Panel discussion |
13.00 | Lunch |
14.00 | Launching of Nord Imer |
14.30 | Workshop sessions |
15.45 | Coffee |
16.15 | Workshop sessions(end 17.00) |
“MOBILITY AND GENDER “Chair: Randi Gressgård, University of Stavanger, Norway
09.00 | Coffee |
09.30 | Uli Linke, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA |
“National Borders, Unbound Bodies: Black Masculinities in the Carceral Zones of European Violence” | |
10.15 | Anja Bredal, Institute for Social Research, Norway |
“Gendered violence in minority families: Something special, or just the same?” | |
11.00 | Coffee |
11.15 | Laura Agustín, London Metropolitan University, UK |
“Against Essence: The Curious Cultural Corner of the ‘European’“ | |
12.00 | Panel discussion |
13.00 | Lunch |
14.00 | Workshop sessions |
15.15 | Coffee |
15.45 | Workshop sessions(end 16.30) |
20.00 | Conference Dinner |
“GLOBALIZING IDIOMS AND HUMAN RIGHTS”Chair: Mette Andersson, University of Bergen, Norway
09.00 | Coffee |
09.15 | Presentation of the newly established Malmö Institute for studies of Migration, diversity and welfare (MIM), Malmö University |
09.30 | Anne Norton, University of Pennsylvania, USA |
“On the Muslim Question” | |
10.15 | Howard Adelman, Griffith University, Australia |
“Ducking for Cover: The Headscarf issue in Europe” | |
11.00 | Coffee |
11.15 | Bruce Kapferer, University of Bergen, Norway |
12.00 | Panel discussion |
13.00 | Lunch (end 14.00) |
Deadline for registration : 25 october
For questions about the academic program contact Knut Hidle or Yngve Lithman
For general queries, comments or proposals please contact Kjersti Skjervheim
For more information please visit the conference web page
Gendering Theories of Citizenship: Europeanization and Care
Tid: | April 2-3, 2008 |
Sted: | University of Roskilde,Denmark |
A conference at University of Roskilde, Dept. of Social Sciences,
under the auspices of CINEFOGO * an EU sponsored
network of Excellence.
The conference brings together, on one hand, discussions about the
genesis of a thin European social citizenship, which seems to be in
development process, and on the other hand, issues of care, whether paid
or unpaid, in the context of welfare states and different forms of
Welfare (state, market, civil society). The intention is to relate
feminist thinking and feminist theory on citizenship with a specific
attention to care together with the empirical tendency towards
Europeanization of welfare and changes in European societies taking
place presently. The overall aim is to develop new theoretical insights
on this field. In doing so, the relationship between Europeanization and
globalization dynamics needs to be discussed and theoretized anew.
We envisage contributions that thematize theories of citizenship with an
attention to care (its various forms) and to discussions about the
emergence of the contours of a European social citizenship. We invite
theoretical as well as empirical papers * and attempt to create an
interdisciplinary conference with a maximum of 40 participants from
various disciplines representing different modes of reasoning.
The Conference will include the following, confirmed key note speakers:
* Joan Tronto (Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Hunters College, CUNY)
* Judith Squires (Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of
* Fiona Williams (Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Social Policy,
University of Leeds)
* Kevät Nousiainen (Professor. Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki)
We invite abstracts for papers on the theme of the conference: Abstracts
are due on 23rd of November 2007 and must not exceed 300 words.
Information on acceptance will be sent to participants at the beginning
of December. The final deadline for papers is set for 17th of March 2008.
We expect the keynote speeches and some of the presented papers to lead
to a publication in a book series by Edwin Elgar.
Participation and costs:
The conference is open to all members of the CINEFOGO Network as well as
for other interested researchers throughout Europe. The conference (and
accommodation costs) will be free for paper-givers and members of the
CINEFOGO Network of Excellence, while travel costs will be covered by
each individual participant. However, PhD students are particularly
encouraged to participate and their travel costs will be reimbursed. For
people without a paper, the travel and accommodation costs will have to
be covered by themselves/their institution.
Contact associate professor, Dr. Hanne Marlene Dahl
Professor. Dr. Anne Kovalainen , or Marja Keränen if you need more information.
Art Beyond Reason
Tid: | 29. oktober |
Sted: | Nobel Fredssenter, Oslo |
– en konferanse i samarbeid mellom CULCOM, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo og Nobels FredssenterKunst og kultur brukes stadig oftere som pådrivere for demokrati, likeverd og samhandling på tvers av etniske eller religiøse skillelinjer, og kunsten spiller ofte en viktig rolle i identitets- og nasjonsbygging. – Med prosjektet Kosmokultur vil vi vise hvordan kulturen griper direkte inn i politikken, og ikke bare når den er åpent politisk. Kunst kommuniserer på en annen måte enn for eksempel forskning og akademiske tekster. Kunsten har sitt eget språk, og samtidig har den et allmennmenneskelig element. Derfor har kunsten et grenseoverskridene potensial til å forandre verden, sier Thomas Hylland Eriksen, forskningsleder av CULCOM. Les mer
Se program
Påmelding til ltj(at) innen 25. oktober. NB! Begrenset antall plasser.
Call for Papers: Urban Planet — 2008 Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality
Urban Planet: Collective Identities, Governance and Empowerment in Megacities
–Essay Competition–
Irmgard Coninx Research Grant 2008
Workshop and Conference in Berlin, 11-16 June 2008
International Essay Competition and Workshop organized by the Irmgard
Coninx Foundation, the Social Science Research Center Berlin and the
Humboldt-University Berlin.
Deadline for essay submission: 15 December 2007
–Workshop participation in Berlin–
50 successful applicants to the essay competition will be invited to
discuss their research with prominent scholars at some of Europe’s leading
research institutions. The workshop will take place at the Social Science
Research Center Berlin on 11 – 16 June 2008.
–Irmgard Coninx Research Grant–
An international jury will award a three-months fellowship to three
participants to be used for research at the Social Science Research Center
Berlin, the Humboldt-University Berlin and the State library Berlin. The
Grant includes a monthly stipend of EUR 1,000 plus accommodation and its
winners will be invited to join a follow-up workshop in Berlin in
–Program details–
In continuation of previous Roundtables on population politics and on
migration into cities, the Eight Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality
will focus on “Collective Identities, Governance and Empowerment in
These issues will be discussed in three workshops chaired. They will be
accompanied by evening lectures of prominent scholars and politicians such
as Mike Davis (author of “Planet of Slums”) and Klaus Töpfer (former
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme).
The Irmgard Coninx Foundation will cover travel and accommodation costs.
View details for the essay competition
For inquiries please contact us
(University College of York) Call for Papers
“Children and Migration: Identities, Mobilities and Belonging(s)”
Time: | April 9-11 2008 |
Place: | University College Cork, Ireland. |
Abstracts are invited for an international and interdisciplinary conference exploring childhood and migration.
This conference aims to focus on children’s own experiences and perspectives of migration, diaspora and transnationalism. The organisers welcome papers which explore all aspects of children’s migrations, transnational childhoods, diasporic childhood/youth, including internal and international migration, traveller and nomadic lifestyles, and return migration. Papers employing qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods approaches are welcome, particularly those using new participatory methodologies with children, as well as analyses of policy or practice.
For more details contact us or visit our web pages. Information on conference fees and registration will be on the website from September 1 2007. A limited number of bursaries for postgraduate students, unwaged and contract researchers will be available (see details on website). Closing date for applications and for submission of abstracts (max. 250 words): October 31 2007.
(ESFR 2008) : Call for abstracts and registrations:
“The 4th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations:
Cultures, generations and family interactions”
Time: | 24-27 September, 2008 |
Place: | Jyväskylä, Finland |
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the 4th international congress
of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) which will take place
on 24-27 September 2008 in Jyväskylä, Finland. The congress is
organised by Family Research Centre, University of Jyväskylä, in
co-operation with the ESFR.
The focus of the congress will be on the role of culture and generations
in family interaction. These topics will be approached in terms of
parenting, childrearing, family roles and responsibilities, work-family
interaction, everyday family life, and partnership between families and
social policy institutions.
More information about the scientific program of the congress,
submission of the abstracts and registration are available here
The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February, 2008 and for early
registration 31 May 2008.
New Master’s degree programme in ethnic relations
The Master’s Degree Programme in Ethnic Relations, Cultural Diversity and
Integration (ERI) is a new international programme offered by The Swedish
School of Social Science and the Departments of Political Science,
Sociology and Social Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
ERI aims at giving students from different disciplines within Social
Sciences a common background when it comes to analyzing intergroup
phenomena, the consequences of migration and their implications for social
relations and political processes. ERI provides high level academic and
professional expertise needed for dealing with challenges that culturally
diverse societies and their institutions are facing at the beginning of the
21st century.
The 2-year programme is scheduled to start in autumn 2008 and welcomes
applications from both national and international applicants. The period of
application is 15.11.2007 – 31.01.2008.
You can find more information about the programme and the entry
requirements at
You can also contact the coordinator of ERI, Anna Storgårds, at:
CEREN (Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism)
Swedish School of Social Science
P.O. Box 16, 00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: +358- 9- 191- 28492
Fax: +358- 9- 191- 28485
“‘Remittances, Integration and Development: The Debate Explored’”
Time: | Friday 2 November, 9.00 to 16.30 |
Place: | Hausmanns gate 7, Red Cross Conference Facilities, Oslo. |
The aim of the conference is to explore the complex relationships between migrants’ remittance sending patterns, their level of integration and their contributions to development in the country of origin. In the morning session, an overview of the international evidence on this relationship will be presented. Then, in the afternoon a debate will follow on the Somali hawala remittance sending system in Norway. Here, legal aspects will be discussed as well as the implications for integration in Norway and development in the Horn of Africa.
The conference is organized as part of the Remittances from Immigrants in Norway research project at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO).
The conference is open to all those interested, and is expected to be attended by politicians, policy makers, practitioners, remittance service providers, academics and immigrants in Norway. Please forward the invitation to anyone interested. Register for the conference by sending an email to by Friday 26 October.
Senior Researcher / Postdoctoral researcher / Doctoral Student
CEREN – Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism – is a part
of the Swedish School of Social Science (SSKH) at the University of
Helsinki. The CEREN research project ‘Challenging power: Equality, Diversity
and the Integration of Ethnic and National Minorities in Finland’ (funded by
the Finnish Academy) seeks new ways to understand power around ethnic
relations and to reflect on how the commitment to equality could be realised
in the Finnish context. The study will simultaneously focus on so called
historical, national and language minorities (Swedish speaking Finns, Roma,
Sámi) and on new ethnic minorities (immigrants from former USSR and refugees
from Iraq and Somalia). The project also includes comparative aspects. For
more information please visit the project website
The project is looking for a
Senior Researcher / Postdoctoral researcher / Doctoral Student
to work within the project as of the 1st of January 2008. The duration of
the appointment will cover a period of 14 to 16 months with a possibility to
prolong the period, depending on the candidate.
Applications, including a CV and other relevant documents, must be addressed
to CEREN and sent by e-mail to or by mail to
CEREN, Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 15 A (PB 16), 00014 University of Helsinki.
The submission deadline for all application documents is November 9th, 2007,
during office hours (by 4.15 p.m. local time). Applications that arrive
later than this will not be considered.
For more information contact Peter Kraus, Professor in Ethnic Relations,
or Mathias Björklund, Research Administrator.
Diskrimineringens mange former: forskning – politikk – praksis
Dagsseminar i Oslo 27. november 2007
Time: | 27 November |
Place: | Auditoriumet, Oslo kongressenter, Folkets hus, Youngsgt 11, Oslo |
Seminaret tar opp diskriminering fra ulike ståsteder. Å se på flere diskrimineringsgrunnlag samtidig har ført til utvikling av teorier om interseksjonalitet, dvs. det å undersøke samspillet mellom ulike typer kjennetegn ved mennesker. Seminaret er et tverrfaglig møtested for å forsøke å se kjønn, etnisitet, seksuell orientering, funksjonsevne og alder i sammenheng når det gjelder diskriminering.
- Bidrar ny forskning til nye og fruktbare måter å forholde seg til anti-diskrimineringsarbeid på?
- I hvilken grad arbeider politikere, forvaltning og interesseorganisasjonene i forhold til ulike diskrimineringsgrunnlag samtidig?
- Er nye metoder, tiltak og arbeidsmåter i utvikling, eller trengs det mer kunnskap om flerdimensjonalt samspill og sterkere fokus på sammenhenger?
Informasjon om program og innledere.
Deltakeravgift er kroner 200,-. Studentpris kroner 100,-. Lunsj er inkludert i prisen.
Send påmelding til
Frist for påmelding: 9. november 2007. Påmelding er bindende fra denne dato.
Storkonferanse i Folkets Hus 7. november: Hvorfor jobbe?
Time: | 7 November 2007 |
Place: | Folkets Hus / Oslo Kongressenter Youngsgt. 11 |
Må vi tvinges til å jobbe, under vedvarende trussel om fattigdom? I så fall kan velferdsordningene bli så gode at mange slutter å jobbe. Eller er jobben så bra for oss at vi helst vil jobbe uansett?
Dette er temaet for årets store konferanse i regi av forskningsprogrammene Velferd, Arbeidsliv og Internasjonal migrasjon og etniske relasjoner (IMER) i Norges forskningsråd.
Påmeldingsfrist: 2. november 2007
Fore mer informasjon og påmelding gå her
– Victor Jeleniewski Seidler(2007) Urban Fears and Global Terrors: Citizenship, multicultures and belongings after 7/7 . International Library of Sociology, Routledge.
More information
– Migration Letters, Volume 4, No.2 – Special Issue on Migration and Human Security in the Balkans
More information
– Islam in the European Union: What’s at Stake in the Future? European Parliament.
–”Words or action? Transition from Indigenous Activism to Political Power. Challenges from South America”has been published This is the report from a conference organised by the Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples at the University of Tromsø, 5-6 October 2006 .
-Östen Wahlbeck (red.)(2007). Ny migration och etnicitet i Norden. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Ser. A:554. Åbo 2007.
– The Migrant Workers Convention in Europe: Obstacles to the Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families: EU/EEA Perspectives. First Volume of the UNESCO Migration Studies Series
More information | Download report
– Work Migration and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa : Obstacles to the Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
More information | Download report (only avalable in french)