Friday, 17 August 2007
Newsletter Nr. 7 / 2007
- IMER/UiB:Updated call: The 14 Nordic Migration Researchers Conference
- IMER/UiB: New webportal
- NAKMIs priser 2007: Nominasjon av kandidater
- NOVA: Boklansering: “Tatt for en annen”
- Culcom: Seminar: Paul Taylor, 20/08
- Flyktningeregnskapet 2007
- Publications
(Imer/Uib) Updated call:
The 14 Nordic Migration Researchers Conference
‘“Borders and Boundaries”
Time: | November 14-16, 2007 |
Place: | Bergen, Norway |
Workshop overview now available
The 14th Nordic Migration Researcher Conference will be hosted by IMER/UiB at the University of Bergen. The theme for the Nordic Migration Researcher Conference points to issues of sovereignty, demarcation, distinction, exclusion and discrimination, but also to issues of transience, communication across distinction, and acceptance. Aspects of ‘the global turn’ and the Europeanization of Europe, not least as manifest in migration and migrant populations, have brought border and boundary issues to the forefront not only in social science and humanities scholarship, but also placed them with exceptional prominence on the political agenda.
The conference will be organized in plenaries, subplenaries, and workshops.
For each of the three days, the plenaries will focus around a specific topic. The following topics have been defined:
Transnationalism and the relevance of borders
Specifically, the relevance of state/European borders in our attempts to understand migratory movements and migrant population ‘integration’. What reshapings of the sovereignty regimes do we see, and why? Do we see a development towards a sociology of mobility? Or do we see a re-nationalization within Europe? Borders, boundaries and identity construction are crucial issues here.
*Jonathon Moses, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
*John Urry, Lancaster University, UK
Mobility and gender
Increasingly, there has been a stronger and much needed focus on gender within studies in international migration and ethnic relations. This plenary will deal with, and tie together, some ways in which gender constructions are tied to imaginaries of community, and gendered distinctions in agency and the quality of life.
*Uli Linke, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
*Laura Agustín, London Metropolitan University, UK
*Anja Bredal, Institute for Social Research, Norway
Globalizing idioms and human rights
Increasingly, globalizing and essentializing idioms, especially religious and ethnic ones, have been seen as major impediments to reasoned resolutions to conflicts and controversies. These idioms have been largely contrasted with human rights perspectives. The plenary will explore these issues, with particular attention also to the essentializing dimensions in the human rights discourses.
*Anne Norton, University of Pennsylvania, USA
*Howard Adelman, Griffith University, Australia
*Bruce Kapferer, University of Bergen, Norway
The Organizers welcome abstracts and paper submissions! Please check out the workshoplist and note which workshop you prefer to contribute to when submitting your abstract.
Submission of abstracts: 15 September
Submission of paper: Open: 15 October
Abstracts will only be accepted through online submission.
For questions about the academic program contact Knut Hidle or Yngve Lithman
For general queries, comments or proposals please contact Kjersti Skjervheim
For more information please visit the conference web page
imer/uib: NEW WEB PORTAL
Launching a new web portal
Imer/UiB would like to inform you that we have launched our new webportal. You will now get easier access to IMER/UiB’s research, news, seminars, conferences, and publications. The new web adress is Please update your bookmarks!
Nakmis priser 2007
Nominasjon av kandidater
NAKMI vil i desember 2007 for første gang dele ut to priser à kr. 25 000 –
en klinisk utviklingspris og en forskningspris – hver for et arbeid innen
helse- og omsorgsfaglige spørsmål som berører migrantminoriteter og deres
behandlere i tjenesteapparatet.
Vær med og nominér kandidater til prisene innen 28. september 2007!
Du kan lese mer om prisene og finne nominasjonsskjema her
NOVA: Boklansering
“Tatt for en annen”
Time: | August 22, 13.30 |
Place: | NOVA, Munthes gt. 29, Store møterom, Oslo |
22. august inviterer NOVA og Gyldendal Akademisk til lansering av boken: Tatt for en annen. En feltstudie av relasjonen mellom etniske minoriteter og politiet, skrevet av Ragnhild A. Sollund. Forfatteren vil fortelle om funnene fra studien, mens politidirektør Ingelin Killengreen og professor Liv Finstad er blant de som vil kommentere boken. Mer informasjon
Seminar: Paul Taylor
“Globalizing critical race theory; or, how to say race matters without becoming a nazi.”
Time: | August 20, 2007, 14.15-16.00 |
Place: | Georg Sverdrups Hus,undervisningsrom 2, 3. etasje. Oslo. |
“Does defeating racism require transcending race? Prominent figures in post-apartheid societies like the USA and South Africa insist that it does, and public discourse and policy have increasingly come to reflect their view. I will argue that this approach is mistaken. Contrary to the narratives spun around this ‘colorblind ethic’, it is neither a logical extension of the global antiracist struggle nor the obvious response to the political and metaphysical difficulties of high modern race-thinking.”
Culcoms hjemmesider
Flyktningregnskapet 2007
Ny utgave av Flyktningeregnskapet
Flyktningregnskapet er et oppslagsverk for alle som jobber med flyktningrelaterte spørsmål, eller som ønsker informasjon om emnet. Publikasjonen gir en helhetlig oversikt over verdens flyktningsituasjon, med fakta, tall og tendenser samt aktuelle temaer relatert til mennesker på flukt. Flyktningregnskapet har oppdatert statistikk om flyktninger og internt fordrevne, bakgrunnsartikler om 83 ulike land og en liste over nyttige begreper, forkortelser og norske, regionale og internasjonale regelverk.
Flyktningregnskapet 2007 inneholder bl.a. Komplett statistikk over verdens flyktninger og internt fordrevne Analyse av globale og regionale trender Bakgrunnsartikler om 83 land Artikler om ignorerte flyktninggrupper, Norge og europeisk flyktningpolitikk, murer mot flyktninger & militært-sivilt samarbeid Oversikt over begreper, konvensjoner og regelverk 200 illustrerte sider med foto, kart og grafikk Flyktningregnskapet 2007 kan lastes ned eller bestilles på Flyktninghjelpens nettside.
Agustín, Laura Maria. (2007)Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry. Zed Books, UK . More information..
Amit-Talai, Vered (2007) Going first class?: new approaches to privileged travel and movement . Berghahn Books, New York. More information…
Helen Colley, Philipp Boetzelen, Bryony Hoskins and Teodora Parveva(eds.)(2007) Social inclusion for young people: breaking down the barriers. Council of Europe Publications. More information…
Moses, Jonathon W. og Anne Margrethe Brigham(2007)”Globalisering i Norge. Politisk, kulturell og økonomisk suverenitet i endring.” Fagbokforlaget, Bergen. Mer informasjon
Thunem, Gunhild. (2007) Kvinner, migrasjon og integrering : filippinske kvinner gift med norske menn . Masteroppgave i samfunnsplanlegging og leiing. Høgskulen i Volda.
Young people from lower income neighbourhoods – Guide to new policy approaches (2007). Council of Europe Publications. More information…