Postdoctoral Fellow: Uni Rokkan Centre / University of Bergen, Institute for social anthropology
+ 47 55 58 38 94
Research Interests
Islam and Muslims in Europe, international migration, refugee studies, processes of inclusion and exclusion, gender, youth.
Regional interests
Germany, Norway, Iraq.
Ongoing research projects
“Provision of welfare to ‘irregular migrants'” (PROVIR).
Bendixsen, S. 2013. ‘I love my Prophet’. Religious Taste as Social Boundary Marking in Berlin, in Moors, Annelies and Tarlo, Emma (eds.), Islamic Fashion and Anti-fashion. New Perspectives from Europe and America, Berg Publishers: London.
– 2013. The Religious Identity of Young Muslim Women in Berlin. An Ethnographic Study, Brill: Leiden
– 2013. Becoming Members in the Community of Value: Ethiopian Irregular Migrants Enacting Citizenship in Norway, in Migration Matters, A. Edelstein and M. Dugan (eds.), Inter-Disciplinary Press: Oxfordshire, pp. 3-22
– (2013). Processes of Localised and Globalised Islam among Young Muslims in Berlin, in Religions in Movement. The Local and the Global in Contemporary Faith Traditions, R. Hefner, Hutchinson, J., Mels, S. and Timmerman, C. (eds.), Routledge: London
– (2013). Connecting the Local, National, and Transnational Powers of a Religious Youth Organisation in Berlin, in Topographies of Faith. Religion in Urban Spaces, Casanova, J. I. Becci, Burchardt, M. (eds.), Brill: Leiden
– (June 2013), ‘I love my Prophet’. Religious Taste as Social Boundary Marking in Berlin,
in Moors, Annelies and Tarlo, Emma (eds.), Islamic Fashion and Anti-fashion. New Perspectives from Europe and America, Berg Publishers: London.
– (2013). Being Muslim or being ‘German’? Islam as a New Urban Identity (Reprint), in Wilcox, Melissa M. (ed.), Religion in Today’s World. Global Issues, Sociological Perspectives, Routledge: London
– (2012). Book review of Islam og muslimer i Danmark. Religion, identitet og sikkerhed efter 11. september 2001, Pedersen og Rytter (eds), in Norsk Antropolologisk Tidsskrift, 2: 23: 202-204.
Øien, Cecilie og Synnøve Bendixsen (2012): ”Det riktige valget? Motivasjon og beslutningsprosess når avviste asylsøkere velger frivillig retur”. Fafo-rapport 2012:37.
– (2011): Islam as a New Urban Identity? Constructing a Religious Youth Culture in Berlin, Future: Weimar.
– (2009): Being Muslim or being ‘German’? Islam as a New Urban Identity, in Tibe Bonifacio, G. and Angeles, Vivienne SM (eds.), Gender, Religion and Migration: Pathways of Integration, Lexington Books: Lanham, pp. 95-115.
– (2009): Young females negotiating, resisting, and (re)constructing ‘Othering’, in Critique and Humanism Journal, Human and Social Studies Foundation, Sofia, 30/3, pp. 103-123.
– (2009): Îslam û çanda ciwanên li bajaran (Mind the Gap. Young Female Muslims Crafting a Religious Self in Berlin), in Le Monde diplomatique Kurdi.
– (2008): Der Islam als neuer Identifikationsfaktor? Junge Musliminnen in Berlin. 02.07.08 (Portal for migration and issues on Muslims in Germany).
– (2007): Making Sense of the City: Religious Spaces of Young Muslim Females in Berlin, in Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte 2/2007, pp. 51-65.
– (2006): Religiöse Räume organisieren: Eine neue Generation von Muslimen, in Islamisches Gemeindeleben in Berlin, der Beaftragte des Senats für Integration und Migration, pp. 59-63.
– (2005): Being Young, Muslim and Female. Creating Space of Belonging in Berlin, in Berliner Blätter, Gesellschaft für Ethnographie (GfE), Berlin, pp. 88-98.
Bendixsen, S. & de Guchteneire, P. (2003): Best Practices in Immigration Service Planning, in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 22, Issue 4 (Autumn). Wiley. Berkeley, pp. 677-682.