
IMER Bergen’s new research

The main programs and themes of research at IMER Bergen

Modes of «Being»: Identity formation, identity work amongst youth, ethnic entrepreneurs, identity politics, nationalism, power and resistance;

Transnationalism: forms of belonging and identities created in transnational spaces, transnational movements, ‘horizontal’ modes of organization under globalization;

Diversity and Society: Accommodating diversity (e.g. the multi-cultural society, the plural society, the civic society), gender issues in cultural diversity, radical transnationalism, diasporic conditions, globalization, the global in the local, larger-society reactions to diversity, and racism in diverse societies;

European Diversity: Migrants and minorities in Europe, European public sphere(s) and diversity; representation and legitimacy in diversity, belonging and identity in Europe;

Gender Studies: Gender issues in cultural diversity, mobility, citizenship, and public space, power / dominance and strategies of resistance, gender, sexuality and nationalism;

Citizenship Studies: Forms of citizenship and public space, the nation state, ethnic and religious relations, immigration, diversity and plurality, forms of co-existence, politics of identity, transnationalism, globalization.

Mobility Studies: mobility of social, cultural, and political boundaries, mobile belongings and identities, mobility of minds and bodies, mobility and power relations;

Migration and Refugee Studies: Immigration and migrants in host societies, refugee protection and reception systems in Europe, refugee empowerment (refugees as subjects not objects), refugee generation and movements;

Social justice: processes of inequality under globalization, societal permutations and emerging social injusticies, life careers in diverse societies, racism, ethnically based discrimination;
Go to Eurosphere, an EU financed integrated project which grew out of IMER Bergen.

Ongoing projects

  • PROVIR: Provision of Welfare to ‘Irregular Migrants’
  • NORFACE: The Architecture of Contemporary Religious Transmission
  • TRANSNAT: Transnational networks, national democracies. Political mobilisation and engagement among young adults of immigrant background

Completed projects

  • Diversity, Togetherness, and a Society in a Change
  • GLOCALMIG: Migrants, minorities, belonging and Citizenship: Glocalization and Participatization Dilemmas in the European Union and Small States
  • DIVCIT: Diversity and Citizenship: The European Union, Minorities and Migrants
  • Best Practices in International Migration