Marry-Anne Karlsen is a postdoctoral fellow at Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK). She has a background in human geography and social anthropology. Her research interests cover migration, welfare state, and border politics. Her PhD thesis Precarious inclusion. Irregular migration, practices of care and state b/ordering in Norway explored the encounter between healthcare providers and irregular migrants and and was part of the RCN-funded project Provision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants. She is currently part of a new 3 year international research project funded by the RCN, Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration (WAIT).
Karlsen is a board member of Nordic Migration Research and the Norwegian Network for Migration Research.
Research Interests
Migration policy and welfare state, social movements, urban and regional development
“Provision of welfare to ‘irregular migrants'” (PROVIR).
2017. Krise og kontinuitet i mottak av flyktninger i Norden. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
2017. Omsorgssektoren som integreringsarena: En hurtig og enkel vei til varig arbeid for flyktninger og innvandrere? [The social care sector as arena for integration : a fast and easy way to stable employment for refugees and immigrants?]. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 20: 332-348. doi: 10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2017-04-06
2016. Integrering i praksis: Helse- og omsorgssektoren som opplærings- og kvalifiseringsarena for flyktninger og innvandrere. Uni Research Rokkansenteret, Stein Rokkan senter for flerfaglige samfunnsstudier, Bergen. 82 pages.
2016. Norskopplæring for personer i asylmottak, Rokkanrapport 2. Uni Research Rokkansenteret, Bergen. 224 pages.
2015. Precarious inclusion. Irregular migration, practices of care, and state b/ordering in Norway. University of Bergen.
2016. Migration control and children’s access to healthcare. 8, pages 134-158. In: 2016. Handbook of Migration and Health. Edward Elgar Publishing. 531 pages. ISBN: 978 1 78471 477 2.
2015. Når helsevesenet blir en del av migrasjonskontrollen – etiske og praktiske dilemmaer for helsepersonell. 6, pages 128-145. In: 2015. Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet.Gyldendal Juridisk. 280 pages. ISBN: 978-82-05-48425-2.
2014. The conditions for hospitality in the Norwegian asylum reception system. Part VI, Chapter One, pages 284-299. In: 2014. Nordic work with traumatised refugees: Do we really care. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 334 pages. ISBN: 9781443861366.