Exploring Diversity SEMINAR SERIES
The internet portal http://www.theinder.net defined ethnically as Indian. It has been established by three young men, who consider themselves Indians of the second generation in Germany, for others like themselves in the summer of 2000. In the research project “The virtual second generation” I have conducted participant observation on- and offline and have interviewed editors, users and observers of the Indernet. Based on Paul Mecheril’s concept of natio-ethno-cultural (multiple) belongingness, I consider the Indernet to be an own space, in which implicitly experiences of racism can be exchanged and strategies of dealing with these negotiated. In the presentation I will outline the basic theoretical and methodological approach to my research as well as core conclusions.
Urmila Goel is a postdoctoral researcher in social and cultural anthropology affiliated to the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany. Currently she is a visiting researcher at the Department of the History of Religions, University of Bergen. More information on her research can be found on http://www.urmila.de .