Open PROVIR event: Presentation of research findings

November 20, 2014 @ 10:00 am – 11:45 am
Facultyr of Law, Auditorium 4
Det Juridiske Fakultet
University of Bergen, Magnus Lagabøtes Plass 1, 5010 Bergen

Precarious inclusion: Provision of welfare to irregular migrants in Norway

The IMER Bergen-project Provision of welfare to irregular migrants (PROVIR) will present its research findings at this open event.

PROVIR combined legal and anthropological approaches to investigate the complex relationship between law, institutional practice, and irregular migrants’ lived experience. The research project aimed to cast light on living conditions and access to welfare of irregularized migrants.

You can find more information about the project at PROVIRs website:

Date: November 20th

Time: 10.00 to 11.45

Venue: Auditorium 4, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen