IMER seminar in collaboration with Centre on law and social transformation (Note time: 12.15- 14.00)
For Norway, deporting irregular migrants is currently among the highest political priorities, and never before have so many deportations taken place – with 7100 forced returns an all-time high is expected to be reached in 2014. In this presentation, Janmyr will discuss one of the oldest instruments used by states to control migratory flows – readmission agreements. Such agreements typically assist in overcoming bilateral difficulties by setting out reciprocal obligations on the contracting parties to facilitate the return of persons who do not fulfil the condition of presence in the requested state. This presentation will focus on the objective and substance of Norwegian readmission agreements, and will specifically look into the impact of European Union readmission policies on Norwegian practice. Finally, Janmyr will discuss whether or not these readmission agreements fulfil their objectives: to decrease asylum flows to Norway and to increase both voluntary and forced return.
Maja Janmyr is a researcher at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen. Her research focuses on public international law; the interplay between international human rights-, humanitarian-, and refugee law; law and anthropology; international legal method; critical human rights; and socio-legal approaches. Read more about Maja Janmyr here:
Read more about the Centre on law and social transformation here: