See webpage for more information
The University of Bergen, through its Department of Sociology and IMER/UiB, is organizing a joint conference and PhD course around the theme of First Generation Nationals September 27-30, 2010. This event, focussed on “First Generation Nationals,” will attempt to elucidate several issues of major importance with respect to understanding the diversity of our societies, and many of these are also of significant political importance. A fuller presentation of the conference theme is presented here.
The conference will draw together researchers and scholars from across the Nordic countries and beyond. For PhD students within the humanities and social sciences, the course component of the conference will be constituted by workshop sessions dedicated to different themes. Participating PhD students that after submitting a post-conference paper get their work accepted, will be awarded 9 credits.
The conference programme with confirmed speakers, schedule and conference sessions is found here.
Convenors for the conference and the PhD workshops are:
Mette Andersson, Dept. of Sociology, University of Bergen (contact person regarding the academic programme)
Yngve Lithman, Dept. of Sociology, University of Bergen
For queries of a more practical and administrative nature, please contact the administrative co-ordinator of IMER at .