
LISE R. AGUSTIN – MINORITY WOMEN, EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND THE EUROPEAN UNION @ Staff Seminar Room, Department of Comparative Politics (2nd floor)
May 24 @ 12:15 pm – 2:00 pm


Lise Rolandsen Agustin
(Aalborg University)
To an increasing extent, women organize collectively at the transnational, European level. Women’s transnational organizations are, however, challenged in their efforts to combine gender equality concerns with diversity. This talk shows the different ways in which minority and majority organizations deal with gender and diversity and, in particular, ethnic minority women’s concern. The interaction between these organizations and the EU is addressed by assessing the potential of the transnational, European civil society in terms of defining and representing the diversity of women’s collective interests vis-à-vis the EU. Theoretically the talk introduces to the term political intersectionality, which is conceptualized as a complex and dynamic web of interrelations where institutionalized and noninstitutionalized actors mutually influence each other in discourses, policies, and practices of intersectionality.

Lise Rolandsen Agustín is assistant professor at the Centre for Equality, Diversity and Gender (EDGE) at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has previously worked as a junior researcher on the European Commission FP6 projects EUROSPHERE and QUING. Her research interests include social movements and women’s transnational activism, intersectionality and diversity, as well as EU gender equality policies and policy-making processes.

Friday 24 May, 14.15-16.00
(Note venue!) Staff Seminar Room, Department of Comparative Politics, Christiesgate 15, 2. Floor.



Seminar organizer: Hakan G. Sicakkan

Nov 29 @ 11:15 am – 1:00 pm

Thinking gender and belonging through transnational, diaspora and mobility studies

Breda Gray (University of Limerick)

There has been a proliferation of studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences in recent decades variously invoking the terms transnational(ism), diaspora and mobilities in accounting for migration and associated phenomena such as trans-generational ethnic identities and cross-border practices. Yet, we might ask to what extent these different terms and their respective bodies of scholarship provide insights into how human mobility can also reinforce nationalisms, ethnocentrisms, patriarchalisms and sexisms.

Breda Gray is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Director of programmes in Gender Culture & Society at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is also co-convenor of the NUI Galway and UL research consortium Gender ARC.  She has published widely on gender, diaspora, transnationalism and mobility.

Friday 29 November, 12.15-14.00.
Uni Rokkan Centre, Nygårdsgaten 5, 6th floor.

Skjermbilde 2013-11-13 kl. 23.02.09

NEW RESEARCH TOPICS WITHIN IMER BERGEN @ UNI Rokkansenteret, Nygårdsgaten 5, 6. etg (5th Floor)
Nov 29 @ 1:15 pm – 3:00 pm

Halvar A. Kjærre
: “Politics and Mobilities”

Tarje I. Wanvik: “Migration and Social Inequalities”

Halvar A. Kjærre (Department of Social Anthropology, UiB) and Tarje I. Wanvik (Department of Geography, UiB) have recently been recruited to the IMER Bergen research unit as PhD candidates.
In this seminar they will present their PhD projects. After the presentation there will also be a presentation of IMERS new webpages.

Skjermbilde 2013-11-13 kl. 23.02.09

Dec 13 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Skjermbilde 2013-11-26 kl. 10.09.29


Norsk nettverk for migrasjonsforskning (NMF) holder sitt årlige seminar om temaet:

Flyktninger og familieinnvandrere fra utenfor Europa dominerte lenge migrasjonsstrømmene til Norge, men de siste årene har bildet endret seg. Polske arbeidsinnvandrere, spanske «euroflyktninger», «partysvensker», rumenske tiggere, «papirløse» og stadig flere «nye» innvandrergrupper har gjort seg gjeldende, blant annet som følge av EØS-avtalens frie bevegelighet. Nye spørsmål i skjæringspunktet mellom migrasjon, kontroll, arbeidsliv og velferd er satt på dagsorden, samtidig som det tradisjonelle asylsystemet, familieinnvandrings- og integrasjonspolitikken er satt under press i en ny politisk virkelighet etter regjeringsskiftet. «Nye» og «gamle» migrasjonsstrømmer griper inn i hverandre på nye måter, og rammebetingelsene for forskning, politikk og offentlig debatt på migrasjonsfeltet er i rask endring. Hvordan kan og bør migrasjonsforskningen bidra til å forstå de nye utviklingstrekkene?



Jon Horgen Friberg: Arbeidsmigrasjon og fri flyt

Ada Engebrigtsen: Romfolk og tilreisende fattige

Marko Valenta: Nye trender på asyl- og flyktningefeltet

Christine Jakobsen: Papirløse og velferdsstatens grenser


Mer info om program og påmelding, se:


Norsk nettverk for migrasjonsforskning (NMF) er et forskernettverk som skal legge til rette for informasjonsutveksling for forskere og studenter og synliggjøre norsk forskning på migrasjonsfeltet. NMF er tilknyttet Nordic Migration Research (NMR)som er en nordisk medlemsorganisasjon for forskere innen migrasjonsfeltet. Se og

Feb 10 @ 2:15 pm – Feb 11 @ 4:00 pm

Migration in the media: Strategies, bias and blind-spots

Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud will hold this first seminar in the communicating migration series. It will be about media strategies that are used by different actors in the migration field. The main foci will be on the department of justice and police (JPD) and the Directorate of migration (UDI) where most of the fieldwork has been carried out. What do people working in these institutions do to avoid or limit negative talk about migration politics and bureaucratic processes on migration issues? How do they “sell” different cases to the media?

There are many confrontations within the field of migration. How do actors working with migrant or asylum seeker advocacy try to get their cases to the media?  What are the dilemmas and the weak points for these different actors?

Is the media a tool for a powerful stat that will try to limit migration? Or are they on the other side a tool for different actors promoting value based campaigns together with activists and persons who fight for their right to stay in Norway. And at last, what is hidden in the media. What do we not talk about?

Kjersti Throbjørnsrud

Kjersti-nyttKjersti Thorbjørnsrud is a researcher at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. She has been writing on topics as election campaigns, politics, work, public organizations. More lately the focus has been on migration issues within the framework of the project Mediation of Migration. This project is about medias influence on meaning, politics and administrative practice within the migration field. More information and list of publication here:

Mediation of migration project:

Communicating Migration Seminar Series IMER Bergen spring and autumn 2014

The IMER seminar series for 2014 will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities.  Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in which ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in with other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? Communicating migration will be discussed from various angles in our seminar series on international migration and ethnic relations during spring and autumn 2014. We welcome papers that touch upon this broad theme from different angles.  Historical analyses of change over time in regard to politics and public debate, research foci and disciplinary concerns are specifically welcomed.  The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014.

COMMUNICATING MIGRATION SEMINARS – LISE W. ISAKSEN – Mobility, Moral and Migration: “Familism” in Norwegian and Italian Contexts. @ Rokkansenteret 5th floor (6 etg)
Feb 24 @ 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm

«Mobilitet, moral og migrasjon:  familisme – begrepet i norske og italienske kontekster.»

Seminaret tar for seg hvordan middelhavslandenes familisme – begrep konstrueres og erfares i migrasjons-kontekster blant nordmenn i Italia og italienere i Norge. Dagens familisme utfordres både av «post-moderne” endringer i familie-strukturen, slik som lav fertilitet og stigende skilsmisse-rater, og av finanskrise og migrasjon.I Sør-Europa eksisterer lav fertilitet side om side med tradisjonelle omsorgs-organiseringer og parallelt med kontant-tunge velferdsprogrammer og begrenset produksjon av tjenester for de unge og de eldre. Den sentrale oppfatningen i komparative studier av relasjonen mellom familie og velferd er at velferdsstatene baserer politikken på en «tatt-for-gitt» holdning til en kjønnstradisjonell familie-institusjon, og denne kulturelle forutsetningen sementerer de tradisjonelle familie-strukturene. Men i hvilken grad er familiestrukturer og kulturelle og sosiale normer og verdier bundet sammen med idealtypiske regimer og nye migrasjonsmønstre?Nyere forskning viser til at sør-europeiske kvinner drømmer om den nordiske velferdsstaten eller en stat som organiserer familie -og arbeidsbalansen bedre. De vil ha tilgang på flere og bedre offentlige omsorgstjenester. Nordiske velferdsstater framstår som reneste paradiser for kvinner i Italia, og definitivt som et ideal, hevder samfunnsforskere. På den andre siden ser vi at mens italienere drømmer om velferd og arbeid, drømmer nordmenn om mer familieliv. En av de norske informantene i mitt prosjekt sier at hennes drøm er «å få til et italiensk familieliv kombinert med et norsk arbeidsliv». Hvordan er forbindelsen mellom familie-strukturer og familie-verdier? Hvordan er de relatert til mobilitet, moral og migrasjon?

LiseWLise Widding Isaksen er professor i sosiologi på Universitetet i Bergen. Hun jobber for tiden med prosjektene 1) «Mobilitet, moral og migrasjon: en studie av familiekulturer i Norge og Italia» , 2) «Polish Female Migrants and Their Families: A Study of Care Deficits» og 3) «Welfare Models, Demographic Patterns and Family Strategies in the Context of the Financial Crisis in Spain»


Siste publikasjoner:

Lise Widding Isaksen, 2010 (ed): Global Care Work. Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies. Nordic Academic Press, Lund, Sverige

Lise Widding Isaksen (2012) “Transnational Spaces of Care: Migrant Nurses in Norway.” In Social Politics, International Studies in Gender, State and Society, vol. 19, number 1, spring 2012, p.58-78, Oxford University Press, Oxford

“Children Left Behind” i samarbeid med Uma Devi og Arlie R. Hochschild i  Hochschild, Arlie R., 2013: «So How’s the Family» and other essays», University of California Press, Berkeley

Communicating Migration Seminar Series IMER Bergen spring and autumn 2014

The IMER seminar series for 2014 will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities.  Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in which ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in with other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? Communicating migration will be discussed from various angles in our seminar series on international migration and ethnic relations during spring and autumn 2014. We welcome papers that touch upon this broad theme from different angles.  Historical analyses of change over time in regard to politics and public debate, research foci and disciplinary concerns are specifically welcomed.  The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014.


COMMUNICATING MIGRATION SEMINARS: CAROLINE KNOWLES – The Children of the Revolution: Reflections on Chinese London and how to Theorise these New Forms of Migration @ Rokkansenteret (5th floor, 6 etg)
Mar 24 @ 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm

The Children of the Revolution: Reflections on Chinese London and how to Theorise these New Forms of Migration

This paper explores some of the London data from a three-city investigation of migration. The other two cities are Beijing and Hong Kong, and in each city we are exploring young (23-39) graduate migrants from the other two cities in order to understand how global mobility features in young professionals’ life and career planning. Little has been written about UK migrants in Hong Kong and Beijing, and the existing literature on Chinese migrants in London is centred on long-term (often depicted as poor and illegal) migrants from Hong Kong. Such studies do not begin to capture the lives of the new young migrants, many of whom are from Mainland Chinese cities, who must navigate new border restrictions favouring the wealthy and the highly talented. The paper will explore some of the challenges to existing migration theory these young urban migrants pose.

Caroline Knowles

IMG_0305Caroline Knowles is Professor of Sociology and former director of the Centre for Urban and Community Research (CUCR) at Goldsmiths, University of London.  She is known for her work with artists and photographers exploring the intersections between art and sociology in urban social research. Following her interest in materials and translocality she has just completed the biography of a pair of flip-flop sandals funded by the Leverhulme Trust with Singapore artist Michael Tan. Flip-Flop: A Journey Through Globalisation’s Backroads will be published in May by Pluto Press. Following her interests in migration she is also currently researching the Beijing, London, Hong Kong circuit travelled by young migrants in these three cities in collaboration with Ho Wing Chung at the City University of Hong Kong. She is the author of many books and papers on cities, ethnicity, migration and mobilities including Hong Kong: Migrant Lives, Landscapes and Journeys (2009) University of Chicago Press with US photographer and Sociologist Douglas Harper.

Communicating Migration Seminar Series IMER Bergen spring and autumn 2014

The IMER seminar series for 2014 will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities.  Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in which ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in with other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? Communicating migration will be discussed from various angles in our seminar series on international migration and ethnic relations during spring and autumn 2014. We welcome papers that touch upon this broad theme from different angles.  Historical analyses of change over time in regard to politics and public debate, research foci and disciplinary concerns are specifically welcomed.  The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014.


COMMUNICATION MIGRATION SEMINARS: IDA TOLGENSBAKK – Swedish migrants in Norwegian media and popular culture @ UNI Rokkansenteret 6 etg (5th floor)
Apr 7 @ 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm

Ida Tolgensbakk – Swedish migrants in Norwegian media and popular culture

In this seminar Ida Tolgensbakk will present some findings from her PhD research on young, Swedish labor migrants in Oslo. In everyday encounters in Norway, the young Swedes are identified as such primarily through linguistic characteristics, and not for instance skin color, phenotype, or dress. That is, they are audible rather than visible migrants. Tolgensbakk will discuss what kind of consequences this has on the lives of the young Swedes, as well as look into the related questions of how the young Swedes are presented in Norwegian media and popular culture.

Ida Tolgensbakkida-vdeld150

Department of cultural studies and oriental languages, UiO. Ida Tolgensbakk has a master in folklore studies from 2005 (on national identity in the Faroe Islands). She worked three years at the Norwegian Institute of Local history, mainly focusing on migrant’s life stories. She is now studying young, Swedish labor migrants moving to Oslo. Her research is based on life story interviews, fieldwork on a Facebook group, and texts from popular culture and the media.

Read more here:

Communicating Migration Seminar Series IMER Bergen spring and autumn 2014

The IMER seminar series for 2014 will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities.  Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in which ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in with other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? Communicating migration will be discussed from various angles in our seminar series on international migration and ethnic relations during spring and autumn 2014. We welcome papers that touch upon this broad theme from different angles.  Historical analyses of change over time in regard to politics and public debate, research foci and disciplinary concerns are specifically welcomed.  The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014.

Deadline: Call for paper proposals to PROVIR closing conference
Apr 25 @ 12:00 pm

Closing conference PROVIR

“Exceptional welfare: Dilemmas in/of irregular migration”
How do states respond to the physical presence and needs of people it officially has excluded? To what extent do international human rights provide protection? How does migration control and welfare policy affect irregular migrants’ experiences and subjectivities?

Physically present, but legally excluded, irregular migrants’ present societies with particular dilemmas relating to both sovereignty and human suffering. European countries increasingly involve welfare services in migration control, either by restricting access, or by using welfare services to detect/expose irregular migrants. This raises important questions concerning not only how migrants’ legal status influences their capacity to access services, but also the practical and ethical implications for service providers. Furthermore, it challenges the extent to which human rights actually limit the exclusionary powers of states and as such whether human rights are viable outside the confines of citizenship.

Provision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants (PROVIR) will be organizing its closing conference at the University of Bergen, 19th – 21th of November 2014. As an interdisciplinary project, the PROVIR research group and its international partners have combined a legal and social science approach to the provision of welfare to ‘irregular migrants’ in Norway, and comparatively in Europe, looking particularly at health care and education. The aim of the project has been to investigate the complex relationship between law, institutional practice, and migrants’ lived experience.

The closing conference aims to bring together researchers from various disciplines who are interested in the interplay between migration control and welfare policy. At the conference, findings from the PROVIR-project will be presented by the research team. In addition to presentations by key note speakers, the PROVIR research team also welcomes papers to be presented at workshops. We especially invite contributions addressing:

1) Irregular migrants’ legal situation regarding access to welfare provisions, either in national or international law.

2) Institutional practices and responses by service providers.

3) Migrants’ experiences, agency and embodiment.

We welcome both theoretical and empirical ventures into these questions, and papers may combine the aforementioned issues with interdisciplinary approaches. We particularly encourage papers exploring issues related to health, education and children. Paper proposals (maximum 300 words) can be submitted until the 25th of April 2014. Please include a short bio with the abstract. Conference registration deadline is 1st of October.

More information about the PROVIR-project is available at

HANS LUCHT – The Station Hustle: Ghanian Migration Brokerage in a Disjointed World
Apr 30 @ 1:15 pm – 3:00 pm

Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Niger, Hans Lucht discusses how stranded migrants have become facilitators of the very journey they have failed to make themselves. These connection men, or ‘pushers’ as they say themselves, are now key actors in high-risk migration across the Sahara Desert via Libya to Europe. They have somehow turned all their misfortunes into a form of capital, while awaiting a new chance to go to Europe.

prt_www40Hans Lucht is a senior researcher and journalist at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in Copenhagen. He holds a PhD in anthropology from the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. His book on undocumented migration from West Africa to Europe (“Darkness before Daybreak – African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today”) won the 2012 Elliott P. Skinner Book Award from the Association for Africanist Anthropology.

Seminar is held in cooperation between the Institute of Social anthropology and IMER BErgen.