IMER NEWSLETTER NR. 4/2014CONTENTThe IMER Bergen newsletter will be published around the 15th every month. If you want to publish something in the newsletter, send an email with a title and a short text to before the 10th each month. To subscribe or unsubscribe from our newsletter see Due to tecnical problems this issue is delayed. IMER BERGEN NEWS
PROVIR ConferenceProvision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants (PROVIR) will be organizing its closing conference “Exceptional welfare: Dilemmas in/of irregular migration” at the University of Bergen, 19th - 21th of November 2014. The conference will bring together researchers from various disciplines and geographic regions who are interested in the interplay between migration control and welfare policy. At the conference, findings from the PROVIR-project will be presented by the research team. In addition to a number of distinguished key note speakers, we also welcome papers to be presented at workshops. Paper proposals (maximum 300 words) can be submitted until the 25th of April 2014. Please include a short bio with the abstract. For submitting abstract or other enquiries, please send an e-mail to More information about the PROVIR-project, full call for papers and list of keynote speakers, plenary discussion participants and workshop discussants for the PROVIR closing conference is available at and IMER Bergen at Useful links:
Communicating migration seminar series There are two upcoming seminars in the Communicating migration series. The IMER seminar series for 2014 covers how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities. Has the way people talk about migration and migrants in different social contexts changed over time, and in which ways has it changed? How does migration theory and research fit in with other topics and theories in the social sciences, and how do results from migration research inform public debate and policy development? Communicating migration will be discussed from various angles in our seminar series on international migration and ethnic relations during spring and autumn 2014. We welcome papers that touch upon this broad theme from different angles. Historical analyses of change over time in regard to politics and public debate, research foci and disciplinary concerns are specifically welcomed. The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014.
Hans Lucht is a senior researcher and journalist at the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in Copenhagen. He holds a PhD in anthropology from the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Niger, Hans Lucht discusses how stranded migrants have become facilitators of the very journey they have failed to make themselves. These connection men, or ‘pushers’ as they say themselves, are now key actors in high-risk migration across the Sahara Desert via Libya to Europe. They have somehow turned all their misfortunes into a form of capital, while awaiting a new chance to go to Europe. Read more.
Sébastien Chauvin is assistant professor of Sociology at the the University of Amsterdam and a researcher at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. Since late 2007, he has been working on a collective study exploring the labour market experience and following the union-supported mobilization of undocumented immigrant workers in France. From 2008 to 2010, with the support of a coalition of trade unions and immigrant rights groups under the leadership of the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), thousands of France’s undocumented migrant workers conducted strikes and occupied their workplaces, demanding that their employers sponsor their regularisation applications. Based on three years of extensive participant observation and more than a hundred in-depth interviews Chavin considers the strategic challenges encountered by this innovative movement which broke simultaneously with the more traditional repertoires of both French trade unions and the ‘sans-papiers’ movements of the preceding decade. Read more. IMER Abroad: PROVIR Workshop at COMPAS Oxford: Precarious migrants and access to welfare - Between policy, law and practice SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Call for Papers: Twentieth Anniversary of Nations Unbound: Emerging Scholarship Building on the Transnational Migration Paradigm (30 October 2014)
The Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies will hold an intensive workshop in Wassenaar, Netherlands, for early career scholars who have used or critiqued the transnational migration paradigm in innovative ways in their research. The workshop will commence with an opening dinner 29 October 2014. Panels will take place on 30 October. The purpose of the workshop is to foster a dialogue between leading scholars in transnational migration studies who are interested in assessing the past and future potential of the paradigm and those have been forging new directions in transnational research. Interested participants are invited to submit 2-page extended abstracts accompanied by a CV to Pál Nyíri ( by 1 June 2014. Read more at: COURSES AND CONFERENCESIranians and other middle eastern immigrants: Their contributions to american SocietyThe 2014 conference, co-sponsored by DANESH Institute and the University of Chicago Center for Middle Eastern Studies, will, focus on a variety of topics related to the recent history of immigration from Iran and other Middle Eastern countries to the United States, psychosocial and economic adjustment of such immigrants, cultural and social implications, immigrants' contributions, their success stories, and other related topics. Friday & Saturday, October 17-18, 2014, University of Chicago. The deadline for submission is August 15, 2014. Proposals should be sent to Dr. Yahya Kamalipour, via
UDIs vårkonferanse 2014: Et mottakssystem i endringHvordan best ivareta beboere i asylmottak og legge til rette for bosetting og retur?
Torsdag 15. mai, kl. 10.00- 16.00 ved Oslo Kongressenter (Folkets hus) UDIs vårkonferanse er gratis, men det er begrenset antall plasser og bindende påmelding innen 5 mai. Det vil også være mulighet for å holdet et kort innlegg. Les mer:
Nasjonal konferanse om innvandrerheles - NSH
Konferansen finner sted på Oslo kongressenter 12. og 13. mai. Les mer:
PhD position at University of GothenburgThe Department of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg announces a doctoral position within the field of migration studies. The PhD-student will be integrated into an ongoing research project on the new Portuguese labour migration to Angola and Cape Verde. Applicants should have a degree in anthropology and working knowledge of Portuguese or Spanish. For more information, consult
Early-career research fellowship: Integration and international migration The Center for Policy Studies at Central European University is pleased to announce an early-career research fellowship focusing on the study of integration and international migration, in the framework of the larger INTEGRIM Marie Curie Network, with a focus on the thematic area of Citizenship and Political Participation. Read more:
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Irmgard Coninx Prize Fellowship for Transregional Studies
The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien and the Irmgard Coninx Foundation invite postdoctoral researchers in the humanities and social sciences to apply for the first Irmgard Coninx Prize Fellowship for Transregional Studies. Application Deadline: 30 April 2014 For more information, please see
Goth, U.S. (2014). Toleranse, kultursensitivitet og akkulturasjon: Interkulturelle utfordringer for primærhelsetjenesten og nyankomne innvandrere i Norge. Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory og Practice. 1(1)1-19 (open access)
Goth, U.S., Hammer, H.L., & Claussen, B. (2014). Utilization of Norway’s Emergency Wards: The second 5 years after the Introduction of the Patient List System. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.(open access)
Lansering “Folkehelse i et norsk perspektiv» 5 Juni- Gyldendal akademiske. Boken Folkehelse i et norsk perspektiv omhandler hva som i dag er fokusområder i henhold til norsk forskning, norske prosjekter og de norske juridiske rammevilkårene. Boken ønsker å fremheve norske redskaper, erfaringer og forskning og gir innblikk i ulike norske tiltak og virkemidler. 13 forfattere har skrevet om folkehelse og folkehelsearbeid fra sine fagfelt med relevans for Norge og norske forhold. Kapittel 5 "migrasjonhelse" er skrevet av Ursula S. Goth og viser til de ulike utfordringene innvandrergruppene i Norge har i henhold til helsetjenestene. Forfatteren belyser de helsemessige utfordringene migrasjon medfører. Kapittelet tar blant annet også opp temaer som likeverdige helsetjenester og kultursensitivitet.
Female migration outcomes 2 - UNESCO The latest issue of Diversities dedicated to Female Migration Outcomes II has just been released on the UNESCO website
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