IMER BERGEN NEWSLETTERNR. 1/2014 - 15th of January 2014CONTENT
The IMER Bergen newsletter will be published the 15th every month. If you want to publish something in the newsletter, send an email with a title and a short text to before the 10th each month. To subscribe or unsubscribe from our newsletter see IMER BERGEN NEWSNEW IMER BERGEN WEBSITE, LOGO AND FACBOOK PAGE.We are happy to announce that the new IMER homepage is now finished and published. It is available at We hope that you will find our new webpage useful and that it will give you better insights into our research. We are also happy to introduce our new logo, and additionally we introduce our new facebook site. Follow us by pushing the LIKE button at: SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:IMER SEMINAR SERIES 2014 - COMMUNICATING MIGRATIONIMER Bergen is currently planning a seminar series called Communicating Migration. This will be the topic for the seminar series at IMER Bergen spring and autumn 2014. The seminar series will end with a two-day conference in October/November 2014. The seminar series will cover how migration and ethnic relations are communicated in every-day encounters, in mass and social media, in politics and in teaching at the universities. You can read more about the seminar series at Please suggest abstracts, papers, relevant seminar topics or persons by sending an E-mail to: Other topics relevant for IMER portfolio are of course also welcomed for presentation. Some of the seminars have already been launched. Read more at: 10thTURKISH MIGRATION STUDIES WORKSHOPThe workshop on ‘The migration transition of Turkey – from an emigration to an immigration country. New realities, new policy challenges’ will be held at the 28 March 2014 at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. For more information see COURSES AND CONFERENCES:BERGEN SUMMER RESEARCH SCHOOLThe Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) 2014 is glad to inform you that the application for BSRS2014 is now open. There will be six parallel courses. Five of the courses will provide the students the opportunity to critically analyse the dynamics and impact of global governance mechanism on specific fields. One of the courses will be related to IMER/SKOK. Read more at: PHD SUMMER SCHOOL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OSLOThe Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies provides several PhD research courses that aim to cover all of the academic disciplines within the social sciences. Also courses on migration. Read more: PROVIR CLOSING CONFERENCE – EXCEPTIONAL WELFARE: DILEMMAS IN/OF IRREGULAR MIGRATIONThe PROVIR project (Provision of welfare to irregular migrants) will have its closing conference the 19th and 20th of November 2014. The title of the conference will be Exceptional welfare: Dilemmas in/of irregular migration. More information will soon be available at DEMIG CONFERENCE - DETERMINANTS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATIONWhat are the different factors that shape migration patterns across the world and how do they interact with each other? How do changing levels of socioeconomic development affect shifting migration practices and directions? Do migration policies have a significant impact on people’s migration decisions – or are trade, labour market or welfare policies in origin and destination countries more important? The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to advance evidence-based and theoretical understanding of such determinants of migration processes. Time: 23–25 September 2014. Wolfson College, University of Oxford. Read more: CRISIS, MOBILITY AND NEW FORMS OF MIGRATION CONFERENCESince it’s beginning in 2008, Europe’s economic crisis has had a profound impact on societies across Europe and beyond its borders, with significant implications for migration and integration. This international conference will explore the multiple ways in which contemporary economic, social and political crises in Europe (and globally) intersect with new and old patterns of migration-related mobility. The international conference is to be hosted by the Migration and Integration Research Cluster at the Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century (ISS21) at the University College Cork, 2nd-4th September 2014. Call for papers now. Read more at: THE 11th IMISCOE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION, SOCIAL COHESION AND SOCIAL INNOVATIONThe 11th IMISCOE Annual Conference will address the links between migration, social cohesion and social innovation in globalized, transnational spaces. The conference will be held in Madrid, Spain between the 27th ond 29th of August by the Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IEM) at the Universidad Pontifica Commillas. For more information look at Follow us on twitter: MOROCCAN MIGRATIONS CONFERENCE – CALL FOR PAPERSThe Euro-Mediterranean University in Fez and the International Migration Institute (IMI) at the University of Oxford are organizing an interdisciplinary workshop on the transformations, transitions and future prospects of Moroccan migration 22-24 May 2014. Experienced and early career (PhD students and post-doctoral students) researchers currently working on Moroccan migration are invited to submit contributions. The purpose of the workshop is to advance the understanding of past and present changes in Moroccan migration, as well as identify the wider social, economic, cultural, demographic and political transformations explaining these trends. For more information see Abstracts of up to 250 words maximum to be submitted by 15 February 2014 in French or English. Submissions should be sent CHURCH AND IMMIGRATION CONFERENCEWarm greetings from the University of Notre Dame. I write today to announce that registration for The Church and Immigration is now available. This conference will be held March 2-5, 2014 on the Notre Dame campus. People have been migrating since the dawn of human history, but the scope and scale of migration today is unprecedented. Nowhere is this reality more present than in the United States. Although scholars have examined this reality from a number of perspectives, there is a critical need for more sustained reflection on the Church’s contribution to immigration reform. Pope Francis has highlighted the importance of this issue and encouraged individuals and institutions from around the world to respond to this defining moral issue of our times. This conference will bring together scholars, pastoral workers, public policy leaders, and advocates committed to responding to this issue in the United States today. In the process we hope to not only reflect more critically on immigration today but also to assist our understanding of what the Church has done, what it is doing, and what it might do better in its outreach to migrants and refugees. For more information: CLOSING CONFERENCE - THE INVISIBILITY OF DEATH AMONG MIGRANTS IN PORTUGALHow do immigrants perceive death and dying and incorporate them in their conceptualization of the diaspora? How do different immigrant groups conceptualize other groups´ suffering and death? How do the Portuguese look upon the death of the immigrants, a subject ever hardly spoken of and which raises a series of prejudices and mystifications? The project about invisibility and death among migrants in Portugal - Death on the Move: Managing narratives and constraints in transnational settings will have its closing conference 13-14 March 2014 at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Call for papers now. Read more at: RETHINKING EU IMMIGRATION: LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS MANAGEMENT AND PRACTICES – CALL FOR ABSTRACTSIs immigrant integration a key challenge for the EU states? How should governments address the European trends in Migration? Immigration and integration are of high interest for political actors, academics, researchers and policy makers. With increasing migration to and within an already diverse European Union, the need for understanding and explaining the immigration process is urgent in order to identify the most appropriate integration frameworks. Viewed both as a challenge and as an opportunity, immigration cannot be efficiently managed without coherent integration measures. We welcome inter-disciplinary approaches to migration dynamics and integration policies and contributions covering research actions, policy analyses, as well as good practice models in migration management. The conference will be held at 13 -14 March 2013 Bucharest, Romania. The organizers are the Romanian Association for Health Promotion (ARPS) in partnership with SOROS Foundation Romania. Read more at: IMPLEMENTING THE COMMON EUROPEAN ASYLUM SYSTEM: TOWARDS BETTER PROTECTION AND FAIRER PROCEDURES.At the NH Hotel du Grand Sablon, Brussels -Wednesday 19th February 2014. For event details: Website: Register to Attend< MUSLIMS IN UK AND EUROPE - ALL FOR PARTICIPANTSPostgraduate Symposium, University of Cambridge, 17-18 May 2014. The University of Cambridge Centre of Islamic Studies invites applications from current Masters and PhD candidates to present their research on issues pertaining to Muslims in the UK and Europe, from any discipline. The postgraduate symposium, taking place over 17-18 May 2014, will be a platform for students to present and exchange current research on any topic in this field in a lively and dynamic forum. The symposium will take place at The Moller Centre, Cambridge. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Centre of Islamic Studies.To apply please submit a 500-word abstract, with curriculum vitae outlining current research interests, to by *14 February 2014. Successful candidates will be notified by 28 February 2014 and invited to submit draft papers of no more than 5000 words by 10 May 2014. For further information, please contact TRANSNATIONALISM, IDENTITIES, DYNAMICS AND CULTURAL DIVERSIFICATION IN URBAN POST-MIGRATORY SITUATIONSTRICUD Final International Conference14, 15 & 16 May 2014, Liège, Belgium. The TRICUD Final International Conference aims at presenting the main findings of the multidisciplinary research programme TRICUD (2010-2014) on post-migratory cities and transnational flows, the dynamics of identities and the process of cultural diversification. TRICUD aims to better understand how migration transforms both sending societies in the South and receiving societies in the North. The conference will include keynote speakers Nina GLICK-SCHILLER (University of Manchester) and Steve VERTOVEC (University of Oxford and Max Planck Institute). The TRICUD Conference is organized by 3 research centres involved in the TRICUD programme and based at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Liège : the CEDEM (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies) - coordinator, CLEO (Centre for the Study of Public Opinion) and PÔLE SUD (Pôle Liégeois d’Etudes sur les Sociétés Urbaines en Développement). For further information please visit the programme website PHD PROGRAMSNEW PHD PROGRAM IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF MIGRATION/GLOBALIZATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BOSTONPhD students will complete a core set of courses in social theory and research methods and then concentrate in one of three areas, migration and globalization, health, mental health and health care services, communities and crime. Read more: PHD DEFENSESJULIA ORUPABO – HVORDAN BLIR MAN DEN IDEELLE ARBEIDSTAKER?Forskjellsbehandling i kunnskapsbaserte samfunn begrunnes ofte med kompetanseforskjeller. Men formelle kompetansekrav er også tett sammenvevd med mer uformelle egenskaper og kvaliteter som forbindes med kvinner og menn, den etniske minoritet og majoritet. Hvilke erfaringer, egenskaper og væremåter oppfattes som viktige og verdifulle kompetanseformer hos nye grupper yrkesutøvere? Med utgangspunkt i kvalitative intervjuer med 36 sykepleiere, bioingeniører og datateknologer på to stadier: under utdanning og etter utdanning, viser Orupabo at nyutdannedes oppfattelser av det ideelle i eget fag også handler om kjønn og etnisitet. For å bli den ideelle arbeidstaker oppfatter studentene at det skal mer til enn gode karakterer og faglige prestasjoner. Man må også beherske mer uformelle kompetanseformer for å lykkes. I bioingeniørfaget handler dette om å beherske en etnisk norskhet, mens i sykepleie og datafaget er det egenskaper som studentene oppfatter som maskuline som gis verdi. Disputas den 30 jan 09:15 - 13:30 ved Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundst hus, Universitetet i Oslo. Read more at: FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTSHORISONT 2020 ANNOUNCMENT (NORWEGIAN APPLICANTS)De første Horisont 2020-utlysningene ute nå: Gode muligheter for samfunnsvitere og humanister. Utlysningene for 2014 og 2015 er nå offentliggjort på Kommisjonens hjemmesider. Du kan lese mer om det nye rammeprogrammet og støtte til norske søkere på Forskningsrådets sider for Horisont 2020 her. Samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora blir tverrgående temaer i Horisont 2020, og det er anslått at om lag 37 prosent av temaene som lyses ut i 2014-2015 har betydelige innslag av samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora. For forskningsmiljøene innen samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora er det derfor viktig å være oppmerksom på mulighetene for å søke forskningsmidler på tvers av Horisont 2020. I programmet "Europe in a changing world- inclusive, innovative and reflective societies" vil det dessuten være særlige muligheter for samfunnsvitere og humanister. For 2014-2015 lyser dette programmet blant annet ut tema relatert til krisen i Europa, unges situasjon i samfunnsliv og arbeidsmarked, kulturarv og identitet, Europa som global aktør og innovasjon i offentlig sektor. Les mer om dette programmet på Forskningsrådets sider. EØS: RESSARCH COOPERATION BETWEEN NORWAY AND ROMANIA 2013 – 2017Over 175 million NOK are available for the research cooperation with Romania. Application deadline: 17.01.2014. Read more: POSITIONSCHAIR IN CRIMINOLOGY/SOCIOLOGY AT KINGSTON UNIVERSITY LONDONThis is your chance to make a significant contribution to the strategic development of the new multidisciplinary Centre for Research in Communities, Identities and Difference (CReCID). Building on current success within the department, the Centre will bring together colleagues from disciplines within the School and across the Faculty to deliver collaborations leading to more theoretically exciting and comprehensive solutions to social problems. Read more at:,3498516098&key=39677721&c=348649565614&pagestamp=sedpmcjlruqoqdfotv VACANT POSTS AT BRISTOL UNIVERSITYThese posts include interests in ethnicity, migration and Muslim studies within a quantitative approach but are targeted at those specific interests. Lecturer in Politics with Quantitative Research Methods: Lecturer in Sociology with Quantitative Research: Professor of Quantitative Methods Senior Lecturer/Reader in Quantitative Methods/Social: 11 DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS ON TRANSNATIONAL SOCIAL SUPPORT – UNIVERSITIES OF MAINZ AND HILDESHEIMThe Research Training Group "Transnational Social Support" offers 11 Doctoral Scholarships (located at the Universities of Mainz and Hildesheim/Germany) starting on June 1st, 2014. For further information please consult the following link FOUR POSTDOC POSITIONS ON MIGRATION, CITIZENSHIP AND LABOUR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE.The University of Cologne invites applications for 4 postdoc positions in the fields of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Geography, History, Cultural- and Area Studies and Linguistics. The successful candidates will conduct research, support international cooperation and produce academic output in one of the three research areas of the GSSC: “Migration, Citizenship and Labour”; “Natural Commodities and Changing Markets” and “Communicative Repertoires”. Starting date ist April 1st 2014, application deadline: January 15, 2014. For more details: PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTSNEW REPORT: LABOUR MIGRATION FROM EASTERN EUROPE TO THE NORDIC COUNTRIES.The FAFO researcher Jon Horgen Friberg, Line Eldring has editied a new report on labour migration from Eastern Europe to the Nordic Countries. Read the report here: Labour migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in the Nordic countries. NEW REPORT: CHILDHOOD AS REJECTED ASYLUM SEEKER IN NORWAYDownload the report by Nerina Weiss here (in Norwegian): MIGRATION AND RELIGION IN EUROPE – COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE ON SOUTH ASIAN EXPERIENCES, ESTER GALLO, GEDIZ UNIVERSITY, ASHGATE 2014.Religious practices and their transformation are crucial elements of migrants' identities and are increasingly politicized by national governments in the light of perceived threats to national identity. With attention to variations according to national setting, this volume explores the process of reformulating religious identities and practices amongst South Asian 'communities' in European contexts. Read more: NEW JOURNAL IN COMPARATIVE MIGRATION STUDIESWe are pleased to announce the launch of the new journal Comparative Migration Studies (CMS). CMS is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal for comparative research in the fields of migration, integration and ethnic studies. Our inaugural issue focuses on a number of emerging research niches that we believe will be central to future of the fields of migration, integration and ethnic studies. This includes studies of asylum policies, migration & development, Islam, citizenship and gender & integration. The issue opens with a contribution by Marco Martiniello on Comparisons in Migration Studies. The articles in this issue provide excellent examples of the sort of comparative research this journal seeks to promote. You can access our inaugural issue free of charge at Articles can be submitted via our online portal at All articles are subjected to a rigorous double-blind review procedure. Special issue proposals can be sent to Author guidelines can also be found on our website. BRISTOL ETNICITY CENTRE PUBLICATIONS FOR 2013This year's publications and grant details for the University of Bristol Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies are available at: and THE CHANGING SOUL OF EUROPE – RELIGIONS AND MIGRATION S IN NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN EUROPE. HELEANA VILACA, ET AL (ED.) ASHGATE.This book paves the way for a more enlarged discussion on religion and migration phenomena in countries of Northern and Southern Europe. From a comparative perspective, these are regions with very different religious traditions and different historical State/Church relations. Forthcoming in 2014. NEW REPORT: INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION 2012-2013 IMO REPORT FOR NORWAYThe annual report to the OECD on migration to Norway give a recent overviev on migration and integration politics in Norway. The report do also show numbers for immigration and emigration and a demography of the immigrant population. Read the report here: International Migration 2012-2013 – IMO report for Norway. The report will be an important background for the OECD reports on the same issue. See: International Migration Outlook. NEW FAFO REPORT ON SYRIAN REFUGEES IN LIBANON – AMBIVALENT HOSPITALITYRead the report by Christophersn, Thorleifsson and Tiltnes here: NEW FAFO REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL TALENT RECRUITMENT TO NORWAYCompanies vie to attract the best and brightest workers, and they recruit skilled migrants to meet their talent needs. This report investigates the recruitment of skilled workers in the information technology sector and the oil and gas industry in Norway, and the lived experiences of skilled migrants in these industries. The report presents findings from a survey of foreign-born information technology specialists and engineers in Norway, and interviews with human resource managers, migrants, policymakers, representatives for unions and employer organizations, and other stakeholders who are involved in international skilled migration. Read more:
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