Below you will find the IMER newsletter for may and June 2015. We also want to remind you about some of the upcoming events the autumn 2015. If you want to publish something in the next IMER newsletter send and e-mail to Remember to follow us at and on our Facebook pages. Apologies for crossposting
Boklansering: Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet
23. Juni klokka 12.00 blir det boklansering av PROVIR boken Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet redigert av Christine Jacobsen, Synnøve Bendixsen og Karl Harald Søvig. Stedet blir Nygårdsgaten 5, 6 etg. UNI Rokkansenteret, Bergen (IMER Bergen).Irregulære immigranter har på noen områder full tilgang til velferdsytelser, men på mange områder er tilgangen svært begrenset enten i form av rettsregler eller andre barrierer. Denne antologien undersøker forholdet mellom rettslig rammeverk, institusjonell praksis og hvordan irregulære migranter selv erfarer sin situasjon. Med en unik kombinasjon av juridisk og antropologisk blikk, går boken regelverket nærmere i sømmene, drøfter gatebyråkraters utfordringer og hverdagslivet til irregulære migranter og deres barn. Hvilke regelverk får konsekvenser for irregulære migranters levevilkår? Hvordan blir dette regelverket forstått og etterfulgt av gatebyråkrater? Og hvordan blir hverdagslivet til irregulære migranter og deres barn påvirket av regelverket og dets fortolkning? Boken er aktuell for velferdsprofesjoner som møter irregulære migranter som en del av sin yrkesutøvelse. Både leger, sykepleiere, helsesekretærer, lærere, helsesøstre, skolerådgivere, sosialarbeidere, sosionomer og barnevernspedagoger vil ha god nytte av Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Boken retter seg også mot frivillige organisasjoner som jobber med ulike aspekter ved migranters situasjon i Norge og andre som er engasjert i temaet. Boken er gitt ut på Gyldendal. Les mer:
Four books to be reviewed to Nordic Journal of Migration Research (NJMR)
Nordic Journal of Migration Research (NJMR) is a scholarly and professional electronic, open access journal, published by Nordic Migration Research (NMR) and the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU). NJMR aims to promote and advance the circulation of the multidisciplinary study of ethnic relations and international migration that is conducted in the Nordic countries. The language of the journal is English. We are looking for people to review the books listed below. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Marry-Anne Karlsen: marry-anne.karlsen[at] in which you highlight with a few words your research background and suitability to do the review. Please remember to ADD YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS. Unfortunately we are unable to pay our book reviewers, but you will get to keep the book.The books to be reviewed:
Sindre Bangstad, The Politics of Mediated Presence. Exploring The Voices of Muslims in Norway´s Mediated Spheres. Spartacus.
Guro Ødegård, Bodil Ravneberg, Jill Loga, Kari Steen-Johnsen, Fellesskap og forskjellighet. Integrasjon og nettverksbygging i flerkulturelle lokalsamfunn. Abstrakt forlag£19.99
Pauli Kettunen, Sonya Michel and Klaus Petersen, Race, Ethnicity And Welfare States. An American Dilemma?Edward Elgar publishing
Karim Murji and John Solomos, Theories of Race and Ethnicity Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge University Press
UDI inviterer til temaseminar: Kriminalitet og utnyttelse i arbeidslivet
Stadig oftere ser vi tilfeller av kriminalitet og utnyttelse i arbeidslivet. Det kan dreie seg om alt fra sosial dumping og svart arbeid til tvangsarbeid og tvangstjenester. Vi skal både ivareta de som blir utnyttet, men også sanksjonere arbeidstakere og arbeidsgivere som ikke følger regelverket. Noen ganger er det vanskelig å skille mellom ofrene og de som utnytter systemet. Mange av de som blir utnyttet oppfatter ikke seg selv som ofre, og ønsker heller ikke å samarbeide med norske myndigheter. Hvordan håndterer vi disse utfordringene? Har myndighetene og hjelpeapparatet de virkemidlene som trengs? Og hvordan kan vi jobbe bedre for å bekjempe arbeidsmarkedskriminalitet? Det endelige programmet vil komme senere, og legges ut på nettsidene våre. Tid: 16. juni kl. 09-13. Sted: Litteraturhuset i Oslo, Wergelandsveien 29. Meld deg på temaseminaret her. Fristen for å melde seg på er 10. juni.
First annual Fredrik Barth Honorary Lecture with Magnus Marsden
The first annual Fredrik Barth Honorary Lecture will take place on the 15th of October 2015. The institute for social anthropology in Bergen have invited Magnus Marsden ( to hold the very first of these lectures. The lecture and related festivities will take place back-to-back with the Department's celebration of its 50 years' anniversary (16. October). Please note the dates. Further information will follow at
Call for Papers: Return Migration, Circular Migration and Social Work – An Emerging Field of Practice
Return migration, a constant possibility underlying the life experience of migrants, has gained increasing visibility as a topic in itself, in recent years, due also to the persisting economic crisis in several European countries. In parallel with this development, circular migration (inside or outside of the European Union) has also emerged as an issue on the political agenda. Against this background, our workshop aims at a systematic collection of the knowledge and research available on return and circular migration in the realm of social welfare and social work. Social work is here understood in a broad and inclusive way, comprising social, economic and psychosocial forms of support and interventions as well as both governmental and non-governmental organizations at local, national and international levels. We encourage cross-national and inter-organizational comparative analyses, historical analyses as well as local case studies, with particular regard to the professional, organizational, policy and ethical implications of social work with the individuals and groups involved in these processes: prospective returning migrants, returnees and deportees, as well as forced migrants and unaccompanied minors, family members left behind and circular migrants more broadly. The workshop is organized by the IMISCOE research group IMaSP and funded by IMISCOE and the Crafoord Foundation. Based on the quality of proposals and the availability of funds, partial or full funding will be granted to successful applicants. Abstract (250 words) of paper proposals are due by July 31st, 2015. Please send your proposals to and The abstract should include a title and specify the main research question, method and findings, as well as name and affiliation of author(s). Venue: MIM, Malmö University. Date: 15-16 October 2015.
Call for papers on transnational return
For the focus topic on “Transnational Return? Family Constellations, Expectations and Negotiations in Remigration” of the journal “Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal” (TSR), the guest editors Claudia Olivier and Sarah Scholl-Schneider invite your submissions of proposal abstracts. The issue focusses on the meaning of family systems in remigration and the impacts remigration has on family systems. It thereby addresses the reciprocal relationship between remigration and family, the significance of family, the different family constellations and expectations, and highlights the manners, negotiation patterns and social practices of the actors involved. Abstracts (max. 500 words) should be sent to and by 15/06/2015.
Democratic Access or Privileged Exclusion?
A Workshop on the Preservation of and Access to Refugee Archives
The University of East London’s Library at Docklands has been the home of the Refugee Council Archive for over a decade. According to the Archives Hub database, there are several other archives documenting refugee lives which co-exist in London and beyond. Questions arise as to who accesses these archives? Are refugee archives well-represented in relation to the preservation of lived experience of refugees and migrants? If not, why is this? Who get excluded from refugee-archives, and in what ways? How could we improve access to refugee research archives? This half-day workshop led symposium seeks to find answers to the above questions. It is a launch event of an outreach project, “Democratic Access or Privileged Exclusion: Civic Engagement through the Preservation of and Access to Refugee Archives”. In February 2015, under the auspices of the UEL Library and Learning Service, a bid was submitted by the Refugee Research Archives at UEL and the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging, focusing on the preservation of refugees and migrants lives through engaging with local refugee communities. Monday 13th July, 2pm to 6pm
Room SD.1.04, Docklands Campus, University of East London. The event is free but please reserve a place at: Read more:
The aim of the seminar is to explore practice-oriented analytical frameworks within the field of cultural encounters. How may we conceptualise and analyse the practices that constitute social interactions associated with cultural encounters? And in particular: how may we analyse transformative aspects of these practices? We invite papers that deal with areas such as (but not exclusive to):
- Formal settings where ‘change’/development/personal growth/cultural learning is the intended aim. This could for example be social work, so-called integration initiatives, cultural learning workshops, classroom settings etc.
- Settings where cultural differences are enacted and become ritualised or performative, even if cultural encounters are not necessarily the aim of the enterprise. Examples may be border zones, sports, art performances, international organisations and workplaces etc.The seminar is interdisciplinary, and hence papers from a wide variety of perspectives are welcome (for instance Cultural Studies, Geography, Sociology, Development Studies, Pedagogics, Ethnography, Anthropology). If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please send an abstract (no more than 250 words) and a short biography (no more than 100 words) by 15th of June to Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen Applicants will be notified by the 1st of July, 2015. For queries relating to the seminar, please contact Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen. 4-5. November 2015 @ Roskilde University, Department of Culture and Identity, Cultural Encounters.
Challenging (European) Modernity: Islam in Context
Since the turn of the late-19th century, Europe gave rise to a range of cultural, socio-political, and socioeconomic projects seeking to restructure society after the concept of a modern Europe. Some of these projects were predominantly advanced through subordinating traditions, cultures, and identities and have an inherently Eurocentric outlook. The historical experience evokes responses. Traditions, cultures, and identities have responded to fit the hegemonic conception of European modernity. This response has challenged European modernity as a concept, social entity and ideological force. Critics have problematized the unilinear view of historical progress in the discourse of Enlightenment modernity and its homogenizing universalism. Out of these critical engagements, have emerged counter discourses such as “indigenous modernities”, “multiple modernities”, and “alternative modernities”. These critiques have opened up new possibilities for research and engagement.The overall mission is for this conference to bring together academic minds from a variety of fields all connected by an interest in understanding the role of Islam or Muslims within the dynamics of contemporary Europe. The conference will explore research from a wide variety of fields and will educate researchers across disciplines and facilitate future cross-pollination in this area. Contributions can take the form of papers or posters. Please send abstracts (300-500 words for papers), along with a short bio of author(s), to or by June 17th 2015. Decisions on selected proposals will be sent out by June 30th 2015 at the latest. Venue: University of Durham. Time: August 19-20, 2015. Submission Deadline: June 17th 2015. Read more:
Call for Papers / Special Issue: Immigrant Policies in European Cities in Times of Economic Crisis
European cities have become important players in devising and implementing immigrant policies, involving the creation of institutional structures, the build-up of expertise, and the formation of working relationships between the local state and local populations. Several explanations for the changed role and self-confidence of cities in devising their own immigrant policies have been offered, such as the promotion of local responses to migration and diversification by European Union institutions, the evolution of city networks, the questioning of national-level policy frames, and the immediate pressures cities face to respond to local diversity. Indeed academic scholarship has now gone some way towards analysing local-level immigrant policymaking, and how it can and does deviate from national policy directives and legislation; the importance of cities in putting integration policies into effect; and the extent to which a city’s relationship with a diversified local population can be influenced by its policies, economy and history. However, the literature to date has hardly addressed local responses to diversity change and what can explain the stability or transformation of local immigrant policies. With this Call for Papers we therefore invite scholarly contributions that address this gap, focusing on the impact of present and/or past economic crises on local immigrant policies. Economic crises can provide an acute challenge to human resources and institutional structures dedicated to immigrant and diversity policies at the local level. Both the most recent crisis and past instances of crisis across the post-war period provide much scope for empirical analysis of crisis-related changes, as well as a more theoretical discussion of the ramifications of crisis in relation to immigrant policies. Some work has identified a shift in migration policy in Europe at a national level prompted by the 2008 financial crisis. This was witnessed in David Cameron’s pledge to reduce immigration to Britain to the ‘tens of thousands’; the Spanish government’s voluntary return programme and its attempt to promote the integration of migrants in the hope that this would reduce tensions between natives and foreigners during times of economic downturn; France’s scheme to make it more difficult for illegal migrants to live and work in the country; Italy’s criminalisation of illegal immigration; and Sweden’s decision to liberalise its labour migration policy. Overall, it is clear that whether due to public opinion, pressure from far-Right political parties, genuine economic concerns, or indeed a combination thereof, the 2008 financial crisis triggered a sharp shift in national-level migration policy in a range of different ways. Yet what remains overwhelmingly absent from the academic literature is an assessment of the relationship between city-level immigrant policies and economic crises. The aim of this Special Issue is to fill this gap. It seeks to examine this previously unexplored relationship in Western European cities across the post-war period within historical and contemporary contexts, and to bridge the gap across multiple disciplines. Read more:
Call for Papers: Patterns of Integration of Old and New Minorities in a Europe of Complex Diversity
While numerous autonomous ethnic, national and regional groups formulate claims on power-sharing and minority rights, pushing their host states to accommodate diversity, increased mobility has contributed to the further proliferation of cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity in the European Union and its south-eastern vicinity. Commentators label this as “complex” diversity, as many classically more homogenous societies become more and more multicultural, and various forms of transnational citizenship become a widespread phenomenon. This increasingly complex diversity of the European societies, together with the global spread of supranational norms and values of human rights is continuously undermining the Westphalian system of homogeneous nation states. The question arises how these challenges can be reconciled, what best practices can be identified for both “old” and “new” minorities, and whether the arrangements for the former can be a model for the latter, mobile minorities. In sum, the central question this conference aims to address is how social cohesion can be achieved in diverse societies. The organizers welcome theoretical analyses and empirical case studies on the causes, consequences and possibilities of accommodation of complex diversity against the backdrop of the multi-layered system of governance within the European Union. The contributions should outline in what way political and societal cultures, institutional arrangements or public policies contribute to or hinder the accommodation of complex diversity. The deadline for applying to the conference is July 1, 2015. Please complete your abstract (250-300 words), together with a brief bio, including your academic/institutional affiliation on the following link. Panel proposals including a chair, 4-5 speakers and a discussant are also welcome. The selection of participants will be carried out no later than July 20, 2015. The conference will be held in Cluj-Napoca, at Sapientia University. Deadline: 1 July 2015 Date: 7-9 October 2015 Location: Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg), Romania. Further questions should be submitted to the e-mail address
PhD Studentship: Re-making the nation at school: the role of education in shaping inclusive national societies
The aim of the proposed research is to investigate how, given the present demographic change, a sense of national belonging is fostered within and through the state schooling system. This study can be based anywhere in Europe. Ethnographic methods are welcomed. This is an open call for projects in this field, for candidates who are sponsored or who have their own funding. Applicants should have a 2:1 or higher in their first degree, and a Masters degree or equivalent. Deadline: 19th June 2015. Supervisors: Dr Marco Antonsich and Dr Liz Mavroudi. For more information, please do to the website here
Jacobsen, Bendixen og Søvig (2015). Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Oslo: Gyldendal
Irregulære immigranter har på noen områder full tilgang til velferdsytelser, men på mange områder er tilgangen svært begrenset enten i form av rettsregler eller andre barrierer. Denne antologien undersøker forholdet mellom rettslig rammeverk, institusjonell praksis og hvordan irregulære migranter selv erfarer sin situasjon. Med en unik kombinasjon av juridisk og antropologisk blikk, går boken regelverket nærmere i sømmene, drøfter gatebyråkraters utfordringer og hverdagslivet til irregulære migranter og deres barn.Hvilke regelverk får konsekvenser for irregulære migranters levevilkår? Hvordan blir dette regelverket forstått og etterfulgt av gatebyråkrater? Og hvordan blir hverdagslivet til irregulære migranter og deres barn påvirket av regelverket og dets fortolkning?Denne boken er aktuell for velferdsprofesjoner som møter irregulære migranter som en del av sin yrkesutøvelse. Både leger, sykepleiere, helsesekretærer, lærere, helsesøstre, skolerådgivere, sosialarbeidere, sosionomer og barnevernspedagoger vil ha god nytte av Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Boken retter seg også mot frivillige organisasjoner som jobber med ulike aspekter ved migranters situasjon i Norge og andre som er engasjert i temaet. Eksepsjonell velferd - forord-innhold-kapitteloversikt(pdf, 432,72 kB)
Jacobsen and Myrvold (2015) Young Sikhs in a Global World: Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities: Ashgate
In attempting to carve out a place for themselves in local and global contexts, young Sikhs mobilize efforts to construct, choose, and emphasize different aspects of religious and cultural identification depending on their social setting and context. Young Sikhs in a Global World presents current research on young Sikhs with multicultural and transnational life-styles and considers how they interpret, shape and negotiate religious identities, traditions, and authority on an individual and collective level. Read more:
Kaya and Fauske (2015). Innvandrere på utsiden av samfunnet. Abstrakt forlag
Hvordan har det norske samfunnet har forandret seg og finnes ulike måter å være norsk på? Forfatterkollegaene fra Høgskolen i Lillehammer, Mehmed Kaya og Halvor Fauske har invitert andre med bakgrunn fra sosiologi, sosialantropologi og statsvitenskap til å skrive om alt fra arbeidsmarkedsdeltakelse, ekteskap og skilsmisse, tilhørighet, helse og alderdom – til ulike former for integrasjon og dialog som metode i saker med æresrelatert vold. Bidragsyterne er blant andre Hogne Øian fra Norsk institutt for naturforskning og Anja Bredal fra Institutt for samfunnsforskning samt forskere tilknyttet Høgskolen i Lillehammer og Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, aldring og velferd (NOVA). Fauske tar i sitt innledningskapittel leseren med på en reise innom et stort antall perspektiver som er relevante for spørsmål knyttet til integrering, og mange av disse er nyttige å lese de andre kapitlene opp mot. (Fra anmeldelsen i Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2015, nr. 2.). Boka vil trolig passe best for studenter og praktikere innen helse, omsorg, sosialtjeneste, politi, undervisning og barnevern.
Casteles, Ozkul and Cubas (2015). Social Transformation and Migration: National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia
This book examines theories and specific experiences of international migration and social transformation, with special reference to the effects of neo-liberal globalization on four societies with vastly different historical and cultural characteristics: South Korea, Australia, Turkey and Mexico. All of these countries have undergone far-reaching changes linked to incorporation of their economics into global value chains over the last decades. At the same time they have experienced new forms of immigration and emigration, which are closely related to the interaction between global forces and national and local forms of adaptation and resistance. Social Transformation and Migration conceptualizes migration not as the result of change nor a cause of change, but as an integral component of these transformation processes. Read more:
Timothy Peace (2015) Muslims and Political Participation in Britain. Routledge
This new volume showcases the latest research into Muslim political participation both in terms of electoral politics and civil society initiatives. Muslims play a prominent role in British political life yet what do we actually know about the involvement of British Muslims beyond the existence of a handful of Muslim MPs? What is unique about political participation in Muslim communities? All the major parties actively seek to court a ‘Muslim electorate’ but does such a phenomenon exist? Despite the impact that Muslims have had on election campaigns and their roles in various political institutions, research on this topic remains scant. Indeed, much of the existing work was couched within the broader areas of the participation of ethnic minorities or the impact of race on electoral politics. The chapters in this volume address this lacuna by highlighting different aspects of Muslim participation in British politics. They investigate voting patterns and election campaigns, civil society and grassroots political movements, the engagement of young people and the participation of Muslims in formal political institutions. Written in an accessible style, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of political participation and religious studies. Read more: