IMER NEWSLETTER CHRISTMAS 2014 (23rd of December)
Dear colleagues, dear members of the network,
We would like to thank you for your partnership and valuable contributions to the success of the IMER network in 2014. We wish you happy holidays and a joyful new year 2015. 2014 have been a successful year for the IMER network in Bergen with the seminar series and conference on communicating migration, and the PROVIR closing conference as the most prominent events. We look forward to more activities in 2015.

In the following you will find the IMER newsletter for Christmas 2014. Apologies for cross posting. If you want to include something in the next IMER newsletter, please send an E-mail to (text should be between 50 and 150 words + title and web links)
IMER lunches spring 2015: Emerging urbanities
The spring 2015 IMER Bergen invites to a series of lunch seminars about emerging urbanities. The seminars are open to all researchers, students and other people interested. Urbanity has been a central foci to the IMER network and a part of our research agenda for several years. In the upcoming seminars we will ask where our contemporary cities are heading. Some of the topics will be planned pluralism, gentrification, urban minority/migrant life, housing segregation, the global in the local, governance in ethnically plural cities, multicultural youth life in the city. More information about the seminars is to be found in the calendar on our web-pages. Welcome to lunch at IMER next year.
New IMER related SAMKUL project: Parenting cultures and risk management in plural Norway.
Synnøve Bendixsen and Hilde Danielsen from UNI Reasearch Rokkan centre and IMER Bergen have received funding from SAMKUL (Forskningsrådet) for the project Parenting cultures and risk management in plural Norway. By studying a socially complex neighborhood in Bergen (Årstad), the researchers will explore the processes that contribute in the making of different parenting cultures in a plural Norway. Using ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, the project will investigate in which ways parenthood are formed by a) categories such as class, migration background and gender; b) civil society and public spaces; and c) the welfare state. The project will focus both on parents' own understanding and construction of parenting cultures, and on how ideas and ideals of parenthood are constructed by governmental institutions and civil society in different settings.
The 12th IMISCOE conference is to take place in Geneva, 25-27 June 2015.
The conference will cover the theme "Rights, Democracy and Migration", and will be organised by the Institute for Demographic and Live Course Studies (University of Geneva), the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (University of Neuchâtel) and & nccr – on the move. The conference will be held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of SFM, a long-standing IMISCOE member institute. The conference committee is chaired by Prof.Dr. Gianni D'Amato. Keynote contributions will be addressed by: Dawn Chatty, Giovanna Zincone, Rainer Bauböck, Michel Wieviorka and Andreas Wimmer. Like the 2014 conference, the Geneva conference will host various types of sessions/events: (a) individual paper proposals that are grouped into thematic sessions by the conference committee. (b) workshops, a.o. for book presentations, research projects and research-policy dialogue sessions. (c) research panels of minimum 3 and maximum 4 papers and a discussant. Deadline for submitting proposals is January 15 (24:00 CET). Submissions can be made via the online webportal at Applicants will be informed about acceptance of their submission by February 15, 2015. Download Call for Papers
ASEN Conference 2015 - Nationalism: Diversity & Security
The 25th ASEN Conference will take place from April 21st to 23rd 2015. Featuring Keynote Addresses from Chetan Bhatt, Christopher Hill, Iver Neumann, Liliana Riga, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, and Andreas Wimmer. Registration will open in January 2015. Read more here.
Call for Presentations: Pluralism: Addressing the Challenges of the Modern Nation-State
The Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship Project: 10th Global Meeting. Date: Saturday 2nd May – Monday 4th May, 2015. Deadline: 23 January 2015. Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia. Pluralism in the contemporary Nation-State scenario is increasingly coming under scrutiny. The Nation-State requires new modes of thought and analysis, as global trends in population, capital flows, cultural exchanges, cyber links and the like enmesh with post-national forces, challenging the stability of the Nation-State and its permanence as the basic socio-political construct. The 10th Global Conference on Pluralism will build on the previous conferences. ‘Pluralism: Addressing the challenges of the modern Nation-State’ summarizes the way the project has developed over previous years and they have acknowledged that facts are usually contested and contexts are value loaded. 300 word proposals should be submitted by Friday 23rd January 2015. All submissions are at least double blind peer reviewed. Proposals should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chairs (Ram Vemuri & Rob Fisher: Click here for more information
Call For Papers: Identity and Nationhood: Pulling Together Or Pulling Apart
Date: 25 - 27 June 2015. Deadline: 12 February 2015. Increasing globalisation highlights the need to revisit the upsurge of Nationalism, and this three-day interdisciplinary conference will provide a forum for debate on sovereignty, nationhood, identity, and interrelated issues in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Belgium, France, Quebec, and elsewhere. Questions will include: why nationalism is so resilient; how notions of ‘self’ and ‘nation’ interpenetrate; economic, human rights, and social justice conflicts; whether and to what extent new definitions and approaches to nationhood and state may be needed in the context of a valid ‘European’ identity in the 21st century.We invite papers on topics related to the main themes of the conference. Proposals (circa 250 words) in English or Spanish, together with a brief biographical note, should reach the conference organizers, Dr Susana Bayó Belenguer and Dr Nicola Rooney (, by 12 February 2015. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes. Proposals from young researchers and postgraduate students are welcome. Acceptances will be notified by 27 March 2015. For possible publication, revised versions should be sent for peer-review to to arrive not later than 15 September 2015. Further information (registration, accommodation, round-tables, events, etc.) will be available by mid-January on the conference website.
Call for papers: Migration Graduate Conference
You are invited to participate in the third annual Sussex Migration Graduate Conference, supported by the Doctoral School’s Researcher-Led Initiative (RLI) Fund and the Sussex Centre for Migration Research. Building on the success of recent years, the conference provides a forum for doctoral research students at academic institutions across the UK and beyond to exchange ideas, present new work, receive constructive feedback and foster collaborative links with peers across disciplines and institutions. Leading academics in the field of Migration Studies will join us at various moments through the two day conference, after which you are invited to stay for the Sussex Centre of Migration Research’s and Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies annual conference, with keynote talks from Richard Alba and others. Read more:
EISA 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations 2015Giardini Naxos (Italy), 23rd – 26th September 2015.
Read more:
MBRN Conference: Muslim Leadership in Britain: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities
April 1st 2015. University of Central Lancashire. Organised in collaboration between the Muslims in Britain Research Network and the University of Central Lancashire. Muslim leadership has changed dramatically in Britain over the last two decades. These changes are characterised by a move away from early forms of leadership within discrete religious communities, through to dynamic professional engagement by Muslims in the spheres of politics, local government, education, culture, business and the charities sector. While faith and community leadership undoubtedly remain important, it is increasingly clear that new avenues are opening up for religiously-informed modes of Muslim leadership in Britain. This conference will bring academics together with Muslim leaders and practitioners from across Britain to discuss the changing forms of Muslim leadership in the UK. There will be an emphasis on examining the challenges and opportunities facing Muslim leaders and professionals from across a range of different sectors. Through this multi-partner approach there will be an attempt to discuss and share forms of best practice for the evolving role of Muslim leaders in modern Britain. Read more:
"Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries: Conceptualising and understanding identity through boundary approaches".
Inspired by the 2012 ASEN conference theme on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries.Edited by Jennifer Jackson and Lina Molokotos-Liederman – Routledge – 2014 – 252 pages
Series: Routledge Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity. Read more:
Lone Star Muslims: Transnational Lives and the South Asian Experience in Texas
By Ahmed Afzal. Lone Star Muslims offers an engaging and insightful look at contemporary Muslim American life in Texas. It illuminates the dynamics of the Pakistani community in Houston, a city with one of the largest Muslim populations in the south and southwestern United States.Using a multi-sited approach, the volume examines Pakistani diasporic public cultures and everyday life to demonstrate the complexity of the South Asian Muslim American experience. Link to title on NYU Press online catalog:
First online edition of Ethnoscript.
Ethnoscript is an academic journal of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Hamburg and dedicated to the publication of analysis and information on different topics of current social and cultural anthropology. It is published twice a year. Articles are published in German and English. All contributions are available for free at:
After Integration: Islam, Conviviality and Contentious Politics in Europe.
Edited by Marian Burchardt and Ines Michalowski. The integration of Muslims into European societies is often seen as a major challenge that is yet to be confronted. This book, by contrast, starts from the observation that on legal, political and organizational levels integration has already taken place. It showcases the variety of theoretical approaches that scholars have developed to conceptualize Muslim life in Europe, and provides detailed empirical analysis of ten European countries. Read more:
BEING GERMAN, BECOMING MUSLIM: Race, Religion, and Conversion in the New Europe
by Esra Özyürek, Princeton University Press. Every year more and more Europeans, including Germans, are embracing Islam. It is estimated that there are now up to one hundred thousand German converts—a number similar to that in France and the United Kingdom. What stands out about recent conversions is that they take place at a time when Islam is increasingly seen as contrary to European values. BEING GERMAN, BECOMING MUSLIM: Race, Religion, and Conversion in the New Europe, by Esra Özyürek, explores how Germans come to Islam within this antagonistic climate, how they manage to balance their love for Islam with their society’s fear of it, how they relate to immigrant Muslims, and how they shape debates about race, religion, and belonging in today’s Europe. Read more:
Young American Muslims: Dynamics of Identity
by Nahid Afrose Kabir.2014 (papreback), Edinburgh University Press. An examination of the identity of young Muslims in America
What is it like to be a young Muslim in America? Many young Americans cherish an American dream, ‘that all men are created equal. And the election of America’s first black President in 2008 has shown that America has moved forward. Yet since 9/11 Muslim Americans have faced renewed challenges, with their loyalty and sense of belonging being questioned. Nahid Kabir takes you on a journey into the ideas, outlooks and identity of young Muslims in Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and Virginia. Based on around 400 in-depth interviews with young Muslims, discover the similarities and differences between ethnic and racial groups such as Iranians, Arab Americans and African Americans. Find out how they rate President Obama as a national and world leader, where they stand on the Israeli-Palestine issue and how the media impacts on them. Read more: