IMER Bergen, International Migration and Ethnic Relations


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NR. 4/2019 - 20th of December 2019


  • IMER News
  • Publications
  • Upcoming Conferences




The project “States of Protractedness: Utilizing Norwegian Expertise for Solutions to Protracted Displacement Situations” led by IMER board member Sarah Tobin has received 1 million nok for 2 years. The project will take the knowledge from the Horizon 2020 Trafig project ( and bring it to Norway and reinforce it here through a series of conferences, workshops, publications and dissemination activities over the next two years. CMI is the lead, with NUPI, FAFO, and UiB Dept. of Social Anthropology (Synnøve Kristine Nepstad Bendixsen) as partners. IMER is a project beneficiary and welcome participant in the activities.


On Friday 6th of December, the first one-day conference for junior scholars working on topics of migration and ethnic relations in Norway was held in Bergen, organized by the local IMER junior scholar network. Thirty-three participants affiliated with eight different universities participated in the conference. We were very happy to have professor Mette Andersson from the University of Oslo as the keynote speaker. In her keynote speech titled as "what happens when migration research meets inequality research"?, she guided us through the development of research on immigration and ethnic relations in Norway and introduced us to a variety of debates and disciplinary disagreements. In addition to the keynote, we had several other activities including two small workshops and a panel discussion.

For more details on the conference, read more here




Bendixsen, Synnøve and Trygve Wyller (eds.) (2019). Contested Hospitalities in a Time of Migration. Routledge: London.

Hilde Danielsen and Bendixsen, Synnøve (2019). Dealing with diversity, hoping for inclusion. Parents’ involvement urban schools in Norway, in Ethnicities, 19 (6), 1158-1180,

Bendixsen, Synnøve (2019). The Care/Security Nexus of the Humanitarian Border: Assisted Return in Norway, in International Migration, accepted as part of special issue: The lived experiences of managed migration: Afghanistan to Europe (and back again), Guest Editors Nassim Majidi and Ceri Oeppen,

Bendixsen, Synnøve and Hilde Danielsen (2019). Other people’s children: inclusive parenting in a diverse neighborhood in Norway, in Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:7, 1130-1148, DOI:

Bygnes, Susanne. (2019). Not all Syrian Doctors Become Taxi Drivers: Stagnation and Continuity among Highly Educated Syrians in Norway. Journal of International Migration and Integration.


Upcoming Conferences

1. Bergen Research Summer School 8-18 June at the University of Bergen: How can your research contribute to solving global challenges? Bergen Summer Research School 2020 explores the interfaces between science, society, and global challenges. Six parallel courses will focus on key global challenges, including climate governances, sustainable cities, sustainables oceans, and media and democracy, global food systems, and migrant health. Together with cross-cutting keynotes and social events, the courses will help 100 PhD candidates develop skills to create actionable knowledge. 

Deadline for applications: February 1, 2020.

For more info, please click here

2. The 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference and the 17th ETMU conference will be organized jountly at the University of Helsinki, Finland in August 12-14 2020, under the theme of Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration. The conference aims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for discussions in which the olonial/racial past and present (coloniality) are seen as relevant for how diasporic communities, racialized minorities and indigenous peoples are encountered and acted upon in Nordic societies, as well as how these communities resist, question, resurgence, organize themselves and seek for alternative horizons beyond hierarchies.

For more info, see here 




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