IMER Bergen, International Migration and Ethnic Relations


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NR. 3/2019 - 23rd of September 2019


  • IMER News
  • Upcoming IMER Lunch Seminars
  • Other News



  • Earlier this week, IMER organized a PhD relay where PhD candidates from various disciplines and across departments were offerred the opportunity to discuss their research and receive feedback from IMER board members. For more info on this, please click here


  • The IMER junior scholar network, which is a network for junior researchers based in Bergen and working on migration issues, is organizing a one day conference for scholars from across Norway. The conference will take place in Bergen on 6th of December. If interested, you are invited to take a look at the call, and apply here. Deadline for applications is 15th of October.


  • The junior network has also recently launched its own blog and website. Click here if you wish to learn more about the network and check out its online platform. You can also join the network by sending an email to  



17th of October: The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Rebuilding Education in Areas of Armed Conflict: The Case of SyriaMireille Alfarah, PhD Candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

11th of November: Urban Landsacpes: The Multicultural Inner City in Postwar Britain, Kieran Connell, Lecturer in Contemporary British History.

Information to be provided later on the content of each seminar.


Other News 

  • New EU-funded Project on Migration: Hakan Sicakkan, a member of IMER Board, will lead the new Horizon 2020 project, PROTECT - The Right to International Protection. A Pendulum between Globalization and Nativization. The Project will start on 1st of February 2020. Sicakkan and several of the core researchers making part of IMER Bergen have for years collaborated on developing migration research at UiB. The project will study the impact of the United Nations' 'Global Refugee Compact' and 'Global Migration Compact' on the functioning of the international refugee protection system. For more information on the project, please click here 


  • Call for researcher linked to the project 'Imagining and Experiencing the Refugee Crisisand the department of Sociology at UiBDeadline for applications is 30th of September. Click here for information. Please note the call is in Norwegian. 




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