IMER Bergen, International Migration and Ethnic Relations


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NR. 1/2019 - 31th of January 2019


  • IMER News
  • Upcoming IMER Lunch Seminars
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We are pleased to announce our new partnership with UiB Bergen Global. Bergen Global is a joint project between the University of Bergen and CMI. This project serves as a platform for events on development-related issues and global challenges including migration. As part of this cooperation, Bergen Global will participate in the organizing of our monthly seminars and also provide us with a new upgraded venue. IMER's seminars are to take place at UiB Global Bergen/CMI at Jekteviksbakken 31. 


19th of February: Do Climate Refugees have Rights? Johannes Servan, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, UiB

12th of March: Migratory Horizons: Expectations of Migration in Senegal and Beyond, Knut Graw, Research at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, Belguim.

11th of April: NGOs in Refugee Camps: Accountability for Human Rights Violations, Marianne Nerland, PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, UiB.

14th of May: Institutionalizing Transnationalism: Norwegian Welfare State Bureaucrats' Encounter with Increased Cross-border Mobility, Cathrine Talleraas, PhD Candidate at CMI.

Information to be provided later on the content of each seminar.



1) New National Network on Migration and Health: (Call in Norwegian)

Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI) har fått som oppdrag fra HOD i 2019 å ”etablere og koordinere et nasjonalt nettverk av forskere på migrasjonsfeltet med mål om å få oversikt over og unngå duplisering av prosjekter”.

Migrasjonshelse som forskningsfelt har vokst de siste årene i Norge, men er preget av små prosjekter som mangler power for å kunne finne sammenhenger og som ofte tar opp de samme temaene fordi forskerne ikke vet hva som foregår andre steder i landet. Bedre oversikt over institusjonene som jobber med migrasjonshelse og prosjektene i feltet vi føre til sterkere prosjekter med større mulighet for å belyse folkehelsespørsmål relatert til migrasjon. Det vil også gi større muligheter for å kunne etablere nye tverrfaglige konstellasjoner som bedre belyser utfordringene knyttet til migrasjonshelse.

Vi forstår her helse som et bred konsept som går utover helseinstitusjoner og helsearbeidere. Vi vil med dette inviterte alle aktørene som forsker på migrasjon og helse til å melde seg inn på et slikt nettverk. For 2019 er våre mål å:

1.      Kartlegge institusjoner og forskere som jobbet på feltet.

2.      Lage en oversikt over pågående prosjekter.

3.    Vi tar sikter på et felles møte i juni 2019 for å bli kjent og diskutere hvordan vi kan utnytte nettverket.

Send gjerne en epost til Diaz Perez, Esperanza hvis du er interessert eller om du har spørsmål.

Frist: 31 Januar

2) Bergen Summer School Research 2019: PhD Course: Migration Processes and Practices: Theories, Methods, and Ethical Conduct

What is the role of migration research for informed policy? This interdisciplinary course will explore methods, dilemmas, and unintended consequences in the (mis)use of migration research in the field of policy making and public arena. Refugees and migration researchers frequently pursue a dual imperative of generating rigorious research and simultaneously influencing policy and practices that concern the lives of migrants and refugees This interdisciplinary course aims to deepen the understanding of this dual process. It asks: what risks and limitations of this dual imperative do researchers face and in which ways can researchers counteract these? What is the role of research in policy making and public debates on immigration and refugees? In what ways can abstract and theoretical work on refugees contribute to improve debates, influence public perceptions and develop better policies? What different forms of co-creation of knowledge are feasible, and how can collaborative processes be initiated, take form and develop? This course introduces PhD candidates to key concepts, cross-cutting research and analysis in the fields of anthropology, sociology, political science, and law. It offers lectures by leading migration scholars and student presentations.

Deadline for applications: 24 February, 2019

For more information, click here

3) The Patriarchal Management of what to keep and what to give of Oneself in the Making of Lebanon’s Diasporic Modernity

Time: 21st of March 2019, 13.15-15.00

Place: Department of Social Anthropology, Fosswinckelsgt. 6, 8 floor

In this paper I begin by arguing that migration and diasporic culture are not ‘the result’ or ‘an offshoot’ of Lebanon’s capitalist modernity, rather diasporic culture is the culture of Lebanese modernity. Like all modernities it involves a splitting of the subject between a driven self and a homely self; in the case of diaspora it is a self entangled with the transnational capitalist market and capitalist values and a self yearning for home and to protect what it considers most valuable about itself from this market. This can be a painful split of the self, and in some instances it can be dealt with through a splitting of the married couple rather than a splitting of the self. In this process it is men who aim to monopolise the possession of what is worthy of being kept and what can be allowed to be given away. The paper examines ethnographically how this logic is integral to the making of diasporic culture.

Ghassan Hage is the University of Melbourne’s Future Generation Professor of Anthropology and Social Theory and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He has published widely on the comparative anthropology of racism, nationalism, multiculturalism, and migration. His current research and writing is on the Lebanese diaspora and on the cognitive and political affinity between anti-racism and radical ecological thought.

This seminar is by IMER in cooperation with Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK) and Department of Social Anthropology.

4) The Design Politics of the Passport

Time: 15th of May 2019, 10.00-11.30

Place: SKOK, Parkveien 9

In this seminar, I will present my recently published book, The Design Politics of the Passport: Materiality, Immobility and Dissent. It is an interdisciplinary study of the passport and its associated social, political and material practices as a means of uncovering the workings of what I call ‘design politics’. It traces the histories, technologies, power relations and contestations around this small but powerful artefact to establish a framework for understanding how design is always enmeshed in the political, and how politics can be understood in terms of material objects. Combining design studies with critical border studies, alongside ethnographic work among undocumented migrants, border transgressors and passport forgers, this book shows how a world made and designed as open and hospitable to some is strictly enclosed, confined and demarcated for many others - and how those affected by such injustices dissent from the immobilities imposed on them through the same capacity of design and artifice.

Mahmoud Keshavarz is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Engaging Vulnerability Research Program, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University. He is the author of The Design Politics of the Passport: Materiality, Immobility and Dissent (Bloomsbury), co-founder of Decolonizing Design group and co-editor-in-chief of Design and Culture Journal.

This seminar is organized by IMER in cooperation with the WAIT-project at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK).


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